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Wii U - A massive disappointment?

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#41 albatross


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 02:01 AM

Wait a second. You only let your kids play video games an hour a day!? You sound like an awful parent! What's next making them go to church!?

Lol! he need limits. He would play it all day if he got the chance!

Albatross, i wish you would stop comparing tablets to the 3DS or other handheld consoles. Playing Angry Birds or Doodle Jump isnt really the same as playing Mario 3D land or Kid Icarus is it?

Yes, but the games are getting more advanced all the time. Angry Birds and Doodle jump are hardly the zenith of sophistication for iOS is it?

Would it not be fairer to compare GTA, Chaos Rings II, Infinity Blade II?

Granted Mario 3D land, and Kid Icarus are better games than all the above in my opinion but technically more sophisticated? probably not.

#42 Hunter



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Posted 31 December 2012 - 02:09 AM

Yes, but the games are getting more advanced all the time. Angry Birds and Doodle jump are hardly the zenith of sophistication for iOS is it?

Would it not be fairer to compare GTA, Chaos Rings II, Infinity Blade II?

Granted Mario 3D land, and Kid Icarus are better games than all the above in my opinion but technically more sophisticated? probably not.

What is a "sophisticated" game? I dont really understand what makes a game like GTA more "sophisticated" than Mario, if thats what you are saying.

Edited by Hunter, 31 December 2012 - 03:45 AM.

#43 16-bitLink


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 02:34 AM

The 3DS is also vulnerable, how can the 3DS with a tiny screen and games at $40 compete against the likes of the Nexus 7 which has a far bigger screen, more graphically advanced games which are a tenth of the price and are downloadable.

Nintendo can still make the Wii U a success but it needs a constant stream of AAA titles. But yes, I feel that $300 traditional consoles have very little time left, the future for gaming is tablets and cloud boxes.

the future of tablet gaming is for casual gamers, and that's a LONG way ahead. Most hardcore gamers laugh at tablet games and things on the iPhone. At best they're something to play for 4min on the toilet. How is Nintendo in financial trouble, do you realize that the Wii outsold every console this gen? Not to mention all the money they saved from having to produce highend hardware. You're talking about the casual market, people that play angry birds or COD for 1hr a week you think this is taking over? Think again console gaming and PC gaming will always reign supreme, sure tablets and phones have come a long way but if you think most gamers are going to stop playing their beloved console/PC you're sorely mistaken. I wouldn't be caught dead spending more than 5$ for a game on some crappy tablet when I can get the best experience on my console or pc.

#44 Plutonas



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Posted 31 December 2012 - 03:20 AM

Albatross, you cant a introduce mobiles and pads as console killers, you may express your opinion, but not a direct conflict. Simply because the dedicated consoles, desktop or handheld, are designed for one and only purpose. To play video games.

The mobiles, pads, smartphones are most of all phones who do a bit of this and a bit of that... with the lowest quality possible.

Due to the fact that people forget that this are phones and not video consoles. The battery dies fast, they get overheat and you miss the most important thing of what they are made of... phonecalls.

A dedicated consoles are designed to last longer, to be cooler, with ergonomic pads and screens ideal for its companies video games. They are designed with dedicated chipsets and gpus for higher as possible graphical and sound quality.

You cant compare apples with pinuts.

The reason that I am a bit negative with you is; I am a photographer, and the last thing I need to listen from people like you, that pads and phones, take better pictures than my DSLRs or SLRs.. I will jump from your screen and bite your nose.. hehehehehe :P

Edited by Orion, 31 December 2012 - 03:45 AM.

#45 Gamejunkie



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Posted 31 December 2012 - 03:34 AM

Im not trying to be rude but what you said was complete crap. First of all the Wii U interface is much less confusing than the dreaded 360 dashboard. NSMBU is the most innovative NSMB game yet. Nintendo Land is much better than Wii Sports the only problem is not enough single player attraction. Zombi U is a classic and the only reason you probably hate it is because it isnt like COD zombies. Skylanders is one of the worst games that is actually selling. As for the competitors Sony is probably going to be the only good one. If you dont like the Wii U why did you come here?

Didnt I tell you to vacate the site if you are always going to be negative. You must be too beligerent to listen to simple logic.

I suggest you chill out and give it a rest. Firstly my comments were not directed towards you. Secondly you don't own this site nor are you moderator. You don't have the right to tell me to do anything. If you have a problem with me then I suggest you report it to a moderator rather then being rude and insulting.

Lol! he need limits. He would play it all day if he got the chance!

Yes, but the games are getting more advanced all the time. Angry Birds and Doodle jump are hardly the zenith of sophistication for iOS is it?

Would it not be fairer to compare GTA, Chaos Rings II, Infinity Blade II?

Granted Mario 3D land, and Kid Icarus are better games than all the above in my opinion but technically more sophisticated? probably not.

To be honest your comments are going beyond trolling now.

#46 albatross


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Posted 31 December 2012 - 05:15 AM

the future of tablet gaming is for casual gamers, and that's a LONG way ahead. Most hardcore gamers laugh at tablet games and things on the iPhone. At best they're something to play for 4min on the toilet. How is Nintendo in financial trouble, do you realize that the Wii outsold every console this gen? Not to mention all the money they saved from having to produce highend hardware. You're talking about the casual market, people that play angry birds or COD for 1hr a week you think this is taking over? Think again console gaming and PC gaming will always reign supreme, sure tablets and phones have come a long way but if you think most gamers are going to stop playing their beloved console/PC you're sorely mistaken. I wouldn't be caught dead spending more than 5$ for a game on some crappy tablet when I can get the best experience on my console or pc.

No-one said Nintendo were in financial trouble - I know their balance sheet is very healthy but the entertainment world will change very fast in the next couple of years and they will have to adjust quickly.

Albatross, you cant a introduce mobiles and pads as console killers, you may express your opinion, but not a direct conflict. Simply because the dedicated consoles, desktop or handheld, are designed for one and only purpose. To play video games.

The mobiles, pads, smartphones are most of all phones who do a bit of this and a bit of that... with the lowest quality possible.

I did not say tablets are console killers, 3ds and Vita killers maybe, but they will take away a lot of the market due to fragmentation. The hardcore PC and fps gamers will probably move to steam boxes and cloud boxes.

In two years time tablets will be as powerful as the Wii U anyway, and due to convergence you could move the game from the tablet to your TV screen or use a combination of the two.

#47 Plutonas



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Posted 31 December 2012 - 10:42 AM

You wrong.. And I assume your an american? Because in EU, its rare to find a steam or a cloud supporter, especially cloud. In 10-20 years maybe.. But till then, I speak for my self, I would never buy steam games.. Only if its free giveaway hahahaha...

What can I say, I dont fancy bubbles.. You see, internet its not free in the rest of the world, we pay huge bills in monthly bases, and founding bubbles like steam, or especially cloud systems, that you dont even get the product installation. Is not an option.

If they pay us the bills, also give us the games for free... yes, sure... why not. But spending a single p or dollar to bubbles? I preffer to change my life style, to something more, retro... Something like this.

As for the handhelds, vs pads and phones, your away to wrong.

Edited by Orion, 31 December 2012 - 10:53 AM.

#48 Gamejunkie



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Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:48 AM

No-one said Nintendo were in financial trouble - I know their balance sheet is very healthy but the entertainment world will change very fast in the next couple of years and they will have to adjust quickly.
I did not say tablets are console killers, 3ds and Vita killers maybe, but they will take away a lot of the market due to fragmentation. The hardcore PC and fps gamers will probably move to steam boxes and cloud boxes.
In two years time tablets will be as powerful as the Wii U anyway, and due to convergence you could move the game from the tablet to your TV screen or use a combination of the two.

Absolute rubbish.

#49 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:55 AM

Look on Miiverse. Look at how many people are pleased with their Wii U console. I personally think that NSMBU is the best NSMB game, with the one on 3DS following far behind, and i am sure many others think that too. Nintendo Land is good, and you haven't played the best minigames- Takamarus ninja castle, Mario chase, Metroid blast ect. I haven't played ZombiU so i can't really deliver a valid point for that, but the reviews are mixed, so let that speak.

Just wait for more games on the Wii U. Is it the graphics you don't like? Nintendo haven't really bothered about graphics except on the gamecube- That didn't really sell well, so since then, nintendo hasn't cared that much for graphics.
It's not them that deliver a good game, it's how fun a game is.

the only reason the gamecube didnt sell is because it couldnt play dvds

#50 Malazan777



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Posted 01 January 2013 - 03:24 PM

I'm loving my wii u (well my sons wii u, lol) and the launch games are great. We have mario, nintendoland, mickey, sonic racing, rabbids, skylander giants, zombie u and just dance 4 (wifes) and my son loves every title.
I was under the impression nintendoland was really just a collection of mini games that helped the user with all the different functionsof the new gamepad?
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#51 Hunter



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 04:50 AM

I was under the impression nintendoland was really just a collection of mini games that helped the user with all the different functionsof the new gamepad?

Yeah it is really, similar to the way Wii Sports was for Wii.

#52 markusjayjay


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:29 AM

Bold to post something like this on a WiiU fansite.
Fun reading though :D
I can understand youre frustration, but as a nintendo fanboy, like everyone here, we trow money et nintendo and hope the zeldagame is worth the purches of the console.

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#53 Portal



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:46 AM

I've been playing mine since Christmas day, and I love it. I never thought I'd play more Nintendo Land than New Super Mario Bros. U.

Some people always have a cellphone on them. I'm so awesome I always have a 3DS.
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#54 chamot07



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 06:11 AM

Wii Sports was the most inclusive video game I have ever played and was perfect for a pack in game. That is what sold the Wii, Uncles, Aunts and Grannies could play and the whole family could play Bowling and Golf together.

Good point, however most games are set for target audience so you wouldn't really expect Gen Y to be its target and I must say Wii Sports is mediocore in a sense of lasting appeal, overall gameplay despite it's immense originality which spurred other spin-offs, but everyone has their opinion and Nintendoland is a much better game as a bundle pack because of the amount of mini-games available to play - also knowing that Wii U is still at it's sprouting stage.

I didn't find Zombi U to be that great as the hype encouraged it to be, definitely overrated and find it strange Nintendo would allow this to be in its first wave of launch titles.

New Super Mario Bros U is a great game and has many traits just like it's predecessors; gameplay, lasting appeal, game quality, sound... I'm not sure on how to fault this game and since you have stated that it seems unpolished, unfinished and unimaginative can you clarify this further?

My biggest downfall with the Wii U, apart from the menu lags, is that I was so hoping they would bring in a gamer logging system that would include achievements or trophies...

the only reason the gamecube didnt sell is because it couldnt play dvds

I loved the GameCube, just to add onto that... it didn't sell much because of the lack OF variety/great games despite having many Nintendo-only games which weren't shared across multiple platforms inc. Xbox and Playstation 2, multiplayer wasn't that great, graphics were always blurry on games... so many faults but I still enjoyed my GameCube.

#55 FineLerv



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:55 AM

I was skeptical pre-launch but now I'm sold. Prior to getting a Wii U, I was basically spending all my time on my PS3, occasionally popping onto the Wii's Virtual Console for a reprieve from the pretentiousness of modern gaming. My X-Box hasn't been turned on in a year.

Funnily enough, I've only been playing Nintendo Land. *gasp*

I honestly thought I would get 10 minutes out if it, as was my experience with Wii Sports, but I find layers of depth beneath it's simplistic surface. Old-school throwbacks to games like Point Blank (in the Ninja Castle) aside, it didn't take long before I started to see more: from the split screen integration (in F-Zero or the Game and Watch game); to the touch screen control (Pikmin); and I could talk all day about the merits if the Donkey Kong tilt game!

Basically, I understand the Wii U now and I look forward to what the future holds. Yes, I am putting all my bets on the potential but if a mini-game collection can offer so much I can only imagine what a more fleshed-out experience might offer.

As all the competing consoles start to reach their limits in terms of power, and when software performs as smoothly and looks indistinguishable on all the platforms, what it will come down to is controls. It's becoming a war of which platform has the most intuitive controls. The way I see it, Wii U has it all. And there was not a game that I played on iPhone that I wasn't thinking how much I wished I was playing it on another system. Dedicated touch-pad is as archaic as the dedicated control-pad. Nintendo has changed the game.

#56 Wolf


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:05 AM

The console isn't disappointing at all. The lack of games is. But, I can handle it because I know that later this year there will be a plethora of Nintendo only games that'll make it worth wile.

#57 dvl666


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:09 AM

The console isn't disappointing at all. The lack of games is. But, I can handle it because I know that later this year there will be a plethora of Nintendo only games that'll make it worth wile.

You've hit the nail on the head there, its the same with early adopting any new console, if you're not prepared for a bit of a wait while it gets into its stride then you should hold off buying it.

I love mine personally, i still play my Xbox as i do love it as a console but the ability to play the Wii U on the gamepad screen alone makes it worthwhile for me.

#58 tbond22


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:55 AM

I got a Wii U for Christmas and I am loving it so far. I know there will be plenty of good games coming out. I love the HD graphics and am having a blast with NSMBWU.

#59 Wolf


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 12:19 PM

You've hit the nail on the head there, its the same with early adopting any new console, if you're not prepared for a bit of a wait while it gets into its stride then you should hold off buying it.
I love mine personally, i still play my Xbox as i do love it as a console but the ability to play the Wii U on the gamepad screen alone makes it worthwhile for me.

Yeah, I still play my Xbox and PS3 but really enjoy being able to play Mario Bros U on the gamepad when the kids are hogging the others. Just think how cool Zelda, Monster Hunter and the next Mario Galaxy type ga,e will be on this console. Awesome.

#60 Gamejunkie



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Posted 02 January 2013 - 01:05 PM

Bold to post something like this on a WiiU fansite.
Fun reading though :D
I can understand youre frustration, but as a nintendo fanboy, like everyone here, we trow money et nintendo and hope the zeldagame is worth the purches of the console.

Don't automatically assume that everyone here is a Nintendo fan boy as that is not the case. I'm certainly not. Don't get me wrong. I love Nintendo consoles and games and have been playing with their consoles and games since the NES. That said I love playing games as long as they are fun, entertaining and of quality regardless of what system they are for or which developer/publishers made them.

I've owned a variety of comsoles over the years and continue to do so, so I have the best choice of games and can play games regardless of what console they are released for. I give Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft credit when they deserve it and criticise them when they deserve it. None of them are perfect and none of them provide a 100% perfect game playing experience or even the best game playing experience as they all have their pros and cons. The Wii U has its faults just as the Xbox and PS3 do but they all provide a game playing experience which the others can't.

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