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Ganbarion (Co-dev of Pandora's Tower) is a licensed PS4 developer.

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#1 Hardcore Brawler

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:06 AM

Hi everyone!

The number of publishers and developers willing to support the PS4 is pretty huge.
Ranging from big names like Ubisoft and Activision to independent devs like Grasshopper Manufacturer and Platinum Games. Sounds normal, right?

Well, the huge number of supporters didn't surprise me at all. We are used to that, that's the Playstation brand!
What really surprised was the presence of Ganbarion logo in that list of PS4 supporters.

You can check out the list of the supporters here: http://www.mcvuk.com...for-ps4/0111227

Sure, Ganbarion is an independent game developer. Ganbarion has the right to support any game console they desire.
But it seems that Nintendo lost an ally in this "war".
Ganbarion has been supporting Nintendo-only systems for a couple of years. Developing Jump Stars games and Pandora's Tower for Nintendo, and developing One Piece games for Namco Bandai to be released on a Nintendo system.

We haven't heard a word from Ganbarion for too long, I thought they were busy in a new collaboration project with Nintendo. (Pandora's Tower 2?)
They might be working on a PS4 game after all.

Well, what do you think?
In any case, I am looking forward to see whatever game Ganbarion is working on.

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by Cerberuz

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#2 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:57 AM

I think the unfortunate truth is that games like Pandora's Tower, Last Story, and Xenoblade Chronicles, most likely would of sold better on a console like the PS3, which has a larger fanbase for those style games. So as much as I'd love them to stay Nintendo exclusive parties....I can't blame them for wanting to get their creations to more people. I hope we see something awesome from them on both the Wii U and PS4.
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