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#310181 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 10:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

#310180 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 10:55 PM in General Gaming

Well it sounds like an impressive list of improvements! Although I'm curious what the physics was like before? I assume rounding errors don't cause that big a problem with physics anyway. Although I have no idea how physics engines work. Something to do with numerical integration estimates I'm guessing.

Well, it would render ghost data 100% unusable, as the ghost will abort and crash the game if everything is not 100% accurate. Although unusable ghost data doesnt seem like a huge deal, it did make incredibly useful for testing the accuracy of the physics.

Floating point doesnt just affect your physics, it affects the accuracy of your polygons vertex placement as well. For example, the reason the psx had wobbly polygons that warped and juttered all over the place was because it didnt have accurate enough floating point precision.

So, when you have a machine that was running physics simulations where the machine thinks it know with 100% certainty where those vertices are going to be, and they... arent there... things... happen.

In game problems would be things like randomly falling through platforms you were standing/walking on in mario galaxy, randomly flying off the track and to your doom in fzero, along with making several famous shortcuts impossible because the physics to do them didnt work right.

#310166 RUMOR... Next level games working on unannounced Wii U game using NIntendo IP

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 05:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Poor Ryudo keeps posting wii u news in the wii u news section and nobody ever sees it XD

"This topic has already been locked"


#310163 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 05:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Reminds me of Guyver.



I dont know... I just dont-

Oh wait, THIS Guyver
Yeah, thats the ticket.

Honestly, I think ive noticed several Japanese pop culture references with the armours so far, and those are just the ones someone like me can recognize.

#310160 Next Level Wii U game in development *rumor*

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 05:25 PM in Wii U News

What the Wii is wierd about wanting a Wii U? Holy crap this industry stigma is ridiculous.

#310159 The Witcher 3 - PAX East gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 05:22 PM in General Gaming

Well, its still slow motion like they are swimming in molasses, but the monster behavior and ai is 1000000X better than that griffin hunt they showed off last time.

#310143 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 08:24 AM in General Gaming

I'm not who he's talking about at all because I wouldn't consider myself anything close to being a hardcore Elder Scrolls fan. I agree that if people call themselves hardcore fans, it's a bit silly to have an opinion without having played all the games. 
The only reason I'm comfortable saying that after only having played 3/5 of the series is because I've listened to a lot of people who are into the series and almost never have I heard anyone say Arena or Daggerfall are the best. It seems to usually be Morrowind.
But my larger complaint is that I don't think this narrative he's stitched together actually describes reality (a pretty typical indicator is when someone has to base their theory on a personal anecdote rather than on some data we can check). It might roughly describe how the business side tries to operate but it doesn't describe people's opinions. If you to any of the fanbases for the long running game series, you almost never find that people just all love the latest game the most. The Final Fantasy fanbases usually like 6 or 7 the most. The Zelda fanbases usually like A Link to the Past or Ocarina the most. The Mario fanbases usually like Super Mario World or Mario 64 the most. What he's called a "normative force" absolutely exists.

Did you just seriously use historic japanese games in an example of how western industry marketing is curating its gaming history for indoctrination? Seriously? That doesnt even make sense! You didnt notice how not A SINGLE ONE OF YOUR EXAMPLES was a western game? How they were ALL Japanese?

You can NOT compare fans of Japanese games to fans of Western games, the problems being talked about here are EXCLUSIVE to how the western side of the industry curates its history by crapping all over it, and how their audience is joyfully brainwashed by it. The vast majority of the Japanese studios DO NOT engage in the same AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Marketing scheme tactics being described here, in fact, the only one who does successfully OWNS several of the biggest western studios around. Nintendo DOES NOT do this AT ALL. And the fact you even TRIED to insinuate this about a company thats CONSTANTLY bringing up and celebrating its history really shows me you are not tracking at all.

The Japanese companies that do this, have by and large destroyed themselves (See Capcom, square Eeenix) Because that audience HATES that AAAAAAAAAAA Marketing BS the Western audience waits for, mouths gaping gulping it by the gallon. You can NOT tell them that a game thats crap is better than the ones that came before it with marketing. You CANT tell them 'DmC is better than DMC because it has the FEEL of 60fps, even though its only 30 FPS'. You CANT tell them that the reason they didnt like DmC was simply because 'We changed Dante's hair' when they know DAMN well the games been watered down so that it can be played by a moron whos only capable of slapping his balls across the controller ie the average western 'gamer'.

Japanese game fans, KNOW their history, and they are NOT afraid to state some new game in the series is nothing more than flashy crap compared to an old one. In fact they are so paranoid, that for a lot of them thats basically the default response whether they played the game or not. The same can NOT be said about the western AAAAAAAAA audience. COMPLETELY incomparable.

Arena was amazing for its time, but its combat and functions have not held up well (Neither has the entirety of the series as far as combat was concerned, even skyrim has outdated 90's combat). But the series was never about the combat... Until the latest entries, that forgot that the combat sucked and was just something people put up with, because the sense of journey and exploration was so immense.

Daggerfall plays exactly like a modern elder scrolls title, minus the god awful enemy and loot scaling (Stupid STUPID decision), and is 2,000 times bigger than skyrim. People are STILL finding new places and dungeons never seen before by anyone else. The reason you never see anyone bring it up, is because most of them dont know it even EXISTS.

#310141 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 07 March 2015 - 07:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They just had to, didn't they?

Dont forget squidbutt!

Well, we already knew the swimsuits were returning. Even if we hadnt already seen them, shulk in his skivvies is ridiculously popular in smash bros so...

But yeah, g string heavy armor appears to be back in full force from sharlas armor catalouge. Fortunately, they seem to have just as many practical looking armours as butt floss looking ones this time.

#310120 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 06 March 2015 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

And the big bad shown in todays video shall henceforth be known, as SquidButt.

#310066 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 04 March 2015 - 12:39 PM in General Gaming

Lol did you write that article on gamasutra? Or can I be rude about it?
I started the Elder Scrolls at Morrowind and I still think Skyrim's the best in the series.

You are exactly what they are talking about. Youve played less than half the series, and think you know the latest one is the 'best'. A very rare opinion in the elder scrolls circles by the way. Very, very, very, little has changed in elderscrolls over the decades, beyond the graphics. Its simply gotten smaller, and smaller, and smaller, with less, and less, and less in it. A magic gimmick and 'shouts' dont do much to offput that.

'It's very important to make consumers feel that they are living at the very best gaming period ever, that there's no time like now. Hype is built by telling people how expansive Skyrim's world is, not how miniscule it is compared to Daggerfall or Arena. Similarly, you can't release a new XCOM and let everyone know that the original game had way more tactical options and randomly generated maps. And it isn't nice to mention how Baldur's Gate 2 had 298 spells while Dragon Age: Origins only has 96.

Now, a sequel doesn't need to always expand upon the previous game, but it should at least be aware of its shortcomings and offer something in exchange. And although there's a mantra being repeated about how far games have evolved, a more critical view will show you that little has been offered in the past 15 years besides better graphics.'

'Gaming was pasteurized in the last decade by the multi-platform frenzy and the pursuit of larger and larger audiences at any cost.'

'As you said, we lost depth and complexity, that were never replaced. I not against making streamlined games, but I want to play old-school games as well. Instead, we have dishonesty, empty promises.'


'And thank the "outdated" Japanese industry for Ninja Gaiden and Demon's/Dark Souls'

And now, we can thank the 'outdated' and lets not forget 'backwards' Japanese industry for Bloodbourne.

#310059 Wii U gets Unity 5!

Posted by 3Dude on 04 March 2015 - 10:04 AM in Wii U News

And the silence from the trolls saying wii u would never be able to handle unity 4.XX/anything over vanilla 4 is deafening.

#310055 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 04 March 2015 - 09:33 AM in General Gaming

Mmmm I could never get into Monster Hunter I'm afraid. It just didn't reel me in like Dark Souls. I may have to try this Kings Field though. It's on the PS1 right? Does it look hideous if you play it now then?

Speaking of the devil. Gamesradar recently redid their top 100 games of all time. Guess what came in top? Quite a shock actually: http://www.gamesrada...est-games-ever/

Its not really a shock at all. The school of design souls/field comes from craps flaming terd meteors on modern AAAAAAAAAAAA design from deep outer space. The only problem was fooling the idiotic girnoliz and lazy complacant conditioned audience to spend enough time with it to learn its not broken, just demanding. The industry is built on hype, at the expense of attacking what came before. Its a cult of hype, all controlled by marketing. The surest way to get people hyped about something that is great, but theyve been brainwashed into believing 'old and obsolete gameplay' is to remake/rename it, and market the crap out of it.

Thats why we had gamzgirnoliz crapping their pants over the kings quest remake, when not a single one of them ever played, or even knew what the hell kings quest was (Despite the adventurer/Graham having a cameo in the most explosively popular, ALSO old school designed game of the past decade).


Kings field started on psx and in 1st person, but went all the way to kings field 4 on ps2, and was going to be kings field 5 on ps3, until Sony stepped in and used their publishing power to make a ridiculously successful name/franchise change from Kings field 5 to Demons souls.


#310018 hey 3dude my dude the dude of the dude you like the devil may cry reboot you dud

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 06:13 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

No. I did not like the DmC reboot.

#310011 Mad Max Out 9/4/2015 on PS4/ X1 - Last Gen Cancelled

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 03:48 PM in General Gaming

Will probably be better than the new film. At least the game is an 18.

Well I guess that explains where the generic Non-Max shmuck on the cover came from.

#310010 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 03:40 PM in General Gaming

Whats up with the melting pot? I tried it a couple of times but get rediculus results. Not used it since.

Pretty sure its the same as finding a mystery or shining charm in an actual stage. Its completely random its not like you combine like skills to get improved versions. You just trade in your garbage at a chance to get not garbage.

#310001 Mad Max Out 9/4/2015 on PS4/ X1 - Last Gen Cancelled

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 11:29 AM in General Gaming

Who the hell is on the box? Passive aggressive max?

#310000 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 11:18 AM in General Gaming

Yep... and every time I'd have to deal blows to the smaller ones in the pack.. they can be quite mean at times. It was pretty wicked the first time I injured him enough.. he appeared to limp away and struggled climbing up the side of a cliff.

He did limp away, and he did struggle to get up that cliff... All to get away from YOU.

Limping is an important sign to look out for later in the game, its a sure sign that a monster isweak enough to be captured.... and that pounding on it much more could kill it and fail the quest D:

#309997 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

I am only a bit into the game but I took down the Great Jaggi... injured him enough where he limped back to a nesting area. Woke him up with a small flash which stunned him and finished him off.

Finally caught that rascally Jaggie huh? They sure do like to run away once they know they are outmatched.

#309993 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 10:05 AM in General Gaming

You say it's pattern recognition as if there's some other way to make difficult boss fights. What other options are there? Every boss in every videogame as far as I can tell is about pattern recognition.
Unless someone writes an incredibly smart AI that can learn and create new moves as it goes, a developer is only going to be able to create so many different attacks. And to save the boss behaving incredibly weirdly, those attacks are probably going to be selected by some deterministic algorithm. Ergo pattern recognition!

No, I did not. I said it was simple and predictable pattern recognition.

Once AGAIN, monster hunter says hello, its BUILT off of pattern recognition, but it is far more complex and sophisticated. Dark souls enemies, have a small handful of moves, typically 3-4, often less, that they use over aqnd over again, they do not respond to differences in environment, they do not respond in differences in elevation,they dont even really respond to the player, beyond rotating to face them and dishing out their small arsenal of attacks, and they most certainly dont interact with each other. they are INCREDIBLY easy to exploit. By locking them into differences in elevation, hacking at their feet, or their head as they clumsily climb stairs and cant hit you, or say, by poking the big bad dragon in the tip of its tail 20 times with the starter spear until it DIES. See how long you can poke a Tigrex in the butt without it responding.

But thats what dark souls is its Kings field. Its predictable and heavily scripted, with fantastic atmosphere and world building. But the fact that it still punishes the player for failing doesnt make it a hard game, its not, its not any harder than its previous installments, in fact, its considerably easier and more forgiving than the rest of Kings field. Its just proof of how challenge has been completely removed from the mainstream products.

A single monster in Monster hunter has about as many moves, and more AI than every single boss in dark souls put together. Thats how simple and predictable dark souls is. The infamous red dragon on the bridge in dark souls is simply a patterned set peice.

Thats why you can kill it without it ever moving or responding to the player, by simply going under the bridge and poking its tail until it dies, or simply shooting its tail with arrows, until it dies. The red dragon practically HAS no AI, it responds to a single event, to which it does a canned arrea damage move, or it is activated and it flies around doing a pattern of attacks, across an area, without ever actually responding to the player themselves. Its simply a set peice set to perform a pattern. It performs the same pattern, the same way, every time, and the event for it to leave if the player doesnt kill it happens, the same way, every time.

Even the lowliest goofiest Bird Wyvern in Mh, makes the infamous red dragon from Dark souls bridge look like the highly scripted prop it actually is.


This will never happen in dark souls:

Things like this cant happen in a game as heavily scripted as dark souls. Its a much simpler, easier, game for combat mechanics, its literally rock paper scissors. Finding out where one should go, and when it is right for them to go there, is far more challenging than the actual combat in dark souls. Until the rename, and a reintroduction to an audience who has experienced 0 actual challenge and who thought it was a new IP, thats what the series was known for.

#309985 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Thread: Hunting Intensifies

Posted by 3Dude on 03 March 2015 - 09:13 AM in General Gaming

It was the ice caverns, and Brach had just surprised me by showing me it could follow me up the walls by using its slime covered pounders like suction cups, and he could climb and jump off walls just like me! After chasing me across the ceiling ice cicles a few times I guess he got bored and decided to smash my poor compatriots instead, who were woefully under armoured for a raging exploding brach, splat, pattycakes 1 shotted.

*Leap* splat, supahkillah supah killed, all as I watched in horror from my icy perch on the ceiling. 'Tasty cakes, NOOOOOOO, you were so young! You shall be avenged!!!

the brach promptly faced me, and put a fresh coat of slime on its pounders. Pretty sure I knew it was about to try and swat me off the ceiling with a flying leap. I was pretty sure I had done enough damage, and had a high enough attack that another head shot would stun him, and their might be a chance his mounting resistance was down to a last hit, So I centered the cameraon him, and took a flying leap.

It looked something like this, but both of us flying ridiculous distances across the entirety of a map.

A full beard erupted from my face upon the moment of impact. His head horn shattered, and by the time he hit the ground, he was just a corpse.

I think we ran out of time before my partners were able to get back and get any carves D:

#309960 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 02 March 2015 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The white continent has no snow on it, the area is called the white sands.

A basic sense of pattern recognition should have tipped anyone off on a seemingly bland area in a Xeno game.

Satorl Marsh day:
Bland and colorless, full of vison reducing fog
Satorl marsh night:

Its called contrast and juxtaposition.

White sands day:

Dull and colorless

White sands night:


#309852 Bloodborne - The first 18 minutes of gameplay

Posted by 3Dude on 28 February 2015 - 06:18 PM in General Gaming

Haha it's also highly dependent on how much your brain selectively edits your own memories to make you remember being better than you actually are. And that's not meant as an actual joke, our brains do genuinely do that. It's a commonly known fact in psychology.

Dude, people play dark souls blind folded, its not that hard, in fact, its gotten EASIER since the name change to the soul series. You want some seriously tough as nails souls action? Play some Kings field, instead of babys first field game. Monster hunter is considerably more challenging than dark souls, so is playing for platinum ratings in platinum games. Dark souls is simple, and predictable, pattern recognition with actual punishment for failure.

The reason people think its so hard, is because its gaining mainstream recognition, and unlike all the other mainstream games, its challenge isnt fake, its not a dramatic depiction of faux challenge, and they have been conditioned to associate these dramatic depictions of the challenge in these cutscenes and quick time events that their character faces, with actual challenge, even though the the actual challenge was removed. This is why, when faced with ACTUAL challenge, and they FAIL, they quickly claim the game is broken.

You want to talk about psychology, try looking up some pavlov, to see how incredibly conditioned the worst generation is.

Oh my.


This design is so awesome.

I love how seems to be laughing at the torch XD.

#309846 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by 3Dude on 28 February 2015 - 11:54 AM in General Gaming

Interesting. Can you quantify it with an example?

Interesting. Can you quantify it with an example?

Fiora has made major improvements to the recompiler, making the emulation base line far more effecient, and she has also reverse engineered a lot of missing instructions, the lack of which would result to resorting to the snail speed cpu interpreter, killing performance. Shes also concentrated on games which use extremely rare instructions, greatly improving their performance and fixing many unplayable games. Particularly one game shes (Obviously) A huge fan of: Xenoblade chronicles. She also helped fix the rounding problem of floating point multiply and multiply add, fixing the physics in most all games, and fixing the ghost playback features. Kids a right busy bee, and a real smartie.

Pretty much an average rig now should be able to run xenoblade at full framrate, 1080p, with the enhanced textures, AA, and with no sound problems.

#309842 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by 3Dude on 28 February 2015 - 10:27 AM in General Gaming

Even going with Dolphin for just a higher resolution is worth doing if your PC can handle it. I seem to remember mine struggled with anything higher than native resolution sadly.

I think this just applies to digital purchases though right? I've got the physical pre-ordered. Depending on what the music is, I'll prob get this theme!

Dolphins had an explosion of massive updates recently, performance has skyrocketed.

#309822 Sakurai comments on the quality of Steam

Posted by 3Dude on 27 February 2015 - 10:06 PM in General Gaming

It's hilarious to me how you people can take a positive comment and turn it into an argument. It makes for great reading, like a comedy sketch.

Because, underneath the nice observations of valves steam ui (It is VERY damn nice), there is a HUGE problem.

"A friend of a friend told me that he tried to set the price of his game to some figure or other but that Valve vetoed it and set it to something else. It absolutely didn’t happen to us and even if it did we’re not allowed to talk about it, no, not at all."

"And just how long do we expect AAA developers to be able to keep up that sort of behaviour, eh? It reeks of utter desperation on their part. As for us, we’ve made a fortune compared to the effort we’ve put in though by no means are we indie superstars. But the Tropico devs? The other AAA developers out there seeing their stuff being sold for 1 cent? They’ve got an awful lot more to worry about. But more specifically so do you (we! me!) the customer – because they can’t keep it up and they certainly can’t support their products. They absolutely will be changing the games they make when they see them being sold as valueless sub-commodities.

When the average consumer values a coffee more than something you spent 3 years making – you have a problem. The industry has a problem."

These are people that make the games. These are people, who once worked for these AAA publishers, who LEFT because they saw their beloved medium with a 1 way ticket to the fast lane of going down the crapper, speaking from experience.

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