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Member Since 21 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2012 07:04 AM

#97925 If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

Posted by Robotic Sunshine Commander on 06 August 2012 - 12:04 PM

As long as it can keep up with the next xbox and playstation,and as long as it has a good online service i dont see an issue for the Wii U.

But i think Nintendo should roll out a good advertising campaign very soon to make people aware a next gen console is coming,because lets be honest,apart from fans and gamers in general nobody really knows about it.

They need to give it a presence.

they will
it took them awile for the 3ds too but the advertisements were pretty good for that plus the wii u experience events have been all around the world lately wchich is great in its own right

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