Slow loads not really
Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:27 PM
Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:30 PM
Posted 04 December 2012 - 02:44 PM
I don't even notice that its slow. People mother doged about it since day one for no reason at all other than to have something to cry about.
Click into System Settings. Wait 15 seconds. Now click Back. Wait 20 seconds. That's slow, and everyone is affected. Nintendo is aware of the issue and will patch it, but it's a real annoyance to have to wait for something to load when I never wait to go into screens like that on my 360.
Posted 04 December 2012 - 03:44 PM
Posted 04 December 2012 - 03:57 PM
I have been reading that people have been complaining about slow load times, i don't think they are slow at all, i remember when i had my amstrad 464 and had to wait for my tape to load the game, or when i had an atari and had to type the code in for a game to worj. Now that was slow, somin other wors people relax and dont want everything straight away good things come to those that wait. Rant over lol
Also dont type on ipad spelling is wrong
I was only young but we had an Amstrad too, I remember having to wait for the pixels to load line by line on the screen XD I spent many hours of fun playing it with my dad, and after that we got a commodore 64

Edited by Triggy1987, 04 December 2012 - 03:59 PM.
Posted 04 December 2012 - 04:04 PM
- cannonshane likes this
Posted 05 December 2012 - 11:02 AM
Oh yea remember the PS3's drought of games and the whole RROD fiasco, I know people to date who have got through seven of the buggers, they were HARDWARE FAULTS, the whole bricking of the sytems is due to people turning off the Wii U and not using common sense, loads of gadgets brick these days if you do that, the freezes are SOFTWARE PROBLEMS THAT CAN BE FIXED IN A PATCH, get your facts straight.
I don't need to get my facts straight. There was no drought of games on the PS3 and even if there was what does that have to do with technical or hardware issues. Yes the red rings of death was an issue on the Xbox but it was the only issue. Other then that the Xbox worked just fine with a speedy UI and fast downloading. The PS3 was also just fine with no serious or common issues. I'm still on my launch PS3. The Wii U has far more problems most of which it shouldn't have in the first place. You seem to be brain washed about the Wii U and seem to think that either Nintendo can do no wrong or if they do it excusable as it will be fixed eventually. That's just blind sighted. Nintendo is still doing things by halves and hasn't learnt how to compete against Sony and Microsoft. Don't get me wrong. I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES which was the first console I owned and I have owned virtually every Nintendo console since. They have some the best first party franchises. However when it comes to hardware design and performance they are still behind their competitors.
Posted 05 December 2012 - 02:37 PM
3DS Friend Code: 3394-4860-6744 / Nintendo Network ID: suzy_jose
Posted 05 December 2012 - 08:49 PM
I don't need to get my facts straight. There was no drought of games on the PS3 and even if there was what does that have to do with technical or hardware issues. Yes the red rings of death was an issue on the Xbox but it was the only issue. Other then that the Xbox worked just fine with a speedy UI and fast downloading. The PS3 was also just fine with no serious or common issues. I'm still on my launch PS3. The Wii U has far more problems most of which it shouldn't have in the first place. You seem to be brain washed about the Wii U and seem to think that either Nintendo can do no wrong or if they do it excusable as it will be fixed eventually. That's just blind sighted. Nintendo is still doing things by halves and hasn't learnt how to compete against Sony and Microsoft. Don't get me wrong. I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES which was the first console I owned and I have owned virtually every Nintendo console since. They have some the best first party franchises. However when it comes to hardware design and performance they are still behind their competitors.

Posted 06 December 2012 - 01:07 AM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 03:12 AM
Click into System Settings. Wait 15 seconds. Now click Back. Wait 20 seconds. That's slow, and everyone is affected. Nintendo is aware of the issue and will patch it, but it's a real annoyance to have to wait for something to load when I never wait to go into screens like that on my 360.
It's appallingly slow. 15 seconds just to get into system settings, then another 15 second to go back to the home screen. Anything like that is almost instantaneous on the PS3, 360 and has been since launch day, not like it had to be patched to make it faster.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 07:06 AM
15 seconds isn't that long? Read what I write:I was not comparing current technology with something 20 years ago, i was given an example of what a slow load time is, 15 seconds isnt long when you really think about it,
1 Mississippi
2 Mississippi
3 Mississippi
4 Mississippi
5 Mississippi
6 Mississippi
7 Mississippi
8 Mississippi
9 Mississippi
10 Mississippi
11 Mississippi
12 Mississippi
13 Mississippi
14 Mississippi
15 Mississippi
Now your Wii U is in System Settings. Now count to 20 Mississippi and you can be back on the home screen. Fun, isn't it? Perhaps it's so much fun they actually wanted this to be a game!
Posted 06 December 2012 - 07:22 AM
Posted 06 December 2012 - 07:30 AM
15 seconds isn't that long? Read what I write:
1 Mississippi
2 Mississippi
3 Mississippi
4 Mississippi
5 Mississippi
6 Mississippi
7 Mississippi
8 Mississippi
9 Mississippi
10 Mississippi
11 Mississippi
12 Mississippi
13 Mississippi
14 Mississippi
15 Mississippi
Now your Wii U is in System Settings. Now count to 20 Mississippi and you can be back on the home screen. Fun, isn't it? Perhaps it's so much fun they actually wanted this to be a game!
Maybe not for you. It's long for me and a lot of others.
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:01 AM
Hmm looks like my intent didn't come across correctly.
I was intending to say 15 seconds is long, hence counting to 15 mississippi takes longer than loading a menu should.
Ah OK. It looks like I misunderstood you. Thought you were saying its not long. Sorry.
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