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Member Since 04 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2011 06:14 AM

#18486 How much life do you think the DS has left?

Posted by Wertville on 04 August 2011 - 05:59 AM

I understand what you're saying, there's not things bad enough to make people not want to get it but there's not enough good things to encourage them either, correct?

The problem is, is that the DS is still getting support and until it dries up people won't want to upgrade. Especially with the amazing back catolog of games the DS has.

But that's the thing; Developers have no reason to STAY with the DS anymore, now that the prices are much more comparable. So while we will be getting games that were already in development, most projects will just be started on the superior successor to the console. Once one of the bigger franchises moves to the 3DS, we will see a huge migration of DS users. Pokemon will probably be the killer, but I see a few people changing over for Rune Factory and SMT:DS Overclocked...

#18164 None of the big first parties at launch?

Posted by giggity3000 on 03 August 2011 - 05:32 AM

Really? Why is that?

Idk i guess they just don't appeal to me anymore. I don't like many of them because of the atmosphere of them, of course i'm not saying i like the atmosphere of those overated Fps. But I like the scary or mysterious atmosphere in a a game which is why i played amnesia :(

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