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"Operation Moogle"

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#1 MacroManJr


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 01:49 PM

Okay, guys, some of you know what this is about from talks in the Comment of this page:


For those of you who don't know yet, apparently, Square Enix said that they would really consider producing a Final Fantasy HD Collection, a collection of Final Fantasy games reformated in HD glory, if the fans' voice was strong enough for one. Here's part of the actual quote from Yoshinori Kitase, the producer of Final Fantasy:

We haven’t made up our mind about that yet, but if there was a strong voice coming through from the users asking for such porting, then obviously we would seriously consider it, but no actual plans yet.

Giving that the Wii U will be a high-definition platform, and given Square Enix's recently expressed interest in the Wii U, it seems there would be a good chance of getting, first, such a collection to be produced, and second, for such a collection to be ported to the Wii U (quite possibly even around launch time next year--who knows?)

Anyways, I'm starting a petition page called "Operation Moogle," in the spirit of Operation Rainfall (Google it if you never heard of it). I'm open to suggestions for this petition page and ideas towards promoting it. If we make enough noises, guys, we just might get heard! :D

- Brian L (a.k.a. Macro Man Jr.)

[Fifteen minutes later...]

Okay, so far, I'm going with a WordPress page. It's got an easier way to set up a petition page, and plus you can use your Gravatars for any comments you may leave (just in case you may wanna change them to a Final Fantasy avatar--just for style points).

Also, to make this effort even better, since they may hear our voice anyways, I'm thinking maybe we should feature a poll on the site as well as to voting on the top Final Fantasy games we would like to see in the collection. Since we wouldn't really know how much of a collection they would compile, we'll just list all the console games and leave the polls to show the top-voted ones. That way, if Square Enix DOES happen to catch sight of our site, they'll know what surefire wins they can include from this voice. I mean, it doesn't make sense to NOT put our favorites into the collection. This dream collection = our wallets handed to them. (We can even let them know that on the page!)

I think we'll keep the page simple, but still feature the petition page, a news updates pages, and the poll. Anyways, I'll be working on setting up a page. Please feel free to toss your suggestions out there. This is OUR revolution! (Sorry--my inner rebel's kicking in there!) B)

Edited by MacroManJr, 03 July 2011 - 01:52 PM.

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#2 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 03:44 PM

Dear Brian L. (a.k.a. Macro Man Jr.),

I just joined, but I just noticed that you said that you will make a WordPress now. Oh well. I'll bookmark the link once you give it to us! You'll do fine leading this petition! By the way, place my votes for best game as FF V. It was my most favorite one of them all (though I never played VI-XIV). The job system was Revolutionary!

Anyways, once I get your link to your WordPress, I will bookmark it.


The One Who Wrote This (a.k.a. Cyberking [for Codenames sake :-)])

#3 Feld0



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 04:02 PM

Even though I'm not into Final Fantasy myself, I'd be more than happy to support Operation Moogle however I can, Brian. I'll give this thread a shoutout on Wii U Go, and you're free to use this forum in any way that might be useful to you (for instance, you could make a petition thread where every reply counts as a signature, and you can attach the poll to it). It would also help bring more members in and spread the word not only about your campaign, but also about our community.

If it takes off, I wouldn't be adverse to the idea of giving you a dedicated section to keep Operation Moogle separate from our other discussion topics. For now, I've given this a sticky.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. :D

#4 Epic Kirby

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 04:10 PM

Great idea, feeling a bit inspired by Operation Rainfall are we? B)

I suggest a facebook page and twitter, I would definitely join both of those (haven't set up facebook yet but will).

Also try and get as many websites as possible doing articles about it. :D
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Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#5 MacroManJr


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 05:18 PM

Hey, Goomba! Glad you're here! I started this thread to have a place where we could toss around ideas for the petition site. So even when we'll have the petition site going, we'll still have this thread going for it. You know, so that we can express ideas for the site and toss ideas out there on how to raise more attention to the cause and whatnot. I should have a basic site going pretty soon, so you'll be able to Bookmark it really soon.


Hi, Yoshi! Thanks for the help! We'll take it! I knew we could do polls, but I didn't know we could really set up petition threads--that's a new one to me! I for one am definitely interested in that idea. Maybe what I'll do is make a webpage for "Operation Moogle" anyways, a simple little page where folks can visit that explains about what this is all about and perhaps feature a counter for how many people have signed, and then have the official petition be a link to this forum site.

I'm already thinking we could use that dedicated spot for replies as petitions you're offering, just to keep this thread solely a suggestion box. Maybe as soon as I can get a simple page going (shouldn't take me more than a day or two), and I notify you when the site is done, and then you can officially make the dedicated spot. That way, we can keep a count of replies from the start. How does that sound?


Great idea, feeling a bit inspired by Operation Rainfall are we? B)

I suggest a facebook page and twitter, I would definitely join both of those (haven't set up facebook yet but will).

Also try and get as many websites as possible doing articles about it. :D

NOW we're cooking with gas! Great idea, Epic Kirby! I'll hop to it ASAP! :D

Edited by MacroManJr, 03 July 2011 - 05:19 PM.

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#6 The One Who Wrote This

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 05:28 PM

Ok!! Sounds good!!


#7 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 05:31 PM

Hey, be sure to let me know when the link is out, you know, you got me hyped already xD
it's in my Signature now!

I made a Youtube channel for Operation Moogle, if anyone wants to consider
it as the official channel, please let me know.

Edited by Blade, 03 July 2011 - 05:48 PM.

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#8 Feld0



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 05:32 PM

Hey, Goomba! Glad you're here! I started this thread to have a place where we could toss around ideas for the petition site. So even when we'll have the petition site going, we'll still have this thread going for it. You know, so that we can express ideas for the site and toss ideas out there on how to raise more attention to the cause and whatnot. I should have a basic site going pretty soon, so you'll be able to Bookmark it really soon.


Hi, Yoshi! Thanks for the help! We'll take it! I knew we could do polls, but I didn't know we could really set up petition threads--that's a new one to me! I for one am definitely interested in that idea. Maybe what I'll do is make a webpage for "Operation Moogle" anyways, a simple little page where folks can visit that explains about what this is all about and perhaps feature a counter for how many people have signed, and then have the official petition be a link to this forum site.

I'm already thinking we could use that dedicated spot for replies as petitions you're offering, just to keep this thread solely a suggestion box. Maybe as soon as I can get a simple page going (shouldn't take me more than a day or two), and I notify you when the site is done, and then you can officially make the dedicated spot. That way, we can keep a count of replies from the start. How does that sound?

Our names aren't Goomba and Yoshi - they're The One Who Wrote This and Feld0. B) You were looking at the forum ranks, not the usernames.

What I was thinking was that this thread would serve as the discussion thread for the whole project, and a separate thread (with the poll on it) could be used to collect signatures for the petition. The number of replies to the latter thread would be the number of signatures.

If you want to do that, feel free to create that petition thread anytime, and I'll sticky it.

FYI, by a "dedicated section," I meant a forum category for Operation Moogle (like the ones we have for the Wii U, General Gaming, Forum Games, and so on). I'll consider creating one if this campaign takes off.

By the way, as promised, here's your shoutout on Wii U Go. :D

#9 Epic Kirby

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 05:33 PM

It could also be great if we could get a request from the signature makers on this forum for an official operation moogle sig, that way people can use it on the other forums that they use. Gain a bit more publicity that way too. :D

Just basically try and get 'Operation Moogle' in as much places as possible so more people can sign the petition, follow on twitter etc.
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Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#10 MacroManJr


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 06:53 PM

Our names aren't Goomba and Yoshi - they're The One Who Wrote This and Feld0. B) You were looking at the forum ranks, not the usernames.

What I was thinking was that this thread would serve as the discussion thread for the whole project, and a separate thread (with the poll on it) could be used to collect signatures for the petition. The number of replies to the latter thread would be the number of signatures.

If you want to do that, feel free to create that petition thread anytime, and I'll sticky it.

FYI, by a "dedicated section," I meant a forum category for Operation Moogle (like the ones we have for the Wii U, General Gaming, Forum Games, and so on). I'll consider creating one if this campaign takes off.

By the way, as promised, here's your shoutout on Wii U Go. :D

You know what? I hashed those out so quickly, I didn't even pay any notice to that! Sorry about that! Wasn't paying attention. I'm going to blame it on sleep deprivation (been up for over a whole day now). Hahaha! But I DO you guys from the other sites, though. Guess I just grabbed the first names I saw.

And yes, I want to do that idea you suggested. That was the idea I was trying to describe there, about keeping this one a discussion thread and having another thread exclusively for the petitioning replies. I'll start that thread, post my signature, and somehow include a note that that thread is for replies for the petition only. I'll also make that poll for the games.

Thank you for the shoutout! That will help! Now, I've got to whip up that thread and poll!


Hey, be sure to let me know when the link is out, you know, you got me hyped already xD
it's in my Signature now!

I made a Youtube channel for Operation Moogle, if anyone wants to consider
it as the official channel, please let me know.

Good on ya, Blade! We can so use that! Good thinking! I'll put that link in with the Operation Moogle info for sure! Now we can add YouTube video to our arsenal! Now, for a video...any ideas? I can contribute to making a little video (I've got video-editing software and image-editing software I can chip in with). Anybody else, feel free to chip in!

Edited by MacroManJr, 03 July 2011 - 06:56 PM.

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#11 Muramasa



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 06:58 PM

Nice, count me in.

#12 FroggyForce



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 07:22 PM

Well I made a signature for operation moogle if you want to start using it. You can suggest anything to change to make it better. http://i53.tinypic.com/sy7d54.jpg
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#13 MacroManJr


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:07 PM

Okay, guys, here's the list of FF games I have compiled for the poll thus far:

Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS remake)
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV (Nintendo DS remake)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII (original in HD)
Final Fantasy VII (an enhanced remake)
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIV

Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy Tactics (Original version)
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (Enhanced remake of the original)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

Final Fantasy Adventure
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

I can see now there are many games there that some Nintendo gamers have never played, and that many fans would probably want ALL of these in the compilation, and we would just vote for them all if we could. But more realistically, getting all these into a compilation is very unlikely. So it seems to me that we have to remain reasonable with our votes. I'm thinking about having each voter being able to choose up to about seven choices or so. And then that way, if Square Enix sees the poll, they'll see what were among our top choices for considerations for the compilation, and however many of those choices they choose to include in a compilation, at least they'd choose the top ones. What do you guys think?

And if I've missed any vital titles you'd like me to add to this list, please let me know. I did leave out several smaller titles released for mobile phones and focused on the meatier titles for consoles and handhelds.

Also, since I think most people are petitioning for more the main Final Fantasy series and those games related to the main series, I left out the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series so far. I'm thinking since we really have one shot to speak up for some of those titles in the compilation for Wii U that have never even been with a Nintendo console before, maybe the focus should be on those game closer to the main series rather than complete off-shoots like Crystal Chronicles. But I did try to include as many of the remakes of the main Final Fantasy series and main series-related Final Fantasy games as I could find.

But again, if there's any game I left out that you think is a good consideration for being on this list, let me know! I haven't made the poll yet, so give me feedback on this! :D
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#14 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:17 PM

You know what? I hashed those out so quickly, I didn't even pay any notice to that! Sorry about that! Wasn't paying attention. I'm going to blame it on sleep deprivation (been up for over a whole day now). Hahaha! But I DO you guys from the other sites, though. Guess I just grabbed the first names I saw.

And yes, I want to do that idea you suggested. That was the idea I was trying to describe there, about keeping this one a discussion thread and having another thread exclusively for the petitioning replies. I'll start that thread, post my signature, and somehow include a note that that thread is for replies for the petition only. I'll also make that poll for the games.

Thank you for the shoutout! That will help! Now, I've got to whip up that thread and poll!


Good on ya, Blade! We can so use that! Good thinking! I'll put that link in with the Operation Moogle info for sure! Now we can add YouTube video to our arsenal! Now, for a video...any ideas? I can contribute to making a little video (I've got video-editing software and image-editing software I can chip in with). Anybody else, feel free to chip in!

Alright, I was thinking a little introduction video explaining the situation that you can link people that are interested in the Project so they know what the goal exactly is and all. Don't worry I can upload videos but if you want to be able to manage the account I can send you a message with the username and password.
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#15 MacroManJr


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 09:03 PM

Well I made a signature for operation moogle if you want to start using it. You can suggest anything to change to make it better. http://i53.tinypic.com/sy7d54.jpg

Personally, I definitely really like the concept of this signature, showing the several key faces that most of us will want to see included in this compilation. Seeing those faces TOGETHER will definitely encourage a lot of people to want push this thing to becoming a reality. I've been looking into some of the bundles and compilations that Square Enix has compiled over the years, and one thing I've noticed is that they tended to stick with make compilations based on sequels and prequels.

But to my knowledge, I've never seen a compilation that included Tidus, Zidane Tribal, Cecil Harvey, AND Cloud Strife on the face of it. Having an image that promotes that possibility a great idea. THAT would get any Final Fantasy fan to step up (and also generate more interest in Wii U...). By having people visit this forum, this will generation support for the Wii U, and that's only good for the Wii U!

Maybe if this petition draws enough interest, Nintendo won't be so inclined to meet it with disinterest like they did with Operation Rainfall. The Last Story was more a gamble for localization (I suppose)--but a (possible) Final Fantasy HD Compilation of this magnitude is a sure console seller. By the time this compilation would come out, the Wii U should be out by then. With Nintendo wanting to regain the core gamer, I think they'll have to pay notice to this. And one good image like this one can help inspire all that!

If I may make some suggestions about improving it even more, I would like to suggest placing something in the background, as it's a little bare. At least, for a Final Fantasy signature, anyways. What if you were to try placing one of the famous Yorainbowaka Amano illustrations faintly appearing behind the text, similar to how it's done here:



That way, we keep the attention on those famous faces of Final Fantasy, and yet we keep that classic Final Fantasy atmosphere about the image overall. Other than this, this is the only suggestions I personally have to offer. (Oh, and of course, keep the Moogle!) Good job with this contribution!

Alright, I was thinking a little introduction video explaining the situation that you can link people that are interested in the Project so they know what the goal exactly is and all. Don't worry I can upload videos but if you want to be able to manage the account I can send you a message with the username and password.

You can manage it, if you'd like! It's OUR project, after all. :D Yeah, the little introduction video sounds like a plan. I think as soon as we can get a little more information to introduce, like getting a general "OKAY" with the poll's games listing, starting a Facebook page and a Twitter page, and the thread is open for petitions (which I'm working on as we speak), we'll know where we can direct people's attentions.

Edited by MacroManJr, 03 July 2011 - 09:10 PM.

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#16 FroggyForce



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 09:21 PM

operationmoogle.jpg Ok so I got the Final Fantasy 7 background picture thing. Tell me how it looks. http://i53.tinypic.com/hth27m.jpg

Edited by FroggyForce, 03 July 2011 - 10:56 PM.

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#17 GwJumpman


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Posted 03 July 2011 - 09:51 PM

Any idea how you plan on making this take off OUTSIDE this forum?


#18 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 10:36 PM

Any idea how you plan on making this take off OUTSIDE this forum?

The 3DS Forums, contacting David so he supports it too, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.
And Final Fantasy forums, too.
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#19 Feld0



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 10:36 PM

Any idea how you plan on making this take off OUTSIDE this forum?

GwJumpman, please read the thread next time before making any assumptions. They're setting up a WordPress blog and a Youtube channel for this.

P.S.: If you're producing any artwork or imagery for this campaign, you guys are all free to use the attachment system here. It's faster to attach an image to your post than to upload it to a third-party site.

#20 GwJumpman


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Posted 04 July 2011 - 04:56 AM

Oh, I read the thread. I was going to point out that since actually making the wordpress and youtube is the simple part, how is he going to actually get people to go there?


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