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Wii U could get the new Elite: Dangerous massive space sim

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#1 Ninario



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Posted 23 December 2012 - 10:06 AM

Frontier Developments is running a kickstarter for a followup from three games form the 80's and 90's (http://www.kickstart...elite-dangerous).

The creater has said that he would like to bring the game to next generation consoles down the line and all though this kickstarter is for the PC game it's still worth reading about the game and salivate over what's to come and even contribute if your interested in the PC version - there are still some £20 game slots free which gives you the basic game (not including expansions but there is a higher pledge for that). Since there is only a one time fee for multiplayer you really get a lot for your money.

Anyway I would love to have this game on Wii U at some point - zooming in, out of the milky ways star system chart and using the touch screen to select the info I want - choosing the star I want to travel to, flipping trough game missions, bulletin boards, stock market lists, shipyard upgrade and repair choices with everything else that's also possible (all this could be done with the mouse and icons etc on screen in "Frontier: Elite 2" - the bulletin boards had the missions and job applications and people buying and selling things with different prices then the stock market section etc etc etc).

I personally still consider Frontier: Elite 2 to be one of the best games ever made. Notch (creator of Minecraft) is working on a similar game "0x10c" - he has said on twitter that Frontiers game will probably be better then his based on their track record and he is also supporting the game on kickstarter.

You choose yourself how to make money in the game and keep upgrading your ships weapons, defenses and everything else. In Elite 2 you could track space travelers with a hyperspace cloud analyser to help you assassinate those with a mission you'd chosen that for. You could have mining colonies, use a bounty hunter computer to know if some attackers had bounty and with this hardware you would also be able to collect the bounty price instantaneously. There's so much more to mention but just head over to the site and read about the new game and watch some videos and read the info about it.

This game really needs to be made and I would love to play it on the Wii U down the line. I can't think of a better game then this to support Nintendos latest hardware with the Wii U Gamepad - imagine you controlling a laser turret and aiming freely at an attacker flying by (just like in Star Wars Episode 4) and firing and destroying your target.
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#2 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 11:32 AM

I' be more than ok with this coming to the Wii U!
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#3 Desert Punk

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Posted 23 December 2012 - 01:52 PM

I loved Frontier Elite II but I don't think the Elite games have any real reputation in the USA or Japan. Also dogfighting in Frontier Elite 2 was based on real rules of gravity which was interesting but made combat less playable. It looks like this will be carried forward to the new game and I think many may be put off by that. I prefer the fake space combat which is more like planes dogfighting.

#4 Ninario



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Posted 23 December 2012 - 11:20 PM

I loved Frontier Elite II but I don't think the Elite games have any real reputation in the USA or Japan. Also dogfighting in Frontier Elite 2 was based on real rules of gravity which was interesting but made combat less playable. It looks like this will be carried forward to the new game and I think many may be put off by that. I prefer the fake space combat which is more like planes dogfighting.

It's true that the flight mechanic of the original Elite game was much better then in the two later games but David Braben has said in one of his videos on the site I linked to that he preferred the the one in the original Elite game - he's stated that he's not going to have the one from Elite 2 in the new game so there is really nothing to worry about (check out the Dev Diary Video 3 to see what the dogfighting will look like) the dogfighting looks very similar to the X-wing and TIE fighter series.

Edit: Just watched the videos again and realized that he didn't mention this about flight mechanics I described but it was instead in the info - here's the quote when he's talking about Frontier: "I loved the richness of the galaxy, but with the benefit of hindsight I think the way the ships flew detracted from the joyous immediacy of those in “Elite”." Also the dev video nr 3 shows the flight of the ships.

Edited by Ninario, 24 December 2012 - 12:55 AM.

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#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 24 December 2012 - 12:44 AM

Wow this would be awesome, I really hope it happens, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

#6 Ninario



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Posted 24 December 2012 - 01:35 AM

Wow this would be awesome, I really hope it happens, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

I've been waiting so long for the next entry for this game series - the time couldn't be any better to finally start creating and releasing the game. There's still some way left to get this kickstarter completed and funded. Unfortunally when they first released the kickstarter site they only had information on the site and no videos or concept art so it got off to a slow start but people still seem to really want this game made and there should be enough new pledges added as it starts to come to an end but if someone here really want an excellent game this should be the one to support. It's a little unfair that Star Citizen managed to raise more then $7 Million (http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/) while we still don't know if the next Elite game will get made.

By the way here's a quote from Ian Bells site (he also worked on the first Elite game with David Braben - but then quit):
"Elite" was originally written in 1984 by myself (Ian Bell) and David Braben for the BBC Microcomputer. It has since been converted to many platforms. The best conversions were for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Acorn Archimedes."

You can even download the game from his site including the NES version for emulators.
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