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Possible leaked Smash 4 Roster Found

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#21 Tony Bradshaw

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 09:21 PM

Do not know what to take from that lol

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#22 MABass



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Posted 20 July 2011 - 10:20 PM

why would it be removed if its just a fan list?

#23 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 10:29 PM

Hmm... you bring in a valid point. Probably more than my posts earlier.

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#24 Trash Waifu

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 10:37 PM

I think its too early to say that this is the roster. The game hasn't started development yet. This would be a good roster though.

#25 MaxumSoft



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Posted 21 July 2011 - 10:24 AM

I hear ya, wavelength. Even though, Zoroark could have served as Lucario's replacement though.

Sorry for the double-post.

I found a way to contact ForeverOrnamentS. She didn't want other "fan boys" (she said) to send messages to her, so she won't give out any information. However, (according to my translation) she claims to be an employee at Project Sora. She said the roster posted online was a draft written by Sakurai (omg) and he expected many changes to happen after the WiiU's release. She also claims that development for Smash 4's WiiU version will start August 1st by a smaller group of people breaking away from the final stages of Kid Icarus: Uprising.She did not say what her name was...

#26 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 10:45 AM

This is not real. That's what I think.
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#27 Wertville


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 11:22 AM

This... Isn't actually that unlikely. I mean, it's nowhere near 100%, or even 50%, but it's not too far out there, IMO. Especially because of the Del + Ban thing.

For those who don't know, a game design document and prototype are made long before the game enters development. I'm not sure if Smash Bros. would need a prototype (Probably not), but the game design document would have been started... Well, a long while ago.

And as for Auzzie's Objections, Nintendo would definitely put a fraction of the roster as Third-party characters, because it gives good relations with said character's company. It's like marrying off your princess; if it stops the neighboring king from pillaging you, so be it.

As for the Melee thing, characters were cut because they were essentially clones of another character, or they were replaced. In fact, a few of them were put into the game, just never completed. Actually, I think ALL of them were in the game...

Lastly, this isn't final, and far from it. (If it is true, of course.) Changes to the design document happen all the way into mid-development, Golden Sun characters could easily be added then.

...What REALLY confuses me is why they would add Lyn as a character, because that's a GBA Fire Emblem game... Though it WAS the first one to be localized, so maybe... IDK.
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Character's I am a fanboy of:

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#28 Bill Cipher

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Posted 21 July 2011 - 12:21 PM

MEGA MAN !!!!!
(fanboy squeal)
, also, I'm happy they would keep in Olimar

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#29 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 06:48 PM

I wouldn't want Olimar.
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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#30 Happy Monk

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Posted 22 July 2011 - 01:47 AM

You do know this is fake?
It's got loads of mistakes in it.
Firstly, where it says "Mother-Lucas" is written wrong, "Mother" would be written in english, like it is in Japan. Lucas is spelt wrong, take my word for it, my brother reads Japanese, and he says it's full of mistakes. He says it looks like someone has written it in English, then Google translated it into Japanese. It's a fan list. A pretty good one at that.
Bring the noise.

#31 MaxumSoft



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 08:25 AM

Can you name a few other mistakes? I'm curious as to what they may be.

EDIT: ForeverOrnamentS (FOS) told me that Sakurai is currently putting final touches to the plot for a new Story Mode and will be presenting the outline soon to the small group of people that will begin Smash 4 development on August 4th. I asked her why she keeps trying to tell everyone about Smash 4's progress (mostly the characters) and she said it was "All for fun."

... :P

Edited by MaxumSoft, 22 July 2011 - 11:55 AM.

#32 chipvader


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Posted 22 July 2011 - 12:07 PM

Can you name a few other mistakes? I'm curious as to what they may be.

EDIT: ForeverOrnamentS (FOS) told me that Sakurai is currently putting final touches to the plot for a new Story Mode and will be presenting the outline soon to the small group of people that will begin Smash 4 development on August 4th. I asked her why she keeps trying to tell everyone about Smash 4's progress (mostly the characters) and she said it was "All for fun."

... :P

if what u say is true then what about the differences in the console and handheld versions

#33 MaxumSoft



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Posted 22 July 2011 - 12:32 PM

Looking at the "leaked" roster, it's most likely not going to be a huge difference, with the exception of graphics. I'm guessing 15 of the characters will be removed from the 3DS version and 10 of those be replaced with the "transferred" characters that can be sent over to the WiiU game.

#34 Happy Monk

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Posted 24 July 2011 - 02:41 PM

Great Battle Smash Brothers X (Japanese name for Brawl)

~Regular battle (wrong word choice, should have been キャラクター (character))

Super Mario Bros. – Mario
Zelda – Legend of Link (Clearly it should be Legend of Zelda, it should read ゼルダの伝説 - リンク)
Kirby Super Star, Kirby (The Japanese name for the Kirby series is 星のカービィ(Kirby of the Stars) not Kirby Super Star, which is the name of an individual game, even then the game goes by a different name in Japan (星のカービィスーパーデラックス – Kirby of the Stars Super Deluxe). Also, why does this use a comma instead of a dash like the others?)
Light Myth: Palutena’s Mirror (Japanese name for Kid Icarus) – Pit
Light Myth: Palutena’s Mirror – Magnus
Donkey Kong – Dixie Kong
Magical Starsign – Mokka (Clearly wrong, why is half the name spelt in Japanese and half in English? Also, the Japanese name for the game is マジカルバケーション 5つの星がならぶとき (Magical Vacation: When the Five Stars Align), which, as you can see, shows that the Japanese name for the series is Magical Vacation, not Starsign)
Punch Out Little Mac (The series name is Punch Out!!, this misses the exclamation marks. Also, there is neither a comma or a dash)
Metroid – Ridley
Metroid – Samus/Zero Suit Samus
Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong (More grammar inconstancies)
Star Fox – Fox McCloud
Kirby Super Star – Meta Knight (Same issues as with Kirby)
Panel De Pon – Lip
Pokémon, Pikachu (More grammar inconsistencies)
Wario Land 6 – Wario (What does it mean by Wario Land 6? There is no game called that)
Fire Emblem – Mars (Marth’s Japanese name) (Mars is spelt マルス, not マース)
Donkey Kong – Diddy Kong
Super Mario Bros. – Princess Mushroom (That’s not her name, she’s called Princess Peach (ピーチ姫) in Japan as well, in fact, they used the name first. They also spelt “princess” in katakana, not kanji, which is incorrect.)
Zelda – Legend of Princess Zelda (Same problem as with Link. Also, same issue as with Peach in that “princess” is spelt in katakana rather than kanji.)
Star Fox – Krystal
Pokémon – Pokémon Trainer
Mother Lucas (In Japan, the series’ name is always written English block capitals (MOTHER) or occasionally katakana (マザー, though this is never used officially), the kanji “母” is completely wrong. His name is not spelt ルーカス (Rukasu) either, it is spelt リュカ (Ryuka). There are also more grammar inconsistencies)
KONAMI, Solid Snake (More grammar inconsistencies and why is he listed as “Konami”? Why not “Metal Gear Solid”?)
Sin & Punishment- ISA (Why is his name written in block capitals English? It should be spelt イサ. More grammar inconsistencies as well.)
Yoshi’s Island – Yoshi
Kirby Super Star, King Dedede (His title of “king” should be spelt with kanji (デデデ大王), not katakana. There’s more grammar inconsistencies as well.)
Fire Emblem – Ike
Pikmin – Olimar & Pikmin
Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog (Like Snake, why is he listed as being from “Sega” instead of from “Sonic the Hedgehog”? Grammar inconsistencies abound as well.)
Super Mario Bros. – Koopa (Bowser’s Japanese name)
Climber of Ice – Ice Climber (The characters are listed as being “Ice Climber”, not “Ice Climbers” and the game name is wrong, it should be アイスクライマー)
Pokemon – Purin (Jigglypuff’s Japanese name)
CAPCOM-Rockman (Mega Man’s Japanese name) (Again, grammar inconsistencies and a listing of being from “CAPCOM”, rather than “Rockman”.)

You wanted more mistakes, here you go. My brother made it and it's not done yet (and no, he didn't make the character list before you ask...).
Bring the noise.

#35 Kiryu


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Posted 24 July 2011 - 03:50 PM

Smash Brothers X to a great brawl

Regular fighting ~

Super Mario Bros. - Mario
Zelda - The Legend of Link
Kirby Super Star, Kirby
Photoaffinity Parutena Mirror - Pit
Photoaffinity Parutena Mirror - Magnus
Magical Starsign-Mokka
Metroid - Ridley (Isn't it too.. big to not have him to fight? Ridley is large compared to Samus in Brawl so why do we get to play him, BOSS slot is better idea)
Metroid - Samus / Zero Suit Samus
Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong
Fox - Fox McCloud
Kirby Super Star - MetaKnight
Pokemon, Pikachu
Wario Land 6 - Wario
Fire Emblem - Mars
Donkey Kong - Diddy Kong
Super Mario Bros. - Peach Princess
Zelda - The Legend of Zelda Princess
Fox - Krystal
Pokemon - Pokemon Trainer
Mother Lucas
KONAMI, Solid Snake
Crime and Punishment - ISA
Yoshi's Island - Yoshi
Kirby Super Star, King Dedede
Fire Emblem - Ike
Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog
Super Mario Brothers - Bowser
Ice Climber - Ice Climbers
CAPCOM-Rockman (YES, that would be my favorite!)

~ The Secret of Battle

Wario Land 6 - Waruiji
Super Mario Bros. - Luigi
Zelda - The Legend of Kid Links (better to be Toon Link or else...)
Fox, Falco
Mother - Ness
Crime and Punishment - Value
Zelda - The Legend of Ganon
Yoshi's Island - Kamek
Fox - Wolf O'Donnel
Kirby Super Star Wizard Star
Robots Nintendo
Super Mario Bros., Bowser Jr.
Game and watch, and watch his games
Pokemon - Zoroark (took Lucario position like lucario stole Mewtwo)
Zelda - The Legend of Ghirahim (A freak like him to be in than Ganondorf?)

Combat forward ~

Metroid - Fire Emblem: Lyn Anthony Higgs
Tomato Adventure - Demiru
Dr.Mario-Dr.Mario (Clone but you need different moves than Mario moves!)
Kirby's epic yarn - Prince Fluff
Zelda - The Legend of Skull Kid (How can he fight but his final smash.... Moon Wreck!)
The Legend of Starfy Starfy-
KONAMI, Simon Belmont
Tales Miles SEGA-P
Capcom, Ryu

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^Made by me.^

#36 dettadeus



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Posted 26 July 2011 - 10:38 PM

Oh wow. Here's something I bet we all missed:
Captain Falcon isn't on that roster. That brings up some issues with its credibility.

#37 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 02:21 AM

That totally means it's.... it's....

I don't even.
I mean, I can't call it legit, like they're totally going to cull one of the original 12, and over Jigglypuff and Ness, that's just weird.
But I can't call it fan list, because you are no fan if you don't want Captain Falcon...


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#38 Happy Monk

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 11:24 AM

Oh wow. Here's something I bet we all missed:
Captain Falcon isn't on that roster. That brings up some issues with its credibility.

Very good point.
Bring the noise.

#39 Computrer



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Posted 28 July 2011 - 01:12 PM

It's fake, the team is busy with Kid Icarus.

But on second thought: This could be some sort of idea sheet... naaah

#40 manowar



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Posted 28 July 2011 - 02:13 PM

that is a sweet list all i could improve on would be make the pokemon trainer have hoen pokemon

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