Tails the Fox
Member Since 11 Feb 2012Offline Last Active Jul 21 2012 01:15 PM
About Me
Hello! As you may know, I'm Rainbow Dash from the MLP Forums. Join if you would like! My name is Jennifer. My favorite color is blue, I have brown hair, and glasses. (not in real life, BTW.) My friends are named Tabitha and Anna, I think. They hang out with me alot! I have another special friend. Her name's EmilyCat, AKA Twilight Sparkle. Links are at the bottom. I'm a great fan of MLP, (My Little Pony) Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I have many other shows I watch and games I play. (mostly RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS CAPCOM®) I have a 3DS. If you want my friend code it's right here. : 0774-4962-8785
Animes I watch:
Soul Eater
(sometimes) Elfen Lied
Favorite chars: Crona, Soul, Shion, Rena
You can add me as a friend if you would like. Truely I do not have much friends because I never get to type in friend codes now and then, whatever that means. Sometimes I really don't make any sense. My favorite characters are all of the ponies in MLP, all of the characters in Mario, and Sonic and so and so..
Bye! I guess this is all. I hope to see you guys again sometime! It would be a pleasure.
Tails info:
Hi. I'm Miles. My friends call me Tails. My full name is Miles 'Tails' Prower.
My Motto:
I've changed a lot since I started hanging out with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do this by myself!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 8
- Profile Views 11,751
- Member Title Goomba
- Age 24 years old
- Birthday February 7, 2001
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Gaming, ponies, Mario, Sonic, etc.
Mario 3D Land, and MLP. Others, too.