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There have been 8 items by Abdullah Bin Mustajab (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#64708 Could the Wii remote be the primary control option?

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 04 March 2012 - 08:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

I feel really sorry for people that think the Wiimote won't be used for single player games. See Zelda.

#68029 WiiU Renaming Suggestions (New Names)

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 25 March 2012 - 03:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image

#68108 Xbox 720 "A generation leap" Says a NeoGaf source

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 26 March 2012 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

A next gen console being next gen I don't see whats wrong here seems like he just stated the obvious .

You are just not good not realising gen is considered by time not specs.

#68109 E3 WiiU controller

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 26 March 2012 - 05:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why FFS are people suggesting analog sticks? Do you think Nintendo is not good or what? The reason for going Circle Pads is to prevent obstacles when using the touch screen.

#68114 Nintendo Gamer to reveal the Wii U TRUTH? + Wii U name change confirmed?

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 26 March 2012 - 06:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U is confirmed it will be 10x more powerful then current gen.

jk, it's the paper's in the Nintendo Gamer magaizne.

We can hope.


Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 28 March 2012 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

PS4 and Nextbox are gonna also probably have much more advanced tablets than the Wii U if they decide to copy Nintendo.

#68403 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 28 March 2012 - 06:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

I want it at 350$

#74004 Wii U MUST be next gen..

Posted by Abdullah Bin Mustajab on 23 April 2012 - 07:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well we have had some feedback from developers and PR people at publishers. The developer leaks state a console a bit below 360/PS3 overall, the PR statements predict something about equal to possibly more powerful but then PR people will mainly oversell a product. Something like the killer freaks footage which is being developed on a wii u development system looks a bit weak compared to ps3/360. All indications are a console with more memory than ps3/360, a superior optical drive to 360, a weaker gpu and possibly a cpu that could be anything upto a quadcore 3ghz powerpc chip although I personally think it might go well below this like a 2 or 3ghz dual core chip because I think they may try to incorporate the cpu on the same silicon as the gpu. However I've got my fingers crossed here that we are going to get a quadcore 3ghz powerpc chip.

I think this is perfectly reasonable based on the console costing about $299 in the states, featuring a expensive controller, a small console with limited cooling ability and Nintendo's need to sell it at a profit. The wii, DS series, 3DS are all very underpowered compared to the competition and have been very successful. I see no reason for Nintendo to break their old habits. I'm near certain the wii U will be at least underpowered a bit in gpu terms overall compared to 360/PS3.

To be honest I've not read one explanation anywhere how Nintendo could fit a powerful GPU into the small form factor of the wii u console. Its only going to be using a small fan like the original wii. Most of the case is going to be occupied with  slot loading high density optical drive.

Lastly gearbox stated that the wii u has more memory and more cpu power, where as the developer leaks stated weak gpu. Neither of these statements conflict with each other.

Its cpu power and memory that govern how complex a world is, which is where the wii u does well and its the gpu that governs how well that world is presented and in this case the wii U may be a bit weak so not quite having the ability to match 360/PS3.

So Skyrim for example could have slightly simplified graphics on wii U but have a better physics engine, better frame rates, better a.i etc.

To be honest when you look at a game like Skyrim on the 360 for example it looks amazing, very beautiful, I could happily play that game with slightly inferior graphics especially if it meant higher frame rates etc.

Do people even want a console that is $450 etc that is more technically powerful instead of a lower power model at $300? It would only mean less people buy the console and less games get developed. Its in our interest that Nintendo make a profit and can afford to develop their brilliant games on the console.

Also for cartoon graphics you don't need such a powerful gpu anyway. A mario game will not need sophisticated texturing or lighting. Considering the sort of games that Nintendo develop why do they need a state of the art gpu? Surely better to concentrate on memory and cpu power anyway which can be utilised fully by all games?

You are so wrong it's not even funny.

Watch that and shed some wisdom into your skull.

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