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There have been 26 items by Tropix (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#37658 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 02:24 PM in The Café

Plus, you could have at least been responsible here. You had to come in, insult those of us who like the show, and then try to claim you can. That's just disgusting

Claim that I can what?

#37655 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 02:23 PM in The Café

Some pieces of an episode hardly counts as proof. If you were to watch some pieces of Romeo and Juliet, you would think it is a romance.
Plus, it's stuff like your last statement and  This

That really make me think you don't care about other's opinions at all.

Some pieces of an episode hardly counts as proof. If you were to watch some pieces of Romeo and Juliet, you would think it is a romance.
Plus, it's stuff like your last statement and  This

That really make me think you don't care about other's opinions at all.

I care about others' opinions, and that second quote was my reaction to others' opinions. Some opinions disgust me.

#37652 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 02:12 PM in The Café

What you say could apply to phoenix Wright, could it not? A picture of phoenix wright is not the same as playing the game and opinions that do not reflect how you really feel can be formed

I've never played or even seen anything related to Phoenix Wright, so I can't form an opinion about it. However, I have seen a few MLP pictures and read some stuff about it, and watched some pieces of episodes. Based on all that, I formed a valid opinion. Notice I call it an opinion, not a fact. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My opinion is that MLP is for little girls. End of story.

#37647 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 01:47 PM in The Café

No it's not. If you get snippets and opinions of the Phoenix wright series, you might get the impression that the game is boring. It's far from that

Ok. I'm not talking about the Phoenix Wright series. All I needed to make an opinion about MLP was to see one, just one, picture of a little pink pony, and once I've seen that (which I have) then I can form a pretty nice opinion of my own from it. After doing some research on it, I realized most if not ALL the characters were little colorful ponies. I find it very strange that straight men (assuming they are straight, which they may not be) find interest in a TV series containing so many little ponies! It seems appealing to little girls, from the ages of maybe 0-8....

#37640 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 01:26 PM in The Café

Have you at least watched 1 episode? That's all I have to say on the topic. Don't judge unless you've experienced said thing yourself

I have seen parts of episodes, pictures, and what others had to say about it. That's enough information for me to base an opinion off of.

#37594 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 11:28 AM in The Café

I'll admit that a few months ago I didn't see myself enjoying a show like MLP, but there's nothing disgusting about men watching it and your earlier comment was simply irrational. Quite frankly, it's a much better show than half the crap on TV that's targeted at grown up men.

Sorry for being irrational. I respect your opinion, just to me, It's crazy... I guess it's just something I will never understand.... :mellow:

#37586 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 11:09 AM in The Café

I don't see how men watching MLP affects you in any way and accusing those who watch it of being paedophiles is just immature. I don't have a problem with you disliking MLP, but grown men are perfectly entitled to watch it and you should respect the fact that a lot of us do like MLP. If it's really that big a problem for you, then I'm not sure why you're posting in this thread.

I'm just disgusted that "men" watch it, that's all... :wacko:  Doesn't it strike you as weird? Did you ever think in the past "I think one day I'm going to spend my free time watching a little pink pony girls' show"?  And it's "pedophiles" by the way.

#37584 Your favorite game that no one plays

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 11:04 AM in General Gaming


For me, it's DEFINITELY a DS game called Contact.
No one plays this game, and I don't know why! It's probably the best DS game I have ever played. (Either Contact or Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.)

There's just too much to it to say, but here's the summary:
You play as a character named Terry (but you can change it to whatever you want) who was pretty much just hanging out on the beach, when a UFO smashes to earth next to him. Inside comes out a man who claims to be a scientist who has accidentally crashed. In the crash, energy "cells" were scattered throughout the earth, and he asks you to help him find them. Along the way, you battle TONS of monsters, animals, and bosses, gaining lots of levels (including: striking, slashing, thieving, fishing, cooking, strength, defense, speed, wind, water, fire, and earth magics, and much, much more), and finding hundreds of weapons, foods, and items. There are epic boss battles, and some parts you really have to think to move on.


Here's the Wiki: http://en.wikipedia....ct_(video_game)
Here's the FAQ, and I must say, darklao and Femmefrommars did an OUTSTANDING job on this whopping 79 page FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs....tact/faqs/45914


One more thing I'd like to say; only two people known have ever 100% completed this game (darklao and Femmefrommars), and I believe I may be the third. I have been working on it for about three years now, and am only about 50% way done with it... It's probably the or one of the most time consuming games out there to complete; I can easily say it'll take a total of 3,000-5,000 hours to 100% complete. There are LOTS of items that are miss-able, and by that I mean if you walk by them, don't get them, then save, THEY ARE GONE FOR GOOD AND THE GAME CAN NO LONGER BE 100% COMPLETED!

I got two copies of this game from Kmart. The first was only $10 (on some clearance sale thing), and like a week later, the second copy was only $5! If they had more, I would have bought them out, but there wasn't... :(

#37582 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 10:38 AM in General Gaming

Can't chose just one! Defiantly a four-way-tie between Link, Pit, Snake, and Roxas. They're all sooo cool in their own ways. If I HAD to choose one, it would probably be... AUHHHHHGGG - I CAN'T!

#37581 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Tropix on 22 October 2011 - 10:33 AM in The Café

Yea, I watch the show. It is actually pretty good, compared to other modern day tv cartoons. What's funny is that most of these fans are adult males.

Including me.

I can't stand that so called "men" watch this show! It drives me crazy that men, especially GROWN MEN like this show! It's a little girls' cartoon already! AUGHHH!!! >.<

#37400 See you all later...

Posted by Tropix on 20 October 2011 - 06:48 PM in Introduction Central

I don't know who you are, but sorry to hear you're going... :'( Hope you'll come back.

#37356 The Text Art Thread!

Posted by Tropix on 20 October 2011 - 02:29 PM in The Museum

No wonder. I copied mine from Google. :P

Oh, lol. :P

#37354 The Text Art Thread!

Posted by Tropix on 20 October 2011 - 01:48 PM in The Museum

Just copy the image URL, the click the picture above you (It looks like a photo, with a tree in it). Then paste the URL into the white box, and post. Easy. :)

Oh, thanks for the information, but there is no URL. :P I made it in word but never posted it online.

#37337 The Text Art Thread!

Posted by Tropix on 20 October 2011 - 11:08 AM in The Museum

Is that a Pikachu?

Okay, This one isn't mine. I didn't think this one up. The credit for it's creation goes to mr. koolaid on the 3DS blog. I just thought it was awesome and wanted to share it with you guys.

Yea, it was a Pikachu, but the zeros ruined it  >.<

Not mine:
Posted Image

Wow, those are cool. How did you post them with all the spaces? It kept bunching mine together so I had to replace the zeros, then re-post it.

#37175 The Text Art Thread!

Posted by Tropix on 18 October 2011 - 11:39 PM in The Museum

Ok, this really turned out bad cause I had to change all the spaces for zeros, but here it is :unsure: ...

00"$$b00000000`--. 0000000000000000000000000___.---uuudP00000000000000000000000000
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Seriously, without the "0"s and with spaces, it's wayyy better...

#37174 Hey Guys, I drew a Yoshi

Posted by Tropix on 18 October 2011 - 11:05 PM in The Museum

Dude, that's an awesome Yoshi! Nice shading especially.

#37173 My emo-ish drawings!! :D

Posted by Tropix on 18 October 2011 - 11:04 PM in The Museum

I don't care too much for "emos", but not bad drawings.

#37172 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Tropix on 18 October 2011 - 11:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't wait for this to come out. =D

#37171 Worth having a Wii U Go wiki?

Posted by Tropix on 18 October 2011 - 11:02 PM in Site News and Feedback

Yea, I think it would be a good idea.

#36538 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by Tropix on 15 October 2011 - 03:55 PM in The Museum

Oh, your post kinda threw me of.

Do you by chance have a Youtube channel you want me to list? ;)

Oh, my bad. No thanks, I prefer to keep my channels private. Thanks anyways! ^_^

#36515 Hello Everyone!

Posted by Tropix on 15 October 2011 - 01:17 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums!

#36514 3DS - Wii U Connectivity Speculation Thread

Posted by Tropix on 15 October 2011 - 01:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

Syncing friends from the 3DS to the Cafe, maybe?

That would be nice.

#36489 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by Tropix on 15 October 2011 - 11:20 AM in The Museum


The list of member's youtube channels was a good idea.

#36269 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by Tropix on 14 October 2011 - 09:34 AM in The Museum

Good idea for a discussion!

#36212 Hey there

Posted by Tropix on 13 October 2011 - 08:23 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums!

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