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#188993 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 01 April 2013 - 02:25 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


Besides being a nice April Fool's joke, it also really shows they are confident with the path their company is taking.

So much doom and gloom, yet Nintendo finds a way to turn it around and laugh about it.


I think it was fan made.

#178867 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 04 March 2013 - 12:14 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Zelda 1

#212355 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 28 May 2013 - 01:39 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I want two of them hooked up together, so I can get the two kinect's to fight over my TV, which will probably end in the universe exploding into EPIC dudebroedness.

#188936 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 01 April 2013 - 10:56 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I recognize the DorothyII avatar...

#188985 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 01 April 2013 - 02:12 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#188996 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 01 April 2013 - 02:41 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Should have checked the link :P 

Ah well, if so, then it's still a nice joke and I still agree with the message ^^.

For sure, awesome joke, it would have been awesome if Nintendo did it themselves, but I think that we'd see it from Reggie before Iwata-san.  Something along the lines of, "the Wii U's body wasn't ready for the power we wanted to put into it, so now we have for you the Super Wii U, and along with all that extra power comes a fully rendered facsimile of yourself to guide you in Super WIi Fit U!  Pikmin will come off the screen and attack creatures in your living room, and the upcoming title, Super New Super Mario Brothers U 2, will feature a fully photorealistic environment and characters.

#175983 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 25 February 2013 - 07:38 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Poor guy, I've known that feeling for the past few years. I would have more
Pretty ladies if I was a jacka**, but I would hate myself so it's not worth it.

You don't have to be a jacka**, you just have to be assertive. Men are just as responsible for the friendzone as women. If you never level with them and tell them, in words, how you feel, you won't get anywhere with romantic gestures.

#175222 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 23 February 2013 - 08:34 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#177202 Spam Battle

Posted by routerbad on 27 February 2013 - 04:17 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

In New Zealand, there are no land snakes.  Heard that one on the radio, lol.

#223101 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:14 PM in The Café

Got ACNL this weekend at best buy.

#203880 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 04 May 2013 - 11:46 AM in The Café

Picked these up today, strat guide was a penny, also preordered WWHD, splinter cell, w101, pikmin3, watchdogs

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg
  • image.jpg

#223107 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:34 PM in The Café

Great game! My wife and I each have a copy and love it. Good to see you on the forums again, hope all is coming along well after your accident.

I'm loving it as well.  Simply a fun game that you can play in bits and pieces, without requiring a big time commitment.  Although FE:A is still getting played until the batteries die.  I'm about twenty hours into that now, and on Chapter 12.

#227023 Count until a Mod/Admin posts! [HI SCORE: 208]

Posted by routerbad on 27 June 2013 - 09:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#205840 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by routerbad on 10 May 2013 - 02:30 PM in The Café

Zelda 25th Anniversary Main Theme Medley.

#201997 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 30 April 2013 - 10:53 AM in The Café

I don't even really know where I conceived Trite...


I think I was trying to think of the most originally unoriginal name in existence... and that's where Trite came from, I suppose.

Fortunately Trite is not a trite alias. 

#178449 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 02 March 2013 - 09:48 PM in The Café

sarsperilla is a very old soda pop sort of like root beer! I like the sound of it and at the time a was a little kid so I spelled it the way I felt like. Thats the story of how I got MrSazperilla!

Sarsaparilla in the US is root beer for all intents and purposes.

#168393 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 07 February 2013 - 02:40 PM in The Café

My username comes from a something I was called early on in my Marine Corps career. I was performing an op-check (checking all of the components for functionality, running test configs on routers and servers to make sure all of the components worked correctly) on one of our DDS (Data Distribution System - basically a military network in a box) suites. Everything checked out in my DDS suite but the router (a Cisco 4000 series, if memory serves) would not boot. The NVMEM component was toast. On my op-check folder I marked in comments "router bad" and turned the book into our inventory NCO.

The next day when the Corporal came in and started checking the op-check logs he paused for a moment and barked at me to come over. When I got there he asked if my signature on the form was in fact mine. It was. He then, making sure everyone could overhear in the shop, said "routerbad?! Thats some **** a third grader would say f***nu*s! Are you a f**ing third grader devil dog?!"

From then on out, every morning when I delivered the appropriate greeting of the day "Good Morning, Corporal" he would respond "Good Morning, PFC Routerbad!" and it didn't take long for everyone in the entire squadron to catch on to it.

That was about 11 years ago, and I'm still Routerbad, though one of my peers when I was a seargent wanted it changed to wordpad, it never stuck quite as well. A google search only references me.

EDIT: Just as an additional FYI, when he called me Routerbad, he said it like you would expect a third grader to, in a high pitched, slightly slurred accent.

#177828 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 01 March 2013 - 06:46 AM in The Café

Mine comes from a fantasy series by Steven erikson called The Malazan book of the fallen. It's an epic 10 book series which if your into fantasy is a must read. The 777 comes from a special date of birth.

I stopped on Deadhouse Gates, started reading Wizard's First Rule, book 1 in the Sword of Truth series.

#177884 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 01 March 2013 - 09:25 AM in The Café

First my name was Mr.Saturn90 named after a character from my favorite RPG Earthbound. I later dropped the 90 from my name and became simply Mr.Saturn. Then I went emo and changed my name to FallenSaturn and now since everyone always called me Saturn my name is simply Saturn now.

Very interesting story RB. I like it.

You should see the plaque my platoon made for me when I left.  The title read "Corporal Routerbad" and the message was attached to the motherboard of a bad router, lol.

#177887 Origin of your username

Posted by routerbad on 01 March 2013 - 09:28 AM in The Café

Sounds like one of the classic memories that stick forever.

The Marine Corps is full of those, both good and bad.

#179401 Possibility?

Posted by routerbad on 05 March 2013 - 09:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

2 year old necro, nice.

Whats up with boicejupepect's post lol.


He was indeed hired by Microsoft after he made numerous Nintendo Wii Mote/Sensorbar videos.


It always surprised me that Nintendo never did anything with this, and even more so when they announced that they put a sensor bar in the Wii U Gamepad.

I was convinced they were going to come out with glasses free 3D for a home console. (Made a post about it here somewhere as well, back when it was still called Project Café)

It's still possible as all the material is there, here's hoping they'll drop this bomb at E3 or its an added feature in the summer patch ^^

Now that would be a show stopper, but I have to remain skeptical.

#179367 Possibility?

Posted by routerbad on 05 March 2013 - 06:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

You all do know he worked at MS and built the Kinect right?

#187642 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by routerbad on 29 March 2013 - 08:42 AM in General Gaming




Wii U


Gameboy Color

#170215 [Photo] Wii U GPU Die

Posted by routerbad on 11 February 2013 - 12:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

so devs dont even have info. supports working on the GPU/CPU desing all the way up to the last second. im beginning to wonder if nintendo is trying to make there games look bad, to set a low bar for early games next to other consuls, then all of a sudden BAM, we lied. there is some support but it is still a out-there theory.

no CPU die shots yet... how?

I wonder why no one else has thought of the obvious reasons they might have intentionally withheld serious specifications. To keep the competition in the dark! Durango leaked specs with 8GB of ram, then the rumor mill starts churning out claims that Sony is upping the RAM to stay competitive. No one can leak Nintendo info if very few people have it. I think the negative press it is getting is a result of not working with the videogaming media, they are peeved at Nintendo for keeping them in the dark because they feel entitled to every little detail.

Now that the competition's specs have been finalized (once they are confirmed to be so) I expect Nintendo to come out with all of the information they have on the hardware. If I were them, I would keep it away from VG media as much as possible, and let what the devs are able to do with the system provide all the evidence needed of it's potential.

The only other reason I can think of is they gave all the information they themselves had at the time, given the highly customized nature of the architecture and the lack of comparable chips or code to baseline performance on, I wouldn't doubt this either. It seems they only finalized the hardware within several months of the launch, and in that time their own dev groups had to figure out what they had to work with.

No CPU shots yet, they are forthcoming.

#167831 [Photo] Wii U GPU Die

Posted by routerbad on 06 February 2013 - 04:50 PM in Wii U Hardware


*Comes out of his hole (again)*

I tend to forget some people take this stuff a lot more serious than I do.

First a thanks to Chipworks for going above and beyond for the picture and to blu, Durante, Fourth Storm, Thraktor, and wsippel for the work they did. Shinjohn let me know that the picture had been obtained and sent me a link, but I also checked out the thread. I wanted to come back and help with the confusion and what not.

As some of you know getting info about the hardware was a pain because what Nintendo released essentially boiled down to a features list. And by that I mean general features of a modern GPU that could easily be looked up. Info that dealt with performance apparently was not given out leaving devs to figure have to figure it out on their own. I had two working ideas of the GPU based on a more traditional design (which I was hoping for) and a non-traditional design. I see that some of you actually remembered the non-traditional idea. Wsippel and I would compare notes on whatever info we could come up with. Some of those notes led us to come up with how it may look if Nintendo took the non-traditional route.


In this post you’ll see both wsippel’s take and my take. I’m going to address some things in that post because I know some of you will try to take them out of context. First you’ll see wsippel’s baseline ended up being more accurate than mine. When I talked about the potential performance of 1TF or more that was in comparison to the R700 series because new GPUs are more efficient than that line, a higher baseline, and my idea focused on the dedicated silicon handling other performance tasks.

So what was the basis for the non-traditional view? I shared two of those bits of info before.


Well, I can't reveal too much. The performance target is still more or less the same as the last review from around E3. Now it's more balanced and "2012" now that it's nearer to complete and now AMD is providing proper stuff. As far as specs, I don't see any big change for better or worse, other than said cost/performance balance tweaks... It won't make a significant difference to the end user. As far as the kit goes, it's almost like what MS went through. Except more Japanese-ish... If you know what I mean.

Anyway, things are shaping up now with the new year. There was some anxiety with some less close third parties about what they were doing with GPU side, whether things were going to be left in the past... but it looks more modern now. You know, there simply wasn't actual U GPU data in third party hands this time last year, just the target range and R700 reference GPU for porting 360 titles to the new cafe control. Maybe now they finally can get to start debugging of the specifics and start showing a difference...
Here is one more specific piece that I didn’t fully share.

I can't confirm or deny, sorry. The cat is very confidential and I repeat non-final. The target, last checked, is triple core with XX eDram and exclusive Nintendo instructions. 1080/30 capable Radeon HD w/tess. and exclusive Nintendo patented features. On a nice, tight bus that MS wishes they had on 360. ;)

I appreciate the individual for sharing as much as he did. He was a little paranoid though (I can understand) and at one point thought I was leaking info on a messageboard under a different name, but wouldn’t tell me the board or the username, lol.

I’m sure some of you remember me talking about games being 720p. It’s because with this I knew devs would use those resources for 720p development. I’m sure some of you also remember me mentioning the bus. The key thing in this is the “Nintendo patented features”. In the context of things we talked about, it seemed to me these were going to be hardwired features. What is certain for now is that the die shot shows a design that is not traditional, fewer ALUs (in number) from where things supposedly started with the first kit, and GPU logic that is unaccounted for. I’ve seen some saying fixed functions, but that’s too specific to be accurate right now. Dedicated silicon would be a better alternative to use, though I say that as a suggestion. In my opinion I think lighting is a part of this. The Zelda and Bird demos emphasized this. Also in the past it was discussed how Nintendo likes predictability of performance. It would also suggest Nintendo wasn’t ready to embrace a “fully” programmable GPU and kept on the water wings when jumping in the pool.

I did what I could to get as much info on the hardware as possible since Nintendo was giving out so little. From there I gave the best speculation I could based on that info. As of today, I still stand by the evaluations I made about Wii U’s potential performance from all the info I could gather. And until Nintendo’s games show otherwise I’ll continue to stand by them because in the end it’s on Nintendo show what Wii U is capable of.

And if you think I deserve flak for what I’ve said in the past then I’m here, but you’re wasting your time trying because my view hasn’t changed yet.

I made the farewell post to hold myself accountable to avoid posting, but I haven’t done well sticking to that, haha. I wasn’t going to make this post, but since I was one of the primary ones gathering info it’s unfair to you guys to leave things as they were.

Anti-Spam Bots!