Hello boys & girls!! My name is Chris and I guess you can say I am a big kid. I am 33 going on 10 I think!! LOL I have always enjoyed playing video games growing up I wasn't that BIG into the video games but played them quite a bit with my younger brothers. As I got older and started to grow up I got more into sports, school, girls, etc. Now that I am an adult I find I can get a lot of my enjoyment from video gaming. I pretty much own it all, from my Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita, Wii, PSP, and now my new Wii U 32.. It was really an impulse buy! Last weekend I was in my local Best Buy I had been looking at the Wii U for a few months now. Ended up going to PC Richards after not buying the Wii U at Best Buy. As I stood in the Video Game area one of the salesman walked by and I said "Excuse me do you have any 32gb Wii U's in stock"?? He said I don't think so let me look, a minute or two later he comes back and says I have 3 left that's it. I didn't even think about it I just said I'll take one..Ended up leaving with the Wii U 32gb, Super Mario Bros & Zombie U.. I am having a BLAST with this thing!! I don't know what is better the console itself or the fact that you can play on the tv or look down and go right to the handheld!! I LOVE IT! Anyway so that's my story, my other hobbies include Radio Control Cars, I have 2 1/5 scale Gas powered Hpi Baja's! They are BIG real BIG!! Their about 3 feet long and weigh in around 30 pounds or so. They are also a blast to play with! The cool factor is you fuel these things with pump gas and 2 stroke oil, their run times are around 45 minutes per tank of fuel! Here's a few pictures of the Hpi Baja..

Thanks for checking out my thread I am sure I'll be sticking around here awhile