A few days ago I was playing Black Ops with my friend on the Xbox 360 at his home. He has a small HD tv (20/22 inch) and bought it for a small price (200 euros max.). What I noticed then, was that the colors looked very... washed out, too bright, unrealistic, and on and on. The game in fact, looked like crap (no discussion about dated engines etc. please, 'cod suxz,,') because of it. In fact, MW2 on my age old SD tv almost looked better graphically because the colors were just way more realistic and the lack of HD makes me overlook the fact that most textures are pretty plain and boring. Off course, I want an HD tv and MW3 on the same console and a way bigger HD tv over at another friend's home looks way better so I want to know what made Black Ops look so ugly. Is it just that the game itself doesn't look nearly as good as I remembered, or is it a problem with the TV?
I do not own a single HD device in my entire house so I have not much knowledge of and experience with HD visuals. I want to buy an HD tv for my Xbox 360 and upcoming Wii U so I want to know how to buy a good tv for gaming (yes, purely gaming).
Edit: To BO players, I only played 3 maps I think. Havana, WMD and Nuketown, and I know the last is supposed to be colorful and yes it looked a lot better than the others IMO. Havana just looked bad.
Edited by Keviin, 27 December 2012 - 05:42 AM.
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