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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2012 11:22 PM

#76641 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Hank Hill on 02 May 2012 - 10:19 AM

1. Sigh, here is the heart of the problem my friends. The wii u is essentially a rehashed wii with added gimmicks to get you to buy. 2. Whatever price they charge will probably be too much. 3. I've been a Nintendo fan all of my life and I've gotten every major console, but I'm going to call abandon ship on this one. 4. I can't afford to spend 250-300 dollars on a bunch of bells and whistles. 5. In my opinion, I think that Nintendo needs to get its mind back on track and stop producing the add ons and rehashes. 6. They could relearn a thing or two from Sony. 7. Why is the PS3 still so popular while the wii is slowing? Answer: Sony kept it simple.

1. Congratulations. You've found out how companies get things to sell. By that logic, the PS3 is a rehashed PS2 with added gimmicks to get you to buy.
2. If the Walmart price of $350 is to be believed, I'd say that's a perfect price. Certainly better than $599 US Dollars.
3. I'm George Lucas and Star Wars Episode 7 is coming out tomorrow. Saying something like that doesn't make it true. In fact, seeing as this is your first and only post makes me severely doubt your authenticity in this matter.
4. So $300 for more of the same is fine (PS3) but $350 for something that's rather innovative in the game industry isn't? sarcasm Makes sense. endsarcasm
5. By rehashes, you mean more games in a series people happen to love? By add-ons, I also assume you mean the Wiimote Plus which actually made things better.
6. To not take chances and give more blah in each system design? No thanks. If you haven't noticed, with the current financial position that Sony is in, Sony could learn a few things from Nintendo. -_-
7. Why is the PS3 so popular now? It couldn't be because it's FINALLY at a decent price and getting more games while the Wii hasn't had alot of new games RECENTLY, could it?

All in all, your post is pretty full of derp. o_o

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