Member Since 29 Jun 2014Offline Last Active Jun 29 2014 06:03 AM
About Me
I'm a big fan of MOST Nintendo game series, Mario, Pokemon, Kirby... yada yada. I'm trying to ease into Zelda soon enough as well. I'm hoping to try to and play competitive Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. but then I sound either like a pretentious idiot or a creepy loser so let's just save that for later. I feel like I'm one of the few people who is busy without a paying job, so I might just not be around some of the time. Also, as a complete random side note, I'm an open book. You can ask pretty much ANYTHING with me and I'll answer truthfully.
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- Group Members
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- Profile Views 3,865
- Member Title Goomba
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday November 16
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