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Possibilities of Runescape on Wii U!?

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#1 Renegadeandy



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Posted 28 December 2012 - 02:52 PM

Hey hey!

I am an avid runescape player, and know there were some hacky attempts at getting runescape to run on a Wii, which some people got to work.

I dont think anybody has been able to run runescape on a wii u yet - but it would be perfect considering the wii u gamepad and its touch screen! Just wondering if anybody knows of anyone in the community that is trying to get this to work or have started a project to push for it?



#2 Arkhandar


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 01:14 PM

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If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

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#3 Wolfy



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 10:37 PM

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Why? Because you don't like the game? Maybe you used to and now you don't because you don't like it as much as you used to when you were a kid?

The game is great, it's extremely polished and amazing for a free to play game, the amount of work Jagex puts into this game is amazing and the feedback they receive is pathetic. I first started the game in 03 and played on and off for a very long time, I still go back every now and then to see how it's going, it's doing pretty good, although I don't quite understand the evolution of combat yet.

#4 count_zero



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 10:44 PM

The platform (java) on which Runescape is built does not port over easily to WiiU. As cool as it would be to have RS on WiiU, it wouldn't be feasible to port the code over

#5 Wolfy



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Posted 29 December 2012 - 11:34 PM

The platform (java) on which Runescape is built does not port over easily to WiiU. As cool as it would be to have RS on WiiU, it wouldn't be feasible to port the code over

Yeah, I don't see it happening, but it would be cool.

#6 Lebon14



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Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:01 AM

Another thing : Java has the most security problems in the existence of computers software and development platforms. That's why it should stay on PC. The only way I could see the game coming to WiiU is if the developpers would completely rewrite teh game in HTML5/CSS/javascript and I doubt it. (javascript =/= java)
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