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Untill the NNID is not tied to my account I wont buy digital

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#1 Lupaie



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Posted 06 January 2013 - 11:09 AM

Is it just me? If I understand correctly digital content is tied to a console. So when my WiiU dies I loose all content? I'm fine with connecting a console to an account bit one must be able to reconnect to a new one. If I did not misread Nintendo is 'working' on this. Well, I'm not even 'thinking' about buying fullpriced software if I can't reclaim it. Is that just me? Or did I miss anything?

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#2 DanJiblets


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 11:21 AM

You missed nothing, I'm right with you. I'll buy a couple cheap indie games, but that's about it.

#3 jono



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Posted 06 January 2013 - 11:22 AM

Personally, I'm going to buy racing and party games digitally, because it's so convenient, but big-name titles I'm going to download for the same reasons you listed. Plus, they take up a lot more space. Indie games I have no choice but to download, of course.

#4 Nollog


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 12:59 PM

I'm avoiding the eshop because of Germany.
But if I wasn't, I'd also do this.

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#5 UnholyVision



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Posted 06 January 2013 - 01:23 PM

If I did not misread Nintendo is 'working' on this. Well, I'm not even 'thinking' about buying fullpriced software if I can't reclaim it. Is that just me? Or did I miss anything?

As far as this stance goes I have been against Nintendo online shops since the first one ever made. I have never bought a single piece of content off a Nintendo store and refuse to with the way they practice business in the DD market. Every Nintendo store has been the same with the methods of needing a transfer to continue using your content. Which is crazy, especially on the handhelds.

Now Nintendo working on an account to activate on another console. (I could be wrong. Though Nintendo has never proven me wrong yet on any device up. Always the same content locked to console crap). I figure the only thing Nintendo is working on is allowing the NNID to have activations on your PC and/or moblie devices. The content will likely still be locked to the console and yet the ID can be activated on other devices freely with the possible one console only thing still in effect. How I see this working is the account will ultimately be tied to a console, but said other devices will access the account so they can obtain more means of commercial purposes to obtain money through the eShop. Being as there is talk of purchasing content from your PC or phone to come home and it is downloaded on your Wii U. (Oh and I would love to be proven wrong. Though how Nintendo does their means of DRM on the store I am sure it will continue to be locked to one console).

#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 08:22 PM

I agree, screw eShop til something is done, hey just think if people can get your games if you sell your Wii U, when they try to download demo's you've already played until all the uses have run out they can't play those demos, how sheite is that.

#7 johnodd4


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 10:51 PM

Actually this is where you are wrong the reason for the shop account is so you can redownload your purchases even on a new console the games are tied to your nintendo id not to the console its when you register the new console it disables the content on the other for piracy concerns

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