Member Since 29 May 2013Offline Last Active Dec 18 2013 07:59 PM
About Me
I don't usually say much but I check this site, among others, daily.
I go to boarding school so I can't game very often. Getting Minecraft past all these restrictions was a challenge.
I really like Anime/Manga. Found a way to read it here too.
I play the keyboard by ear, so I can play a song if I know it well.
I cant wait for SSB4 and MK8 but I'm especially looking forward to X.
*At least ONE of my Bug/Steel must get a mega evolution!
*IT HAPPENED! Mega Scizor FTW!!
I go to boarding school so I can't game very often. Getting Minecraft past all these restrictions was a challenge.
I really like Anime/Manga. Found a way to read it here too.
I play the keyboard by ear, so I can play a song if I know it well.
I cant wait for SSB4 and MK8 but I'm especially looking forward to X.
*At least ONE of my Bug/Steel must get a mega evolution!
*IT HAPPENED! Mega Scizor FTW!!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 37
- Profile Views 7,293
- Member Title Dress Breaker
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday February 14, 1996
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
United States
Anime, Manga, Video Games.
Metroid, Pokemon, Anime.
Contact Information
- NNID RiasRed