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Zombie u time b4 death...

How long did u last?

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#1 backudog



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 08:02 AM

For the past week or so I've been planning how I'd play zombie u ands hat I'll try to do to keep my character alive , although I'm pretty sure i wont last too long, coz ill make some stoopid mistake thatll get me killed, I wondered those of you who already have the game and have played it a fair bit, how long did you manage to play for before your character died the first time u played it?
I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#2 Spleenzorio



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 08:42 AM

I have some kinda weird statistic that made me die every 20 minutes. A horde comes in and it takes forever to kill them, and eventually they kill me from behind. I also haven't played it in a week so I didn't get that far.
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#3 Dragon



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 09:35 AM

It's ZombiU. I lasted quite a while. Then I died like 4 times in a row trying to get my character.

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#4 MyNameIsMatt


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 09:38 AM

Sorry to go a little off topic, but what happens after you die? Do you move onto the next section or go back to carry on? I was watching a video earlier and after he died he came back as a girl and had to clear the area, something what seemed random after the supermarket bit of the game. It was a near the start though.

Edited by MyNameIsMatt, 24 November 2012 - 09:40 AM.

#5 xile6



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 10:20 AM

First time was about 30mins. Then got killed when i got jumped by 3 zombies.
2nd time about 5mins. Killed the zombies that jump me last time but got killed by one i didnt see before.
3rd time about 25mins. I learn that if you scan everything you can do better, but got killed @ a load screen (spoiloer so thats all ill say).
4th time idk. Been doing pretty good, just havent played it since thanx giving.

I would say the number 1 rule is scan everything and take your time.
2 if you.die dont think that all the zombies in that area are gone because sometimes a few will come back.
3. If your using your gun have the ammo box as a short cut. You can drag to reload. And do the same for health.
4. Always watch your back and the ground.
5. cardio lol zombiland

Sorry to go a little off topic, but what happens after you die? Do you move onto the next section or go back to carry on? I was watching a video earlier and after he died he came back as a girl and had to clear the area, something what seemed random after the supermarket bit of the game. It was a near the start though.

There is check point/ safe houses. If you die you start back @ that safe house with a new person.
You then have to go find you backpack with your weapson in it. Most of the zombies will be dead but sometimes a few will come back.
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#6 MyNameIsMatt


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 10:27 AM

There is check point/ safe houses. If you die you start back @ that safe house with a new person.
You then have to go find you backpack with your weapson in it. Most of the zombies will be dead but sometimes a few will come back.

Ok, it must have been because it was near the start because he didn't have to find his gun again, some of his ammo went but he still had the gun. Alternatively I could have skipped a video in the sequence. Cheers.

#7 xile6



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:27 AM

Ok, it must have been because it was near the start because he didn't have to find his gun again, some of his ammo went but he still had the gun. Alternatively I could have skipped a video in the sequence. Cheers.

Wekk the way it plays is your guy bill (just a name).
Bill goes out unlocks all this stuff then dies.
Now Davie wakes up @ the safe house.
But its more like the movie resident evil.
Davie is someone else who was outside some where. When bill die the camera guy started to help davie and guided him to the safe house (they dont show all this but thats how it is).
Then davie wakes up with a gun n about 6 bullets.

Now hard mode is only 1 life. You die you start from the start.
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#8 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 11:56 AM

I have a feeling that I'm gonna die a lot too lol

#9 Goom


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 12:02 PM

I died a lot when the hoard was attacking the safe house and after that I've been doing good score right now is 2000+

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#10 MyNameIsMatt


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Posted 24 November 2012 - 01:07 PM

I think that I might end up to be playing on chicken mode at the start, and I'll still die a lot...

#11 backudog



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 02:46 PM

Hmm, sounds like its a pretty tough game? Excellent, should enjoy it as long as its not unfair in its ways of killing you.
I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#12 xile6



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 03:44 PM

Hmm, sounds like its a pretty tough game? Excellent, should enjoy it as long as its not unfair in its ways of killing you.

nah you only die if your get beaten. A hit will only lower your health.
they kept the game kinda real or movie like.
youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
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#13 backudog



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Posted 24 November 2012 - 10:44 PM

nah you only die if your get beaten. A hit will only lower your health.
they kept the game kinda real or movie like.

schweet! cant wait 'til 30th when hopefully the game and system arrives!
I hear voices in my head all the time, telling me what to do. But I just ignore them and carry on killing.

#14 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 11:34 AM

I had been doing well up until having to defend my safe house. That is totally kicking my ass, and I need to figure out a better strategy. The game is not cheap at all, but it will make you look bad if you are not careful.
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#15 ZombiCarolyn



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 05:03 PM

I had been doing well up until having to defend my safe house. That is totally kicking my ass, and I need to figure out a better strategy. The game is not cheap at all, but it will make you look bad if you are not careful.

Ass kicking is what this title does to you!

#16 xile6



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 09:38 PM

I had been doing well up until having to defend my safe house. That is totally kicking my ass, and I need to figure out a better strategy. The game is not cheap at all, but it will make you look bad if you are not careful.

Crazy that part was easy to me. Just kept running and hiting. Try not to get back into a wall. Also have the vol up so you can hear wherethey are coming from.

And a side note it seems like 25mins is my top time for living lol.
I die on simple stuff. Thats why i try to stay away from walls.
Almost @ buckingham tho (lol i know thats not spelled right).

Great game tho. Just cant play it all the time. Gotta be awake n focus.
While i can play ever other game half sleep lol.
youtube ch. http://www.youtube.com/user/xile2010/
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#17 WiiUWiiUWii Like a Cop Car

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Posted 25 November 2012 - 10:49 PM

Beat the game finally. It's safe to lead them to a spot they have to crawl under to get you. They are on the ground and exposed to one hit kills.

#18 Splint


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 02:25 AM

Ive only done Survivor Mode (1 life and the game ends, must start from scratch) . I am currently at score 4000'ish after dieing a lot. About 3-4 hours ish but I am in new territory currently so I suspect I will die from something unexpected soon, especially since I only have 1 life pack right now.

I was having lots of trouble in the Safe House hoard at first but once you learn your Safe house and the timing of your weapon, it should be pretty easy. Use Flares if you have to. The second hoard (which I wont say due to spoilers) is much scarier and if I wasnt creative, I would get killed there every time.

This is my GOTY for me. Amazing. I thought The Walking Dead game was good but this is just on another level of scary while the other is a story game.

#19 Varg



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Posted 26 November 2012 - 07:33 AM

Think I'm on my 3rd character and this guy has been alive for a loooong ass time thankfully. He's packed to the brim with goodies so hopefully he won't die soon because I jinxed it :(

#20 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 26 November 2012 - 08:18 AM

Crazy that part was easy to me. Just kept running and hiting. Try not to get back into a wall. Also have the vol up so you can hear wherethey are coming from.

And a side note it seems like 25mins is my top time for living lol.
I die on simple stuff. Thats why i try to stay away from walls.
Almost @ buckingham tho (lol i know thats not spelled right).

Great game tho. Just cant play it all the time. Gotta be awake n focus.
While i can play ever other game half sleep lol.

I just watched a 5 minute video of a guy taking out that mission in 5 minutes. The thing is that he was taking out Zombies with two hits of the cricket bat, and seemed to have a limitless supply of ammo. I did a search and found out that there is an ammo glitch early in the game which explains that one. I figure that he was also probably playing on chicken mode since the quickest I have ever killed a standing zombie was with three hits, and the survivor was a cop lol

Beat the game finally. It's safe to lead them to a spot they have to crawl under to get you. They are on the ground and exposed to one hit kills.

I know the spot that you are talking about, and I had one sneak up on me and kill me from behind while I was spamming that spot. It could have been a fluke though. I'm gonna try again.
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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