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#76668 Known facts

Posted by 10k on 02 May 2012 - 09:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

Since when has "DRC" been used to refer to the controller? And what does "DRC" mean?

Display Remote Controller

#77071 Known facts

Posted by 10k on 05 May 2012 - 08:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think that's low-balling a little on RAM.

I'm pretty sure what ideaman said recently about the devkits showing a spec list only pretty much puts those "on par" comments into context.
A developer confronted with "CPU clock at 3.0 GHz Tri-Core" in the devkit spec list can say "On par with 360", because that would be an on-par clock frequency.
But with far more advanced technologies, and unknown factors a different chip brings to the game.
Coupling that with all the smaller, more specialised chips it's rumoured to use for (for example) sound, and it's plain to see it'll be better, as it should be.
People just like being negative. :(

I forgot to mention the eDRAM. It will have 4mb per core, so 12mb which is 2 more than the Xbox cpu. The CPU even at the same clock speed, will run circles around the 360 CPU because its a more efficient design.

As for the ram, it was Iherre I think who said "2-3GB of ram?" in the context of "no way, max is 2gb, 1 is the minimum.

I love Nintendo Nollog and I don't want to seem negative, it's just that I am being realistic and combining the fact that PR reps aren't hyping Wii U's power and Nintendo's strategy of this gen from using older hardware and giving it new uses, I don't see the wii U being s beast. It will be great for 2 years like the dreamcast, but then we know the HD twins will be superior. Nintendo knows this too and that's why they wont go heavy on the tech. They will just make it good enough. Needless to say the Wii U will be much closer to the Ps4 and 720 this gen, and we won't miss out on all these ports. It will run all the engines just with less intensive effects.

Cheer up :)

#78231 Known facts

Posted by 10k on 13 May 2012 - 06:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Xbox360 has 1MB of L2 cache(total), the EDRAM in that is used for the GPU, not the CPU, it even says if you click on the hardware link.


Where as the Wii U will apparently use the EDRAM as cache(like the Power7 does), hence 4MB of L3 cache per core(like the Power7). Although I don't know why people are saying it's a tri-core, no-one knows how many cores it has except for Nintendo and the developers.

Correct. The Wii U will use it's eDRAM for the CPU instead of the GPU like the Xbox does. However, if the GPUis on the same die as the CPU then they will both share the eDRAM.

In reference to the tri-core part, the latest GAF dev kit rumors are the Wii U having only 3 cores with Nintendo banking on the high eDRAM and DSP (a separate dedicated recession to handle all audio) to save the CPU's major resources.

#59259 Known facts

Posted by 10k on 02 February 2012 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

So what do we know for sure then?

CPU: IBM Power7 based (lowest model is a 3.0 Ghz quad core. Best model is a 4.7Ghz octo core)
GPU: Custom AMD based off of the RV700 series capable of native 1080p
eDRAM: "Lots of eDRAM" according to IBM
Tablet: 480p, with all proper buttons and a 6.2 Touchscreen that is Resistive (like the DS and 3DS)
NFC Technology
Nintendo Network which will have game demoes, DLC, and indivual username accounts
Connectable to 3DS and PC

What we don't know?

How many cores the CPU will have, and what speed it will be clocked at?
How much RAM and what type of RAM?
How much eDRAM (maximum 32mb)?
How much video memory?
What GPU will be used?
How much will it cost?
What's the final console name?
Will it be bundled with a Wii Remote+?

#77255 Known facts

Posted by 10k on 06 May 2012 - 03:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

UUUUU wrong..

Xbox got ONLY 1 mb cache, thats why they luck in AI.. and are limited to new games processing. Also I believe wii U will not have 12mb cache, is extreme, but if it has that cache, its superb. I give a thumbs up for that..

To be more precise, I think xbox is 2x64kb L1 cache and 2x1mb or 1mb L2 cache..
Wii U is L1 4x32kb or 3x32kb depends the cores, L2 3or4X64kb cache and 3or4x4mb per core... but there is a possibility that nintendo will cut some cache... fore example 1mb per core or 2...

eDRAM is essentially L3 cache. The 360 has 10mb.

#79199 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by 10k on 19 May 2012 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

I thought the square was just a design thing so the D-pad side doesn't look so empty. I mean the screen can be used for NFC so what's the point of having a little square for one?

So the children and casuals know where to place the NFC compatible products on the controller. It only has a range of around half an inch, the last thing you want is kids randomly smashing carp on the controller trying to find where the NFC range is lol.

#79204 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by 10k on 19 May 2012 - 01:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

They don't look like triggers to me when you look at the patent. They look like the B button on a wii remote.

Again I am in the minority. This is a huge step backwords for me. I will still get the Wii U....But I was looking forward to Circle Pads. I am serverly disappointed in Nintendo on this.

I feel sorry for the 6 of you who will miss the circle pads :P

#79248 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by 10k on 19 May 2012 - 02:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

The analog sticks are too far up it looks so weird.

Well I think the only time you will use the two analog sticks is in fps's and maybe tps. Most of the time, the shoulder buttons will be used the most so it will feel natural. It's when you start needing to use facebuttons and both analogs that it will feel weird. The controller is bigger I believe, but not by much. The best part of the controller for me is the fact that the face buttons are diagonally placed under the right analog instead of directly down so it feels more natural when moving my thumb and not needing to move my entire right hand.

#79192 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by 10k on 19 May 2012 - 12:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

The square thing I believe is the NFC area where you can tap toys, cards, etc to it. The one near the power button I think is to sync it to the console. Just a theory.

Btw I tried to use img codes but the forum says I can't?

#79177 RUMOUR: Controller redesign!

Posted by 10k on 19 May 2012 - 12:30 PM in Wii U Hardware


Sweet mother of Jesus yes!!!!

#53975 PlayStation 4 will probably be alot stronger then the Wii U and Xbox 720

Posted by 10k on 13 January 2012 - 02:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

Actually there is a rumor being started That Sony is not going to make the PS4 but instead make a smart Tv that does everything including playing games, and it's supposed to compete with apples iTV. So there won't be an actual PS4 console per say, but Sony will still make gaming hardware, it will just be included with their smart 3DTV's and it will be around 2016.

#75955 General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

Posted by 10k on 29 April 2012 - 06:06 PM in Wii U Hardware


Will show Kinect 2.0 and/or more Kinect games
Will blab about sales and how it was #1 in USA this year
Halo 4 trailer with gameplay footage
Announce some new 360 bundles
Windows 8 integration
50% chance they at least tease the next Xbox


Sony All-Star Royale Battle
God of War: Ascension
Lot's of Vita stuff (god knows it needs it, mine is collecting dust)
Full PS1 and PSP backwards compatibility with Vita firmware release date
Resistance Trilogy Bundle (confrimed for Europe)
Uncharted Trilogy (Confrimed for Europe)
Hype up the Move somemore (they want to focus on it)
Last of Us gameplay trailer


Pikmin 3
Retro teaser
Monolith teaser
Third party games like ACIII and Darksiders II trailer
EA stuff
Wii U hardware and release date and final form shown
3DS stuff shown
Luigi's Mansion 2
Fire Emblem
Maybe Pokemon Black and White 2

#69635 General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

Posted by 10k on 04 April 2012 - 08:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

They have to sell me on this console as of now. I'm just not sold anymore. I have no problem skipping next gen because I won't buy PS4 or Nextbox.

I know what you mean man. I have been a bipolar this last year with the Wii U. I got all pumped up and excited last April with the revealing of Project Cafe. Then around Xmas time it died down as I enjoyed my PS3 and PC more. Then it picked up again, especially with Mark Rein's comment on it's capabilties and Vigil praising it. Then it went back down this week reading GAF and the rainbowload of rumors about it being at best an Xbox 360 with a touchscreen controller.

But I got a feeling at E3 Nintendo will pull out all the stops, talk about the online, the launch lineup, price, trailers, release date, and some secret feature that ppl are talking about that Nintendo is holding back (I don't think it's NFC either).

But some people will be dissapointed because Nintendo doesn't release specs so ppl won't know the true Wii U power until a person takes it apart and determines the clock speeds like they did with the 3DS http://3dbrew.org/wiki/Hardware

My best answer is just be patient, ignore the rumors or take them with a grain of salt and just wait for E3. I mean c'mon, this is Nintendo, and they always deliver and prove doubters wrong. (I mean remember the carp storm about Wind Waker being cel-shaded, or the Wii not being HD? Or the 3D in the 3DS was just a gimmick and all those games and consoles would fail? What happened after that?)

#79569 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by 10k on 20 May 2012 - 02:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

Tech guys out there... Radeon 6770... Awesome, good, mediocre, old, meh, crap?

It's crap. It was a low-mid range card in 2010. It does support DX11 and it can run Crysis 2 on max at 1080p and 20fps.

Yeah this list seems too fake. You think Nintendo would charge $450 for the wii U after the 3DS failed at $250? Unless this thing is a quantum leap over the PS3/360, it doesn't deserve that pricepoint. The 6770 is a crappy video card and Nintendo has been getting their GPU customized since 2009. 560mb reserved for the OS is before optimizations and not final. No way that console will have a 4ghz CPU unless it is liquid cooled or has an airplane turbine fan as a cooler. Seems like a random dude seeking attention.

#79598 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by 10k on 20 May 2012 - 03:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Acomplishments on 3DS...But I do agree this must be fake seeing as $450 for a Wii U at launch is just absurd.

Imagine the field day Sony fans would have with that launch price. It would be Nintendo's equivalent of $599 US dollars!

4 tablet support is vital for me. im always playing 4 player split screen on fifa and COD, my friends would not be happy playing split screen with wiimotes, i wouldnt be happy either

Dear god man you are going to be disappointed. The amount of hardware power needed to run 4 controllers is insane, and you would be asking for a near $500 console to support that. You are in a minority, the majority of gamers game online, single player, or do 2 player co-op. 4 player local multiplayer is dead, especially if the Xbox 8 and PS4 are also rumored to have touchscreen controllers.

#79702 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by 10k on 20 May 2012 - 09:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

little of the info is "BS" or "wtf"

i still didnt explain everything ... acivements and cpu ... etc

The achivements argument is preety easy to explain:

not having achivements in first-party games and supporting global achivement system (for 3rd parties) are totally different things ... tsk tsk tsk

perception perception perception
asumption asumption asumption
you guys are too easy ... learn to understand context

In response to the bold part? A CPU that runs at 4GHz inside a small console box would melt away the console. A Nintendo console priced at $450 when they're most expensive home console ever was the Wii ($250)? Complete BS.

#86569 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by 10k on 11 June 2012 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I won't even participate remotely in this, though with exception of this post.

Not your fault guys, but this rumor is BS.

I won't waste time reading all the pages either.

This ^

#89044 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

UE4 also runs on xbox360 and ps3 downscaled. call me when u actually know something about technology

Unreal 4 hasn't been released yet lol. It's a next gen engine that can only be ran by a 2011 level GPU. Call ME when you learn something about technology. Just because I am trying to be realistic and keep your hype levels in check doesn't mean you can start insulting me. I insulted nobody. Just because I said something that disagrees with your point of view I get insulted? Grow up dude.

#88909 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 10k on 20 June 2012 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

So if you DOUBTERS on this site actually read between the lines like I have been saying. He basically said in that interview the Wii U is already running a next gen engine. But I'm sure that isn't good enough for you guys.

Cryengine 3 runs on both PS3 and 360 downscaled. It's not next gen. Call me when they say frostbite 2 or unreal 4.

#70728 Wii U Manufacturing costs?

Posted by 10k on 08 April 2012 - 07:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

It sounds very likely. I believe it. If it is true, individual controllers will cost about 65$, which is perfectly reasonable, especially if only two tablet controllers are compatible with each system.

60 days till we find out!

No, the cost to make will be $65. Then you have to include shipping, packaging, retailer markup, middleman markup, and then you got yourself an $80 controller approx.

#51051 What apps do you want on the WiiU

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 04:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Stuff that will make me avoid getting my iPad while playing.

Angry birds
Infinity blade

#57570 RUMOR: Nintendo considering renaming the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't expect much. Honestly Nintendo loves the "Wii" brand and I don't see them getting rid of it. I bet they will just name it Wii 2 for the casual crowd to treat it like an iPad 2. Than people will ask if they can use their wii games for it and wii controllers and people will say "yes" and then they will question whats the point in buying a new console if they can just keep their wii games. Than they will ask if wii 2 games can be played in the wii 1 and all this BS will occur.

What I hope for is just the Nintendo U.

U is for you.
U is for ultimate
U is for utopia
U is for Universe

Or go with something cool like Nintendo Zion (posted that name in the what would you name the wii. Thread)

#57669 RUMOR: Nintendo considering renaming the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 05:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

They should separated the next console from the wii by establishing a edgier name for it's new console. We may even see it this summer.

Read this:

I read this earlier. It's Obvious Japan will get it first. The only consoles that were released in the summer time by Nintendo were the SNES and NES but that was japan. The closest to summer a NA release was the N64 (September).

#75067 Nintendo Investor Meeting News

Posted by 10k on 26 April 2012 - 03:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

I expect only a small tidbit to get investor confidence up since the stock price did drop a little after the financial results were posted.

#57574 RUMOR: Nintendo considering renaming the Wii U

Posted by 10k on 26 January 2012 - 12:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

sorry bro but zion? u know what that means right? you know zionism is like the ideology behind the creation of israel, its not a simple name to be given to anything, and it's a very sensitive issue too, cool word but with HUGELY controversial implications

Yeah it also means utopia. Maybe reword it to Scion or something like the car brand haha.

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