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Treyarch patch announced...sort of.

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#1 RolledUp20s


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 01:37 AM

GoNintendo 27/01/2013 @ 00:08

We are wrapping up work on our next patch and hope to be submitting to Nintendo in the next day or two.
To those questioning our ability to get these out quicker, please understand that there is a process to this. Fixes have to be implemented by various people in the studio (all teams, not just the Wii U team), brought over to the Wii U, then tested thoroughly before the update can go to Nintendo. At that point, Nintendo spends time testing it on their end before releasing the patch to you.
Once Nintendo supplies us with a date that we can expect the patch to go live, I will publish another update. Sometimes they give us a few days warning, sometimes they give us a few hours warning. I will do the best I can to get you the information you are asking for in a timely manner

I'm guessing the DLC will follow a month or two later..which by then I'll hopefully be into aliens to worry about buying 6months old dlc :) ..oh dear oh dear

#2 PedanticGamer


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 01:45 AM

Get real, dlc will come out on xbox then a month later on ps3, then a month later on pc.... and then probably never on wiiU. For the biggest franchise in history they sure are cheap.

#3 scotty79



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 02:06 AM

Wow I dont know how to take this,I envisioned the wii u as a replacement for the other consoles in the house.Obviously I need to have a rethink.Really sickening to be honest that the newest console treated like this, something seriously wrong just lately with the wii u as far as devs concerned.Feels as though the 3rd party already not liking Nintendo for some reason (probably because they wont pander to them like sony and ms?).Anyway the next two to three months will decide what role the wii u plays in my house.Not impressed considering the money I paid to be honest thought Nintendo was going to bring the 3rd party back proper not with half assed support and a cant be bothered attitude when it comes to the 3rd party.No wonder EA backed off early.Only really NFS they seem to be pushing no bf4 announcement or crysis 3
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#4 WaddleDee



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:30 AM

This scares me.. I don't want the Wii U to turn into a console that's used only to play exclusives, like the Wii.

#5 Expansion Pak

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Posted 27 January 2013 - 07:24 AM

Treyarch, can you at least PRETEND to support Wii U?

I shower you with coconut cream pies.

#6 Nollog


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 07:26 AM

If they had the dlc out in jan or feb, it's sell well too, because people aren't buying nintendo games until march.

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#7 tboss



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Posted 27 January 2013 - 10:32 AM

Wow I dont know how to take this,I envisioned the wii u as a replacement for the other consoles in the house.Obviously I need to have a rethink.Really sickening to be honest that the newest console treated like this, something seriously wrong just lately with the wii u as far as devs concerned.Feels as though the 3rd party already not liking Nintendo for some reason (probably because they wont pander to them like sony and ms?).Anyway the next two to three months will decide what role the wii u plays in my house.Not impressed considering the money I paid to be honest thought Nintendo was going to bring the 3rd party back proper not with half assed support and a cant be bothered attitude when it comes to the 3rd party.No wonder EA backed off early.Only really NFS they seem to be pushing no bf4 announcement or crysis 3

replacing other consuls with next gen will take about 3ish years. game will still come out for 360/PS3 ruffly 1-2 years after the 720/PS4 are released

also EA backed off early because nintendo didnt use their internet survice for nitnendo network. but they probly also assumed nintendo truley played like the sowhat minor company that many fanboys made of the company =/.

If they had the dlc out in jan or feb, it's sell well too, because people aren't buying nintendo games until march.

the issue i saw is the playerbase is small enough that DLC will push everyone into TDM, again. i want to wait till i see 4-5k people online regurly before getting DLC so i can still player other gamemodes.

Edited by tboss, 27 January 2013 - 10:31 AM.

#8 Expansion Pak

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Posted 27 January 2013 - 03:22 PM

I wonder what they're patching...

I wonder what they're patching...

I shower you with coconut cream pies.

#9 RolledUp20s


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 12:10 AM

I wonder what they're patching...

I wonder what they're patching...

shotgun range hopefully. Sick of getting sniped by a shotgun!

#10 PedanticGamer


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Posted 28 January 2013 - 01:17 AM

Wow I dont know how to take this,I envisioned the wii u as a replacement for the other consoles in the house.Obviously I need to have a rethink.Really sickening to be honest that the newest console treated like this, something seriously wrong just lately with the wii u as far as devs concerned.Feels as though the 3rd party already not liking Nintendo for some reason (probably because they wont pander to them like sony and ms?).Anyway the next two to three months will decide what role the wii u plays in my house.Not impressed considering the money I paid to be honest thought Nintendo was going to bring the 3rd party back proper not with half assed support and a cant be bothered attitude when it comes to the 3rd party.No wonder EA backed off early.Only really NFS they seem to be pushing no bf4 announcement or crysis 3

Crysis 3 is not coming to the wiiU or at least there are no plans for that and Crytek over a year ago made it fairly clear they have no interest in bringing it to the wiiU.

#11 scotty79



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Posted 28 January 2013 - 03:01 AM

Just making an overall reference to EAs big AAA titles not being confirmed and/or appearing on the wiiu, given the current situation there is no way they will bring battlefield 4 to wiiu and unfortunately for me that is the title that makes it a deal breaker :(

Aware that crysis never was announced but that now seems to be the trend from EA (with the exception of nfs)

Edited by scotty79, 28 January 2013 - 03:03 AM.

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#12 Expansion Pak

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 01:46 PM

shotgun range hopefully. Sick of getting sniped by a shotgun!

And damage. Getting one shot killed where it should take 2-3 shots is irratating. In other words, make the damage output almost like the executioner (my second favorite pistol)

I shower you with coconut cream pies.

#13 scotty79



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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:32 AM

In the activision community forums a member asked for a yes or no answer as to whether the dlc is coming to wiiu,the activision treyarch member a-trey-u posted this
  • [background=transpar
    A_Trey_U Jan 28, 2013 5:51 PM (in response to infinitlag)

    As you all should know by this point, there is no answer available to this question right now. Trust me, I wish there was so people would stop clogging up the forums with speculation and questions that we are in no position to answer at this time.

    Companies make decisions on when and what to announce based on a number of factors that are not public information. I'm sorry that I don't have anything to share with you

Edited by scotty79, 29 January 2013 - 02:36 AM.

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#14 RolledUp20s


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Posted 29 January 2013 - 04:08 AM

In the activision community forums a member asked for a yes or no answer as to whether the dlc is coming to wiiu,the activision treyarch member a-trey-u posted this

  • [background=transpar
    A_Trey_U Jan 28, 2013 5:51 PM (in response to infinitlag)

    As you all should know by this point, there is no answer available to this question right now. Trust me, I wish there was so people would stop clogging up the forums with speculation and questions that we are in no position to answer at this time.

    Companies make decisions on when and what to announce based on a number of factors that are not public information. I'm sorry that I don't have anything to share with you

that sounds like a long winded 'NO, we can't say NO though incase it stops potential wiiU owners from buying the game now' - 'so be good little sheeple and feed our pockets with your hard earned money while we carry on giving the rest of you cryptic answers to keep you hanging on'

FcUk You! really hope Aliens is awesome...then again, we still have no date for wiiU on that either, really don't want to have to get that for ps3 though...i can see a pattern here with WiiU...delays, no date, moved back...Hmm. reckon they pushed out the wiiU in a rush for some reason? ..i actually love the damn console thats the shame about all this.

Edited by RolledUp20s, 29 January 2013 - 04:09 AM.

#15 tboss



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Posted 29 January 2013 - 04:20 AM

And damage. Getting one shot killed where it should take 2-3 shots is irratating. In other words, make the damage output almost like the executioner (my second favorite pistol)

the issue is range adn pumpspeed. not damadge. both remington and KSG both need this. KSG should not have lnogberral, remington needs no longberrel but default range halfway inbetween(new longberrel range) both need slow pumpspeed issues, gives the u miss, you die issue, that no shotgun has currently.

the S12 and burst shotguns seems fine damadge wise

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