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There have been 211 items by AMAC (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#97020 What classes are you taking at school this year?

Posted by AMAC on 01 August 2012 - 11:26 AM in The Café

I won't make any final decisions until I find out my results next week but at the moment I'm thinking of doing:
Advanced Higher Economics (which I'm planning to study at uni)
Advanced Higher History
Advanced Higher Maths or possibly Higher Accounting

With a bit of luck my exam results for this year will be good enough for me to get into one of my first choice universities, in which cases won't have to work too hard this year.

#88727 What are your favorite Sport Teams and Players?

Posted by AMAC on 19 June 2012 - 01:39 PM in The Café

Formula 1 Team: McLaren (I also quite like Williams)
Formula 1 Drivers: Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Raikkonen and Jenson Button are my favourite drivers. I also have a soft spot for Paul di Resta, as he's Scottish and he's pretty good.

#100748 What 3DS Game is Better?

Posted by AMAC on 20 August 2012 - 08:37 AM in General Gaming

If you haven't played Ocarina of Time before, I'd recommend getting it now. If you have played the original version though, I'd recommend Mario Kart 7.

#139765 Welcome to the Wii U Reviews Section!

Posted by AMAC on 28 November 2012 - 01:38 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Several of you have asked for this recently, so here it is: The Wii U Reviews Section! If you have any suggestions or comments about this, then please post them in this thread.

Section Guidelines

This section should only have one thread for each game, so please check that the isn't already a thread before you create a new one. You can also post reviews from other sites, although make sure you include links if you do so.

I'd like this edition to simply be for posting reviews, so please don't start discussing each game here. Discussion of Wii U Games should be kept on the main Wii U Games section, as we don't want threads here being cluttered with lots of replies.

If you create a new thread, it'd be good to add a ratings poll so that users can get a quick idea of what other users think of the game in question.

If you see any other review threads that have already been created in other sections, please report them so they can be moved/merged in this section.

As the name suggests, this should only be used for Wii U reviews. If this is successful then I'll consider creating a reviews section for other games.

#143013 Welcome to the Wii U Reviews Section!

Posted by AMAC on 03 December 2012 - 11:37 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Will you please create 1 for the 3ds. I don't have the wii u yet. And I really wanna do a review on Crashmo.

This is currently a bit of an experiment, so I'll see how this goes before thinking of adding a general reviews section. This is a Wii U forum, so there won't be a dedicated section for the 3DS, but one day we could add a general reviews section for other consoles.

Since there is a Zombie U review in here, does that mean I can't post mine ?

You can simply post your Zombi U review in the existing thread.

#131546 Welcome to the Competitons & Matchmaking section!

Posted by AMAC on 17 November 2012 - 02:05 PM in Competitions & Matchmaking

Sme of you guys have recently expressed interest in us having a matchmaking section here at Wii U Forums, so here it is! As the title suggests, this section can be used for online tournaments for any console or just general online gaming. This is a bit of an experiment, so if it doesn't get much use I'll take it down after a while.

Forum Guidelines

1) Please don't create threads to share any user information for any console/game. We have a specific thread for Nintendo Network IDs and another thread for all other user information that you should use for this.

2) If you want to play online with other users, then look to see if there is a thread for the game you want to play. If there isn't already a thread (which will be the case for now), the you can create a thread for that game.

3) If you're planning on setting up a competition for any game, then you can create a separate thread for it.

If you have any questions/comments/suggestions for this section then please post them here.

#131550 We need this (please read this admins and mods)

Posted by AMAC on 17 November 2012 - 02:10 PM in Site News and Feedback

Well, everyone seems to be in favour of this, so I've set up a Competions & Matchmaking sub-forum: http://thewiiu.com/f...ns-matchmaking/

#129191 We need this (please read this admins and mods)

Posted by AMAC on 14 November 2012 - 11:29 AM in Site News and Feedback

I think we should have a section of the site where we can meet and ask others if they want to be on their friend list for whatever games and systems the poster wants to play. And IDs and friendcodes can be exchanged through PM if they agree to play.

We do have a thread for this, which I've just made official:

We can also have a separate thread that's just for Wii U IDs once it's released.

#130980 We need this (please read this admins and mods)

Posted by AMAC on 16 November 2012 - 03:07 PM in Site News and Feedback

I've now made a separate thread for NNIDs once the Wii U is released.

As for the idea of a matchmaking section, I'd be happy to create a sub-forum for it. How many people here would like one and actually use it enough to justify having one?

#157278 We need more of those little pictures that come with each rank

Posted by AMAC on 07 January 2013 - 12:37 PM in Site News and Feedback

If someone can make some more of these icons I'll be happy to add them to the ranks. I would make them, but Paint is the only image programme I know how to use, so they'd probably look rubbish. If any of you are prepared to make these, then please post some sample images, and if they're good enough, I'll add them. Please don't be offended if you make any and I don't use them though.

#158544 We need more of those little pictures that come with each rank

Posted by AMAC on 11 January 2013 - 11:44 AM in Site News and Feedback

And make it so that we can choose the colour we want? :)

Unfortunately, I don't think that would be possible, and if it is, it would take a lot of work to implement. We'll just have blue icons, as it fits with the theme of the site.

#67242 warning points

Posted by AMAC on 21 March 2012 - 12:45 PM in Site News and Feedback

@Waller - we don't have set ban lengths for warning points here. We deal with each case separately. For example, if someone got two three warning points within a day of joining, there's a good chance they'd be banned, while if someone who had been here for a while and didn't regularly cause trouble reached three points, we'd probably be more forgiving.

@GeneralCraezy - There have been a few cases where members have been banned, but as Nollog said, when someone is banned we don't generally announce it.

#111495 violent mario game?

Posted by AMAC on 22 September 2012 - 12:19 PM in General Gaming

Mario should never appear in a game more violent than SSB. Nintendo aren't going to make a Mario game that would have an age rating of more than 7+.

#160231 Unban Ness/Nintendo Fanboy/Geno/Big Bird thread

Posted by AMAC on 17 January 2013 - 08:16 AM in Site News and Feedback

There are a few things I'd like to point out on this issue:
1) Warnings/punishments are an issue between the users involved and the moderating team. There isn't much need for a thread about an individual user's warnings.

2) Unbanning one user because of a thread like this would be unfair on the other users here who have been banned from the chat. I'm not saying Ness won't ever have his ban lifted, but doing so because of this threat would set a bad precedent.

3) I don't want to come across as being arrogant, but I have access to the chat logs and am able to see if users have been repeat offenders, which means that us moderators are in a better position to decide what would be fair punishments when warning users.

4) At the time of this incident, I don't recall any users contacting me to defend Ness. If you think any of the moderating team have been unfair on another user, let us know at the time, rather than several months later.

#155271 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 02 January 2013 - 12:13 PM in Site News and Feedback

The pony spam is what I was referring to. The personal slander can refer to several things: one being what you mentioned, another being the onslaught of slander of several members via a personal chat on the users page, another being possible framing of other accounts, another being PM harassment. And the personal information leak refers to when the user who was involved with the personal slander posted detailed personal information they gathered via social network accounts (that the said user sought out themselves) of several users in chat.
The pony spam was met with VERY swift action and stern warnings... The latter incidents have been giving some users a headache over the lack of action from most mods.
I understand that most of the mods and admins have personal lives... but maybe they should choose a staff less busy.

I'd like to point out that when we warn members, we generally keep the warning/punishment between ourselves and the user(s) involved, so although it may not seem like we have done anything, we will have dealt with it, as long as it has been reported. The leaking of personal information case was dealt with shortly after it was reported, although some of the users here should consider being more careful about what personal information they put online. The link to the personal chat has also been removed from that users profile and we're currently looking at how best to deal with it, although we don't have much control over user's conduct on external sites.

#154593 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 03:52 PM in Site News and Feedback

I appreciate the responses guys. On the issue of reporting however, I have reported things in the past, but there is no visual conformation that the item in question has been reported. It says "sending report" at the top of the page, then fades out. Does this mean the report has gone through?

Yes, it would have gone through. After that, all mods/admins will receive an email/notification about it and we will then take whatever action we feel is appropriate. Only mods will see comments that have been made on a report, so after you've sent it you won't see anything more.

Some of you have been mentioning that older members seem to get special treatment, but I try not to differentiate between newer and older members when dealing with reports. However, with minor offences, I will be more lenient with a user who has been here for a year without causing any trouble, than I would be with a new member who instantly starts causing trouble.

#154727 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 01 January 2013 - 04:07 AM in Site News and Feedback

When ponies take quicker priority over personal slander and information leak, maybe it's time to listen to some of these complaints.

In what way are ponies taking priority over anything else?

#154333 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 03:20 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'm sorry about the recent number of spammy posts. I've to been online much over christmas and I now have prelims coming up in a few weeks. I don't have time to read every thread that is posted on this forum, so it's inevitable that we'll miss some things. If. You see anything that breaks the rules, you should report it and it will be dealt with - it only takes thirty seconds to do.

The reason why we call this the "largest Wii U community in the world", is because it's a fact that we are the biggest Wii U forum at the moment and it's impossible to prove that we are the best forum. It doesn't mean that we don't care about quality.

As for warnings, we do give them out fairly regularly and there are quite a lot of users who have been warned at some point. However, I don't tend to give out a warning whenever someone breaks a minor rule, otherwise pretty much everyone here would have had one. For example, with the pony images posted in the atheism thread, I didn't give put any warnings, as I didn't feel that warning every user who spammed updates achieve anything. However, if you guys think we are too lenient at times, I'm happy too start being more harsh on users who break rules.

#157606 This is just UNACCEPTABLE!

Posted by AMAC on 08 January 2013 - 01:33 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

This thread has gone off-topic and has had several insulting posts, so it's being locked now.

#100466 The x29x Story...

Posted by AMAC on 18 August 2012 - 12:32 PM in The Café

The duplicate account thing has been dealt with. As for x29xboom, the isn't even account here with that name. That's one of his YouTube accounts.

#90229 The most amazing concept ever... the DS U!

Posted by AMAC on 27 June 2012 - 08:33 AM in General Gaming

It seems unlikely to me that we'd see something like that. DS games would probably look horrible on a large screen and I don't think there'd be any simple way to upscale DS games.

#116491 The Lifespan of the Wii U Forums.

Posted by AMAC on 10 October 2012 - 12:37 PM in Site News and Feedback

I don't know what Feld0's plans for the future are, but if he decides to have a forum for Nintendo's next console, I imagine he would simply rename this current one.

#148931 The Hobbit

Posted by AMAC on 17 December 2012 - 01:11 PM in The Café

I saw it today and I really enjoyed it. I had doubts about whether making a trilogy out of just one book would work, but it was nice that none of the scenes felt rushed. I haven't actually read the full book, so I can't comment on whether it was true to the original story.

#129044 The Forums Need Updating, Wii U Is Out Soon

Posted by AMAC on 13 November 2012 - 11:36 PM in Site News and Feedback

I'd just like to point out that there is an IP.Board app for mobile devices and any user who uses this site on their phone's browser should automatically be on the mobile version of the forum, so a specific app for this forum would be unnecessary.

Also, I don't see what getting rid of Wii U Go would achieve in terms of improving the forum. As far as I'm aware, Wii U Go has been around longer than the forum, so I don't see it disappearing at this time.

#84523 The fear I had came true

Posted by AMAC on 05 June 2012 - 12:59 PM in General Gaming

I agree that the conference was a bit underwhelming, but it wasn't that bad. Some of the games they showed looked very good, such as Super Marios Bros U and Pikmin and although they won't appeal to everyone, titles like Wii Fit U and Zombi U could also be very popular with people who enjoy those types of game. We also have a clearer idea now about exactly how the controller will be used I'm games, so I wouldn't say it was a bad conference by any means. Besides, we should get some exciting news tomorrow, albeit not much that's related to the Wii U.

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