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Member Since 21 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2014 03:32 AM

#258203 Post Your Gaming Setups

Posted by Greg1040 on 29 November 2013 - 04:37 AM

50 inch to 65 the new set dwarfs the old 1.

#258164 Post Your Gaming Setups

Posted by Greg1040 on 28 November 2013 - 02:49 PM


New tv replacing old and ps4 going next to ps3 and wii tomorrow :)


New tv replacing old and ps4 going next to ps3 and wii tomorrow :)

#177914 Why are people doubting Wii U now because of PS4?

Posted by Greg1040 on 01 March 2013 - 11:41 AM

The wii u needs some new games and fast I bought it for the likes of mario ect and some fresh new ips and mario is all I have and it's sat collecting dust pretty much from the first week I bought it on release day there just isn't enough out there for people to go scrambling for 1 at the moment this may change after e3 but Nintendo better bring something good. It doesn't help when a lot of developers have given up on the console also it's not been the greatest of starts for them.

Mario ect will always sell consoles that's a fact but will it keep selling as much years down the line Game after game of the same thing?

Just like cod 4 played that game for hours on end world at war ect and then after modern warfare 2 me and all my mates have just given up on the series.

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