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#224629 First Look: The New PS4 Interface Preview

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 12:15 PM in General Gaming


I'm a software engineer, I know what speed my internet is and I fully understand throughput:



I just downloaded Uncharted 3 which is exactly 40GB and it took an hour and 15 minutes - you do the math.

I'm a Systems/Network Engineer, I know a lot of software engineers (in fact my best friend is one), and they understand networking about as much as I understand turbine engines.  Just the same, I don't understand much of what you do either, beyond cursory code analysis for software hardening and assurance testing.


That said, impressive, but you are in a very small minority, and even 500MB/min won't have you playing a game in 30 seconds.

#224622 First Look: The New PS4 Interface Preview

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 11:52 AM in General Gaming

Sure, but it's a video, did you want to watch 10 minutes of progress bar? Anyway, checking the video again, he downloaded the multiplayer portion first so it would have been a lot faster than download the whole game / campaign and all. I have Verizon FiOS 85Mbps so it would take me about an hour and fifteen minutes to download a 40GB game. 

The multiplayer still shares the same assets, models, textures, physics engine, and other arbitrary game code with the campaign.  There is still a lot to download to start the multiplayer portion.


FiOS doesn't have an 85MB/s level, they have a 75MB/s level, which costs $90/month on its own.  You also assume you have great throughput to Sony, which is funny, shows how little some people understand what theoretical maximum throughput means.  The PS4 will still be limited to a certain number of concurrent connections, not enough to even scratch the surface of the pipe you have.  You will get things at around the same pace as someone with much lower bandwidth, as the connection limit will undoubtedly be optimized for the most popular broadband connection level, 15Mbps.


With a larger pipe you can do more at any given time, but it doesn't ensure that you will have a connection to a given server that is any faster (wider) than anyone else.  If they are able to increase the number of allowed concurrent connections dynamically it would be faster, but that usually makes the experience worse for those with slower connections, because you are chewing up a big portion of Sony's bandwidth.

#224618 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 11:43 AM in General Gaming

"Article VI of the Constitution requires that all US laws comply with the Constitution. Regardless if Congress has been approving these illegal searches, they are clear violations of the 4th Amendment and therefore the empowering laws are invalid."


Wiretapping involving US citizens requires a warrant.  Obtaining location and call data requires a warrant.  FISA allows limited intelligence gathering by removing the need to obtain a warrant for international calls.


I'm not defending it, I think its unethical and should be stricken from the books.  It is, however, legal.  Until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the bill.

#224614 First Look: The New PS4 Interface Preview

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 11:36 AM in General Gaming

You realize Sony already touched on the download piece, they've optimized their system to download core pieces first and download the rest in the background so you can start playing quicker. 

"For starters, it will now be possible to play games on PS4 even if the downloading is not yet completed by using the effective streaming technology used in the next generation gaming console"


that's not what I was pointing out.  The download bar went from 0 to 50% in three seconds.  Then he got a prompt 30 seconds later that it was installed.  I don't care what streaming technology they use, it will never be that fast, unless you happen to be connected to Sony's LAN.


But, the statement you quoted is another marketing thing, so you can choose to accept it at face value and be disappointed when it doesn't work as fast as advertised, or look at how networks in real life work versus how they work in lab environments.

#224608 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 11:30 AM in General Gaming


1. And what the NSA is doing isn't illegal? And Microsoft wasn't participating?
2. "require DRM" doesn't even make sense. They went back on their 10 person family sharing, why don't you mention that? And you can't loan digitally purchased games anymore either, where is your comment on that?
3. The best online feature the 360 had is multiplayer, period. The XBox Live paywall forces you to pay $60/yr even if you already pay for netflix - lame. 
4. I had a Kinect with my 360, guess how many times I played Kinect games? Once and returned them - talk about a crappy gimmick. As for voice commands, yeah I tried that in Forza Horizon, it's entirely pointless. I dont want a Kinect again, it has no purpose for me. 
5. Yeah Sony has more; even the PS3 from 2010-2013 they had about 3 times as many as the Xbox 360.
6. Sony has Ustream (share button built into the controller), and TV Tuner is another gimmick. I dont use TVii on the Wii U, and I wouldn't use the dumb TV Tuner on the XBox One either. 
7. $100+$60 for the XBox Live Gold membership to use any of the online features. Make it $399 and take out the Kinect requirement and I'd buy one. 
8. The Wii U doesn't have great 3rd party support, not sure who you're trying to argue with there.. it's pretty apparent. But hopefully going into 2014 that will change. I like how instead of comparing the XBox One to the PS4, you took a dig at the Wii U because you knew the PS4 has better 3rd party support than the XBox One. 
I was a huge 360 fan, had a PS3 that I never really played because I preferred the 360 controller. But I lost faith in Microsoft when they lost sight of what consumers were wanting and asking for. Instead of developing all these DRM features, they could have innovated further. Who knows, maybe if they hadnt wasted millions on implementing their policies, they could have reduced the cost of the XBox One. Now they've already written the code, but they're going back on it and having to turn it all off. Waste of time and money on Microsoft's part. We as consumers pay the price for their mistake. 
I am buying a PS4 because I like their game lineup better, they have more original IPs and better 3rd party support. They also have the PSVita which will be able to play any PS4 game (that doesnt require the PS Eye) streamed from your PS4 - that is AWESOME similar to the Wii U.


Actually, what the NSA was doing was perfectly legal.  Unethical, but legal.  Microsoft has no choice but to participate, only non US companies can outright decline.


Otherwise I agree with your points.

#224604 First Look: The New PS4 Interface Preview

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 11:22 AM in General Gaming

The magic of marketing.  Suddenly 25-50GB games download in 35 seconds, and the system can guess what you are going to type based on the first three letters.  Seems legit.

#224576 help monitor wii u again.

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 09:54 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

well, monitors are better right?  cuz they have ips panels, and HDTV, dont, only led and cost alot. 


What else i can do? :(

Using a monitor for any HDMI device is extremely complicated unless it has speakers.  You don't need TOP OF THE LINE specs on a TV to play video games.  A simple 32 inch LCD HDTV would be just fine unless you need to use it with a computer as well.


Otherwise, you can always do what I did.  Buy a TV and mount it on the wall above the monitor.

#224574 Metroid or Donkey Kong Country Was a Hard Decision- Retro

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Retro Studios did state that they only work on one big project at a time. DKCTF is their one big project.

Just like everywhere else in Nintendo, they are never only working on one thing at a time, there are always other things going on.  Retro is supposed to be building an engine as well.

#224569 Wonderful 101 60 FPS Vid

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I know this is a little nit picky, but the way they talk... Did they do that on purpose to sort of recreate the old cartoons as a sort of nostalgic reference...?


I still plan on getting the game, but I'm just not a fan of that little part

Trying to recreate the internal voice when reading comic books perhaps?  I don't know, but I actually enjoy the voice work.

#224560 Hello people, I'm the Green Greeny

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 08:35 AM in Introduction Central

Don't advertise your website on this site outside of your signature and the designated URL field on your profile. Status updates, posts, and topics made to promote your site will be removed unless you have received express permission from the administration to advertise your site here.




OP link removed.

#224558 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 08:18 AM in General Gaming

I'll pick up XB1 at some point for sure. Their reversal on their stupid policies yesterday changed my opinion for the better. PS4 is still my first purchase/priority, but XB1 has managed to finally find its way into my favorable column.

I'm in the same boat.

#224552 help monitor wii u again.

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 08:03 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

An HDTV that is comparable in size will run you less than a computer monitor, that is designed with lower latency, higher refresh rates, and higher resolutions than TVs are.

#224551 Nintendo accepts blame for poor Wii U sales

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 08:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

They do have third party support, but what you consider to be great third party support and what Nintendo considers to be great third party support are probably two very different things.  Nintendo looks at the lineup and see's Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, Sonic Lost Worlds, Deus Ex, Assassins Creed, Batman, ect. and thinks that looks good.  When you really look at the lineup, it actually is very good, but we tend to focus on what the Wii U isnt getting, even if you werent all that interested in those titles.  We arent getting Battlefield, its the end of the world right?  The problem exist that the small minority of gamers who would have bought those games on Wii U dont really represent the real audience on the platform.  As vocal as people on interest forums can be, there is no denying that the new Sonic Lost Worlds game would likely outsell a game like Battlefield on Wii U by a very large margin.  This just isnt the case on other platforms.  Publishers are trying to offer games on the appropriate platforms where the sales incentives are the highest. 

Well said, and actually the weak point of the Wii U launch was that there were TOO MANY 3rd party titles and not enough first party to spur sales for people who want Nintendo titles first and foremost.

#224550 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:59 AM in General Gaming

Before all the bs that happend with the Xbox one I was 50/50 on getting either a ps4 or xbox one. What it all comes down too is what's more useful for the amount of money your spending

I love sports, that's about the only thing xbox had me on. To cut a long rant short though why pay $100 more for a weaker console that has one of the greediest companys backing it? I'm not into Halo or any Ms/Sony exclusives either, I just want something that will have amazing next gen games on it.. That's why I am getting a PS4.

The people who prefer microsoft games, or the microsoft money that can buy third party exclusives, or the list of friends they already have in XBL, will end up buying XB1.

#224549 Lack of DirectX 11 support blocking Kingdom Hearts III from Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

3Dude, on 20 Jun 2013 - 11:52 AM, said:Gamecube lost more 3rd party support than any system in nintendo history, except the n64, the most powerful system of its generation.

But yeah, sure powers why nintendo has consistantly had horrible 3rd party support post snes.

They lost 3rd party support because devs did not want to deal with the gamecube small discs. I'm not saying the Wii U is not powerful enough for KH3 but Nintendo will never get 3rd partys if they don't make it convient to program for.

Ubisoft, Warner Bros, and Activision have all said that porting games to WiiU was "a small investment".  It didn't cost much to do, it didn't take much time once developers had tools, and still didn't use much of what the GPU has on offer feature wise. 


NFSMWU took two months to port, they didn't rewrite the engine, they just tweaked it to improve the lighting, and added in higher res textures.  All evidence points to Wii U being rather easy to develop for at least for last gen ports, because the CPU can handle everything they are throwing at it.


For next gen titles, they have to actually start using the GPU, which is a much more complicated matter, and apparently Nintendo themselves still don't have the firmest of grasps on it, at least in games they have to show thus far.  So it is easy to develop for, but complicated to optimize currently.  I agree they need to make it more convenient, but it seems they are doing just that, considering that pretty much every developer that ships a title claims Nintendo was very active in supporting them.

#224545 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:50 AM in General Gaming

I'm a pretty fast reader. And it wasn't anything I never heard before.

Good for you.  Obviously some people missed it, otherwise we wouldn't see spybox trending on twitter and claims of Microsoft sending sensitive information to the government willy-nilly.  Obviously if you were already informed the post was not targeted at you.

#224537 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:45 AM in General Gaming

Even Alex Jones is sane compared to this insane conspiracy theory. I don't even......

In that case why are you on the internet?

I don't get your meaning, and seriously doubt you read what I wrote long enough to comprehend it.

#224533 Defending the Xbox One against the hate

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:42 AM in General Gaming

I just want to clarify a few things here that people seem unable to pick up through the sludge of sensationalist headlines coming from several media outlets.


NSA was never tapping phones, they were never listening to calls.  The only data available to them was the location of the phone when a call was made and who calls were made to, when they have sufficient evidence against a person who they believe to be involved in a potential terror plot, they can get authorization to wiretap, but they need several layers of probable cause to do so.  The providers only released information based on court order, when there was just cause to subpoena the information.  They can only get this information from American based providers.  If it worries you, switch to T-Mobile.


Microsoft, like every other tech company in the world, has to abide by international law as well as domestic law in the countries in which it operates.  The data collected by Microsoft from Windows and their other services only becomes available through court order, and Microsoft still has the right to refuse requests it deems excessive, unnecessary, or unwarranted.  Most requests for information come from local police authorities, not the federal government.


Kinect is a listening device, and similar to the microphone and camera on your cell phone has the potential to be used against you by malicious people who gain unauthorized access.  Your phone is easier to hack than XBOX, and can give much more information about you, including GPS location, Speed, Direction, and more personal information.  Potential consumers should understand the risks involved with such devices and proceed according to their principles.

#224513 Metroid or Donkey Kong Country Was a Hard Decision- Retro

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo might need it for perception, but they don't need it for sales. And sadly, Nintendo needs sales more than perception.

Agreed.  I wish they had announced both, though I still firmly believe that Retro has another title in the works.  I can't believe that a team of 15 people can pull together the demo of Shadow of the Eternals, but it takes 110 people or more with plenty of HD era experience to make a 2D platformer with flowy hair or rotating camera angles.

#224497 Wonderful 101 60 FPS Vid

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This is so viewtiful.

Ha, even the chiquita bananna girl is getting in on the action.


#224496 They need to fix their dlc/store IMO.

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo needs to take notice. This is why many devs are skipping the Wii U.

I seriously doubt that.

#224487 Lack of DirectX 11 support blocking Kingdom Hearts III from Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 20 June 2013 - 06:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Because people buying those consoles totally aren't buying it for the great games/exclusives that they're going to have.


150002brp2.jpg 150017brp2.jpg 150004brp2.jpg


Well, you found me out. I'm not even buying the PS4 to play games. I'm buying it to spend hours upon hours gazing at grass textures and lighting effects. Don't even care about the games.


Nope. Don't care.

Considering that most people claimed that Sony won e3 without really showing any games I think you are in the minority.  Out of those three games (well two, one is a multiplat) one is being panned already from e3 as being boring and monotonous, the other is a decent deviation in gameplay from its previous entrants.  You got me, one game that has a decent gameplay mechanic that is exclusive.  


When another, cheaper console can do the very same things with regard to gameplay and more, and can even compete visually, what motivates a person to choose one over the other?  Sony isn't making a play to their fanbase with their best exclusive franchises, and one of their most popular and wanted has been officially put on hiatus.  They made a play to consumers using a performance figure taken out of context (same thing they did with PS3), as well as taking advantage of Microsoft's mistakes.  Sony is literally going to sell you the hardware based on the hardware, not with new or even refreshed experiences.


I don't have a problem with it, I simply said that most of the people who buy a PS4 this holiday will be buying it based on the hardware and advertised maximum performance rather than what games they can play, because the games they will play exactly the same way as before.  I commend the tactic, actually.  They know there won't be a difference in gameplay or even a huge difference in visuals, but they can still attract customers by talking about whats in the box.

#224267 Reggie on Jimmy Fallon

Posted by routerbad on 19 June 2013 - 03:54 PM in General Gaming

They should have taken W101 and Bayonetta.

#224246 They need to fix their dlc/store IMO.

Posted by routerbad on 19 June 2013 - 03:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

There has been.


Is it possible that issues that is the same issue stopping more dlc?

Perhaps, I don't know, maybe it was just different and the publishers didn't want to deal with it initially.  The problem is that they are creating a self fulfilling prophecy with their games.  They claim they don't support it because of install base, but when the potential buyer hears that it isn't being supported properly, they look elsewhere.

#224245 Lack of DirectX 11 support blocking Kingdom Hearts III from Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 19 June 2013 - 03:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If the wii U can do this:




And the wii U can do this




I'm pretty sure the wii U could do this.



Yeah, Square seems to be trying to slightly modify the narrative daily to confuse people.  It's really sickening.  When X and Mario Kart end up looking better at release than KH3 people are going to balk at it, especially considering the people who spend the extra money on those consoles are doing it based on the hardware specs and put visuals over gameplay.

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