As I announced in a previous thread, I plan to do a podcast (the series is called "Bunkei's Corner", which I've been doing for a couple of years now) tomorrow starting @ 7:15 pm PST. The point of this podcast is to be informative as possible. I am looking to dispel some of the popular myths around the Wii U and also discuss what can we expect out of Nintendo's newest console. Though it's a podcast, it will be done live, like a radio show. It will also be recorded and made available for download. As we get closer to the time it goes live, I will provide a link to ustream where you can tune in. MorbidGod has so graciously agreed to be the "hardware expert" and talk about the Wii U's architecture and what potential it holds. You can also join in via Skype (My Skype name: Benji-man01).
If you have a question you'd like to have addressed, feel free to post it here.

Should be fun!!
Edit: Show is LIVE! http://www.ustream.t...bunkei-s-corner
Edited by Bunkei, 11 December 2012 - 07:11 PM.