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#1 Power_Peach



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Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:29 PM

Hi everyone :)

Well the time has come to introduce myself....  (this time without writing a novel as I always do :P)

My name is Jason and although I was unfortunate to not buy the wii U when it was released (despite my pre-order) I am within the next few weeks tweaking my budget around so that I can trade in my "PS3" for this system.  I know that PS3 has its perks but when it comes down to it,  Nintendo is where I was raised on aside from Genesis and it would be a betrayl to continue down the path in which Sony has brought me.  I have spent thousands on add ons and content and have nothing to show for it yet I look at our Wii in the bedroom and I think about the time I ran 10.6 Miles on "Walk it out" or the funny times I had playing "You dont know Jack" and the countless hours of getting through "Chocobo's Dungeon" and who could forget the lovely time with "Final Fantasy Tides of Time".  I missed out on alot while playing my PS3 and even Skyrim isnt worth keeping PS3 around because like a user said on here..  Sony could be going down hill...  While I still have the system I hope to meet friends on here who can give some objective on what I should do.  I hope to make new friends and enjoy the company of old friends (once I am settled) it all comes down to making a name for myself here and engaging in new experiences.

While my introduction may be unique in its presentation, I am happy to be here as I feel that Nintendo is home for me.  If anything thanks to Nintendo I was able to lose close to 30lbs and it certainly brings my partner and I together.  Its nice to say that I turned 29 a week ago or so and realize that nintendo has one of the best communities out there to date, and being here I hope to spread this joy around.  If you ever need a friend I am certainly here.  Anyways, I am glad to be here and hope to meet new people and share good times.  As time progresses I will release my Wii U network name and attached is a photo of Eric and I in Maui, HI  where we spent 12 days from Dec. 20th - Jan 1st of last year.  I am on the right (with the glasses) and I do this because I like showing people that behind that console really beats the heart of a caring community member :)

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#2 Occult Satanist

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:32 PM

WELCOME to the forums enjoy your stay


#3 Power_Peach



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 01:44 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome

I hope my introduction wasnt too long..  I like to give an overall about myself but apparently i guess it is a bit much for the community and for that I apologize, sometimes its hard to gauge people's reactions to things especially online, but anyways I hope more people respond because I would hate to feel alone in such a wonderful community.  Anyways i hope to get the wii U soon and make new friends :)

#4 Chaos


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 02:05 PM

NICE INTRODUCTION! Have fun! I hope you enjoy yourself here as much as most of us do! If you try chat out, I want to warn you that it gets really weird sometimes. WHICH IS WHY I'M ALWAYS THERE! (not always) As you can see, I am now getting carried away. The more I talk about how carried away I'm getting, the further from my main topic I get. Oh look, I just said something else about it. It happened again... well hope to see you around sometime! XD

#5 WaddleDee



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 02:48 PM

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

And trading your PS3 for a Wii U is definitely the way to go.

#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:38 PM

Hello and welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay :D I pretty much sold my X360 for the same reasons too :D

#7 Power_Peach



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Posted 31 January 2013 - 07:45 PM

Well it only costed me 17.11 but I ended up buying the 8GB system .. Im still sitting through the system update after 30 minutes but I am happy to have the baby home and able to play the wii games at least.  I will not be getting any "U" games until my credit card payment clears.  However, at least now i can establish a U name and get used to mii verse and such before buying the games .. My trade-ins came to 278 but the irony... my Anime games sold the highest out of my whole collection! XD Anime FTW!

#8 Cozmo


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Posted 31 January 2013 - 10:46 PM

Well it only costed me 17.11 but I ended up buying the 8GB system .. Im still sitting through the system update after 30 minutes but I am happy to have the baby home and able to play the wii games at least. I will not be getting any "U" games until my credit card payment clears. However, at least now i can establish a U name and get used to mii verse and such before buying the games .. My trade-ins came to 278 but the irony... my Anime games sold the highest out of my whole collection! XD Anime FTW!

thats right, anime ftw lol

#9 Jacob


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 04:39 AM

Welcome to my life.



#10 Mewbot


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 05:14 AM

Welcome! Have fun with your new wii u! It's a great console! (so far)


                                 Wii U ID : R00bot

#11 Gruff



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 07:09 PM

Hryo! I love your username! Peach is the best princess out there! I played all the systems a while back, but now I'm really just into Nintendo. Nintendo offers the best experiences out all the gaming companies. There is hardly ever a Nintendo game that I don't like.

So what kind of games are you into?

Edited by Bananas, 01 February 2013 - 07:09 PM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#12 Slim Shady

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 07:30 PM


So I get off stage right and drop the mic

Walk up to these hot chicks and im all like

"Sup ladies, my names Slim Shady.

I'm the lead singer in D12 baby"

#13 Power_Peach



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 11:33 PM

Hryo! I love your username! Peach is the best princess out there! I played all the systems a while back, but now I'm really just into Nintendo. Nintendo offers the best experiences out all the gaming companies. There is hardly ever a Nintendo game that I don't like.

So what kind of games are you into?

I am into various games.. I am still considering which one to get on tuesday when my credit card clears.... I am torn right now between Nintendo Land, Mario, or Skylanders because I wanted a game that i can communicate with the community but also be able to perhaps be more interactive. I am still new with the community and tried to ask around and got various responses but given that I am waiting on my student loan deferrment to process and be clear for 2013 and end next year, I am trying to be choosy in which games has the lasting value... Its hard given the economy but I hope to make lasting purchases so that when I do find a game i really like for the U i can afford it.

#14 routerbad



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 11:50 PM

Welcome to the forums! I also got rid of my PS3 and my 360 to get the WiiU. I hope it works out for you. You won't regret it.

#15 Jacob


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 06:54 AM

Cool avatar. It really suits you :blush:



#16 pvwii



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Posted 03 February 2013 - 07:42 AM


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