My name is NintendoFan, and as you can probably see from my username...I am a Nintendo fan! Ever since I was little, I have always been a fan of Nintendo; their expertise and attention to detail is nothing short of astounding, and their commitment to gameplay over everything else has been at the core of the company since their gaming beginning. Nintendo's history is colorful and riddled with business brilliance. The companies' R&D divisions are the Willy Wonka factories of the gaming industry. Many engineer geniuses work for Nintendo, and that's just the start. From the founder Fusajiro Yamauchi, with his attention to quality products, to Hiroshi Yamauchi's strict business practices, and steering the company to electronic entertainment, to Gunpei Yokoi's engineering genius and mentoring of Shigeru Miyamoto, a man who needs no introduction, it is undeniable Nintendo has and still has geniuses working for them.
Not everyone will agree on Nintendo's decisions over the years, but one thing's for sure: Nintendo encapsulates gameplay, breathes innovation, executes control, and constantly challenges itself and the gaming industry.
For me, it is understandable that third-party developers are hesitant to make their games on Nintendo's platforms - Nintendo consistently pushes the boundaries for new ways to play. They refuse to get comfortable, and not every company wants to do that to the extent Nintendo does. Also, with Nintendo's first party titles, it is hard to compete (but not impossible).
Do I want third party companies to succeed on Nintendo platforms? Sure. Do I think Nintendo's online multiplayer services could be improved? Yes.
I am a Nintendo fan, not a Nintendo fanboy, and look at things objectively.
If the two things mentioned above met people's expectations, Nintendo would be an even bigger force to be reckoned with in my opinion.
Nintendo has always been about quality over quantity, gameplay over graphics, and affordable products for all.
I could go on about Nintendo, but I feel this sums up my opinion nicely.
After finding out about this website (through a Google search), I have to say, this community seems like an amazing bunch of people! I look forward to conversing with all of you and getting to know you all better.
Take care everyone!

Sincerely, NintendoFan