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#280550 Super Smash Bros Direct on April 8

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 03:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This is literally more Megaman in that GIF than there was in the past 4 years. I think this is fine.

Maybe if they hadnt forced Inafune to try and milk megaman by turning it into a bad turn based rpg/pokemon rip
, among a million other stupid things he couldnt stand, things would have been better off? We'd probably have Legends 3. Instead, we just have two big stinky reminders of why the series was shelved staring at us everytime we use the final smash.

It's certainly powerful, but I don't know if it's reason to be worried yet. It all depends on how hard it is to land. For all we know, it can be blocked by the shield.

The star punch its based on can be blocked in the Punch out games.

Its also probably lost if he gets hit as well, just like the star that powers it in the actual punch out games.

If people are worried about little mac, just jump.

#280551 The Crew runs at native 1080p/30fps on both PS4 & Xbox One

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 03:08 AM in General Gaming

But, you can buy the extra 30fps on the ps4 for a microtransaction of 99 cents for every 5 additional frames. Would fit right in line with the rest of the bs they are trying to pull on this pile.

THis game is a steaming load of anti consumer crap, a test to see just how far theyve succeeded into brainwashing people until they can really start ripping into the 'Monetization of consumer whales' (THIS IS A REAL THING THESE COMPANIES ARE SAYING AND DOING. THESE ARE THEIR OWN WORDS. THIS IS WHAT THEY THINK OF YOU.) without anybody calling them on it.

I wouldnt touch this pile of crap with a tenfoot pole duct taped to another 10 foot pole.

#280552 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 03:13 AM in General Gaming

I don't care about the graphics, I'm just excited to actually play Monster hunter 4!
The only companies I see funding are Nintendo or Sony.

Sony Never funded anything. MH was just on playstation because of the install base, and then on psp because it was the only handheld that could handle the platform.

Nintendo however, did persue capcom for monster hunter, and got exclusivity for the next few mainline new titles.

#280553 Microsoft’s Black Tusk will make “innovative Gears Of War,” claims Lobb

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 03:18 AM in General Gaming

Gears of war is already as innovative as any aaaaaaaaaaa game with guns is allowed to get.

You shoot things other than brown people.

#280573 Check Out This Epic Monster Hunter Frontier GG Trailer

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 05:28 AM in General Gaming

I didn't say Sony has funded it, just that either them or Nintendo are the only companies besides Capcom I could theoretically see funding Monster Hunter.


#280615 Super Smash Bros Direct on April 8

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 01:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

just let greninja be a playable character

Uh, he is.

#280621 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 02:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

holy crap. Wow. A monument to incompetence.

#280627 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 09 April 2014 - 02:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

'The Pinball Arcade
Those comments were made based on a conversation I had with the developer who's been working on the WII-U version, he was unable to get the console to perform anywhere near what the xbox one and ps4 were capable of. I was misinformed in that I said the ps3 was far more powerful... after speaking to him again, I was told that while the system still does not compare to XB1 or PS4, I was incorrect in regards to the ps3 comparison, and for that I apologize.'

Yeah, except you didnt say 'based on hearsay I heard'. Oh no, you TOLD US. Straight up, guy. You told EVERYBODY, and you told it to them as if they were stupid for knowing better.

Incompetent isnt something you can apologize for, its just something you are, and these reactions are the price you pay for being a smug arrogant dick while being completely wrong guy.

#280691 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 01:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Its ok I played and beat the game I just didnt find it pushing the hardware...

Oh yeah it is.

120+ unique, individual, non instanced, non billboarded ai, under instant player control in a twitch paced action game?

ps360 has nothing that comes remotely close.

#280697 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 02:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

I just think most people would not pick W101 as a visual showcase for what Wii U can do. I am not down on the game it had a cool artstyle and it was enjoyable but I just dont think it was pushing the Wii U.

I get it sometimes there are things we dont take into account and the wat it might be using system power... just on surface level I believe this game could run on ps360... We wont have that chance but it would be cool to see some Wii U games ported to ps360 just to see if downgrades would occur and how big they would be.

Tw101 gets pretty crazy, like any other platinum games it has a lot of moments of sheer spectacle, that have to be seen in motion to be believed, you uh, you dont actually have it do you?

The individual character models are probably what you are getting hung up on. Being that these models are the size of ants during actual gameplay, it makes sense that they arent overly detailed. And yeah, the individual models could easily run on ps360. Just not in the same game.

The in order cpu of ps360 couldnt handle a game with so much uniquely controlled elements. Nothing in the tw101 player side is instanced until you get over 200+ characters under control (you gain a uniformed army, or take over hundreds of enemies) and nothing at all is billboarded: ie Using the same exact model, in the same exact frame of animation hundreds of time. Essentially adds up to giving the appearence of filling the screen with hundreds or thousands of objects, when really, its only about 10 or so, instanced over and over again, this is what is done for games like dead rising. Go ahead, take a look at a dr screen. Pick a zombie. Now find his 'twins' Yeah, theres a lot of them. Same model, same clothes, in the exact same frame of animation. Keeping with the dead rising reference, of those thousands of zombies, only about 10 of them have active ai that respond to the player, typically, ai doesnt activate until it comes within a certain proximity tothe player, and often, very often, thanks to branch misses in an in order processor, it never does and the witless zombies are mowed down with out ever 'waking up'.

In contrast, enemy ai in the wonderful 101 is very complex. Enemies start out with complex attack patterns, and then change to work with other nearby enemies, they will group up to offer fire volleys, while still splitting off to flank, they can be commanded by other units, into complex attack formations, and these are just the simplest of the simple enemies. Flops cant really do this. This is branchy ai work, something 360 and ps3 suck horribly at, because of massive, massive penalties for missed branch predictions (500+ cycles a pop), and thus, has been swept under the carpet most of the generation, leaving devs ill prepared to think about advancing ai and gameplay on machines that are now capable enough to handle them... and giving us 'games' like RYSE as a result.

Past the under the skin bits of tw101, the art style couldnt really be pulled off on pos360 either. The player characters are low poly, but again, ants. The rest of the world, is ridiculously gigantic in scale, and very high fidelity, and covered with high resolution textures, especially for a game with this kind of camera. Buildings are ridiculously detailed, to the point of being almost unnecessary, the bricks are actually individually rendered instead of a normal map, the cracks in the sidewalk are actually polygons instead of a texture, the writing on most signs, is actually polygons instead of textures, window frames are actually polygons instead of textures, individual leaves on trees are polygons and dense, instead of layered sprites, giving the tw101 an incredibly crisp clean look to its style. The large scale enemies, are ridiculously high in polygons, featuring many perfectly round parts, usually gigantic laser gunbarrels, and are highly destructable, exposing layers of intricately designed models.

Its not something you can point at 1 obvious part of and go, 'lol that looks easy to do'.

#280700 Project Cars: over 40% of people interested, will be buying it on Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 03:04 AM in Wii U News

The game looks amazing. They seem to be going for some kind of Gran Turismo killer.

While the GT games haven't had the best graphics, the physics, sound, and realistic nature of the cars' interaction with the road make even lesser graphics look very realistic.

This game has what appears to be possibly better graphics than Forza with a more realistics lighting and color set along with FAR better physics.

Super excited. Will be fun to compare this on the wii u with forza on the x1 and possibly drive club if it ever comes out.

Just "for grins" lol

Have some wii u haters as colleagues and I'm going to enjoy making them watch the side by side. :)

Comparing anything to Forza is just mean for poor ol X1 owners. Talk about a half baked mess.

#280701 Amazons crappy fire tv can run ue4...

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 03:07 AM in General Gaming

So what you are telling me is that there's a chance for the Wii U

Its already been confirmed ue4 can run on wii u. Epic has also plainly stated they have no intention whatsoever of doing, and supporting, a wii u sku themselves, but anybody who wants to is free to do so.

All this really proves, is Engadget has no idea wtf middlweare gaming engines are. As in they are a drain in resources and potential, paid for the convenience of not having to spend the time/ be competent enough to make a real one yourself, for the platform you are working on, it 'fits' 'any' platform, by removing features until it runs, just like unreal engine, just like unreal 2 just like... pattern?

Any proprietary engine made for a specific platform will blow Ue4 away on that platform, so the idiotic snooty mumblings of 'Oh, now SURELY must be more capable for gaming' is just irritating misinformation, coming from what should be blatantly obvious to ANYONE BY NOW, a thinly disguised pr mouthpeice, as thats all gamz girnalizm is anymore.

#280705 Monster Hunter WiiU Forums Team

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 03:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

thanks mate,  i will look into it some more. ive seen it going on ebay for 50 bucks, ill pick it up and have a proper dig. the only concern is that with a small child and fair workload whether i will able to put in the required hours t develop skills

Im pretty sure its 30 bucks on the eshop right now....

The gamepad really helps with finding time with others around. The kid or wife can be watching their shows on the TV, while you get some time on the game pad.

#280712 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 03:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

yes but played it when it was released beat it and never touched it again. Would it hurt a dev any dev to go into detail about what makes Wii U great from a tech standpoint? I mean I know we have Shin'en but it would be better if it was a bigger 3rd party AAA type dev. Looking at Mario Kart I have no question the Wii U is more than a little bit more powerful than ps360. I am not a graphics whore but I would love to hear some positive stuff from devs about Wii U technical side it seems like the difference between Wii U and ps360 just is not worth it for devs to mention what Wii U can do. I recently was messaging with the stick it to the man dev and they didnt want to talk specs. they said the game is running 720p 30 fps and I believe 1080p ad 60fps on ps4 but you should hear how they gloat about the ps4 version being "next gen" when it comes to Wii U version its like oh it has good gamepad features.  I just really wonder how many devs are really trying to push the Wii U. is there something wrong with wanting devs to push the system?

If you have it, you should put it in some time, and use the zoom function to take a good look at how these environments are rendered. They are incredibly clean, a result of using infinately scaling polygons for most details instead of texture maps. Even zoomed in to the point of getting a close up of a single character, the game environments is smooth, clean, and detailed. Its impressive work, for any system.

As for the 'mysterious mental block' concerning most devs and all things Nintendo, in MRT training they are called 'icebergs', in psychology its a phenomena called a halo/reverse/halo/devils effect. These guys have been so thoroughly conditioned by marketing forces (likely conditioned their entire lives, starting with Segas famous psychological campaign against snes owners), they literally cant handle properly talking or thinking sbout Nintendo logically or objectively. Best case scenario, they keep it professional, and blunt, like the stick it to the man guys.... And then... Then theres THIS kind of scenario....

Past that, with how high level these engines and 'languages' are getting, you dont really NEED much REAL technical knowledge to throw together things that can be accepted as games anymore. Most of them, simply dont really know anything, except what has been imprinted on them: 'Lol Nintendo'.

#280716 Amazons crappy fire tv can run ue4...

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 03:58 AM in General Gaming

GAMER1984, on 10 Apr 2014 - 07:14 AM, said:
this is what pisses me off... all these engines confirmed to run on Wii U but noone is doing it. I mean our first Cryengine game is SONIC... SONIC. I just dont see that game showing off what the Wii U can do with that engine. I could be wrong and E3 changes my opinion but its almost like I dont care wen someone says X engine is compatible or Wii U can run it. It doesnt matter if no game is being made for Wii U that uses said engine.

I see very little reason for anyone to use a middleware engine like ur4, which theyd have to compile and optimize for wiiu hardware themselves, with no support whatsoever from the people who made the middleware, on wii u, when Nintendo is giving away perfectly good Unity 4 licenses, with full support from unity and Nintendo, specifically for using the engine on the wii u.

Way too much buzz has been made about game engines lately, especially middleware engines. Damn things used to be a joke, until they hired marketing teams...

#280720 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 04:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

I agree its sad. I mean like i said i am not a graphics whore but it would be cool for a dev to talk about Wii U specs and not make it seem like the only good thing about it is the gamepad. I really think devs are just fine with getting their game running on Wii U and trying to focus on gamepad. Why the hell is it taking Shin'en so long to release screenshot/video of Fast racing Neo?

If I were to hazard a guess, Nintendo released a holy F%$@ balls quality level trailer of mario kart 8, and Shin en decided to continue using untapped resources to improve the game as a response, rather than settling for 'good enough to show'.

#280779 Do you prefer digital games or disk?

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 11:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo needs to allow people who purchased the physical media, to get a digital copy on their registered system.

#280805 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2014 - 02:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

i would expect a massive reduction in the number of hero's you control. as for actual graphics, aside from maybe a small resolution/feature drop/ , to be relatively unchanged. also a less consistant framerate. I do not believe this games does enough graphically to noticeably outclass last gen, but games beyenetta and many other games do.

You should take another look at last gen games. Im replaying Metal gear rising right now,platinums last big ps360 game and graphically, it is getting blown out of the water.

Not only is their a LOOOOOOOT more simultaneous enemies in tw101, including big enemies, but aside from the ant sized ones their polycounts and textures are putting rising to shame, in comparison, rising looks very, very blocky and blurry.... and very very tiny and claustrophobic.

And also, ps360 games dont use polygons to write the speed limits on the ground, and for writing on signs. In no way shape or form could tw101 be brought to 360 in tact, not gameplay, not enemy count, not art style, especially not art style, tw101 uses polygons for detail work the entire 360/ps3 generation used normal maps to hide, and games designed like tw101, large scale zoomed out view, didnt ever come anywhere near to remotely close to tw101's fidelity when zoomed in like tw101 constantly does.

#280903 Insert Foot in Mouth - Pinball Arcade Dev says PS3 more powerful graphically

Posted by 3Dude on 11 April 2014 - 03:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

its weird i have seen this in multiple games across all consoles. one person experience slowdowns through their paythrough and some dont.

The trophy 23 fix patch also fixed a lot of minor performance issues, like the drops to 40 somethin during the vorken fights. People who played it after probably never noticed much of anything.

#280917 Renegade Kids Cult County - PRE PRE PRE Alpha using Unity

Posted by 3Dude on 11 April 2014 - 05:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im sorry that I enjoy a game. This trailer offers nothing special yet they want 530 thousand dollars. Thats insane.

That is incredibly, INCREDIBLY cheap.

#280929 Atlus's attempt at making a Earthbound-sque game.

Posted by 3Dude on 11 April 2014 - 09:06 AM in General Gaming

Yeah, this actually brought mother to mind for me as well.

#281047 Post VGtunes you love (1 per post please)

Posted by 3Dude on 12 April 2014 - 04:35 AM in General Gaming

*Clicks thread, sees burning rangers*


Its one song, the ending overture for ff6, played during the ending credits sequence, its just split in two parts

#281048 Monster Hunter WiiU Forums Team

Posted by 3Dude on 12 April 2014 - 04:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

yeah game pad will be handy.
its still $79.99 on the eshop, but i am in australia,and we often pay more for games.

Of course, its perfectly understandable for goods that have to be shipped so far and all the costs that accrues.


That is highway robbery. X[

#281064 Post VGtunes you love (1 per post please)

Posted by 3Dude on 12 April 2014 - 08:41 AM in General Gaming

Caldisla theme from the 3/4's excellent bravely default.

#281092 Post VGtunes you love (1 per post please)

Posted by 3Dude on 12 April 2014 - 12:33 PM in General Gaming

Ico castle in the mist.

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