Member Since 21 Nov 2011Offline Last Active Nov 25 2011 05:27 PM
Gonna get some sleep. n.n Had a blast for my first day here, guys! Thanks!
Updated 21 Nov · 1 comments
About Me
Hello, and welcome to my profile! The username's Katsurotoku, but please, feel free to call me Kat. I really don't like talking about myself, honestly, but since you're curious to know more about me, I guess it wouldn't hurt. I decided to make a FAQ-based 'About Me' thing, in order to get the points across.
What's your real name?
This is a secret! Actually, my real name sucks, but I have been known to tell a few friends what my name is. Honestly, my name sucks.
What's your age?
Older than 13, rest assured.
What do ya look like?
I'll probably have photos around. You can always ask for a photo, since I don't mind. I look like a typical Otaku, nonetheless. Nothing special.
Are you really a Pedo?
I have Pedophilia, which I believe isn't a medical condition, unlike what society says, today. Pedophilia is someone who has an attraction to pre-pubescent boys or girls. I'm deeply attracted to pre-pubescent girls, oddly. Did I choose this? No. It came as I grew, and there's no changing that. Have I raped or molested some kid before? No. I tend to keep this under control, and I probably will at this rate.
What about women your own age?
Don't care for 'em. I mean, yeah, I can be friends with 'em, but deep down, I just can't bond with people my age or older. I really don't know why, either.
.. Anyway, Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony?
Nintendo and Sony. I really don't care much for Microsoft. Except for their computers, heh.
What's the first video game you've played?
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Genesis.
Favorite anime/manga?
Lucky Star, both ways.
Do you has Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter..?
Ask me, I don't mind linking.
Favorite game series of all-time?
The Super Smash Bros. series.
Anything else?
If I hadn't covered a question of yours, feel free to ask me. I mean, as long as it's acceptable. Anything that's just creepy will probably be ignored.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 9
- Profile Views 8,658
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday September 29, 1994
Gaming, Anime, Manga, Lolis, Writing, Drawing, Music, Friends, Family
Lucky Star