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#297420 xenoblade for horsing 3ds!

Posted by 3Dude on 29 August 2014 - 11:36 AM in General Gaming

I wish we could get a video that wasnt from that live streaming broadcast.

#297361 xenoblade for horsing 3ds!

Posted by 3Dude on 29 August 2014 - 05:25 AM in General Gaming

New 3ds model with new controls and higher clocked CPU

I wonder if its just a higher clocked cpu... That Xenoblade port seems awfully faithful, even down to lod changes....

#290933 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 01:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So while other systems can and DO port their games to their new console, even cross console download. It is fine if nintendo just sits back on their butt?
Ask anyone to rank the best online download store (xbox, ps and nintendo) and see where nintendo falls 99% of the time.
How can Xbox and PS grab more classic games than nitendo? you think $$$ has nothing to do with it?
Nintendo asking people to repay $1 and $1.5 for games people already owned was a slap in the face.

That is false equivilence.

First off. Tell me. How many ps3 games can you play on your ps4? How many 360 games can you play on your xbone?


How many wii games can you play on your Wii u?

You have also now attempted to change the subject from virtual console titles/vs retro console titles on other systems to virtual console titles vs the entirety of the psx and ms download stores. WHich is a comparison made further incomparable by the fact the third parties THEMSELVES handle porting and releasing their retro games on sony and ms systems, while Nintendo does everything ground up themselves for third parties, including creating ground up emulators of non nintendo platforms, to meet their quality of emulation standards that neither the sony nor ms offers come remotely close to meeting.

You are incorrect, on multiple fronts. Like all the virtual console LEGENDS Nintendo gave away for 30 cents, or the constant sales they have (Believe they are having a namco sale right now in honor of pacman being in smash).

Also, Nintendos virtual service dwarfs its competitors respectively, ps1 and ps2 classics, and classic videogames on xbox live, with over 400 titles playable on the wii u as virtual console games. Thats not including any eshop games, thats all virtual console titles. And I am being extremely generous, as I have every right to add the ENTIRE wii library to that number because of your amazingly poorly thought through attempt at changing the argument.

Basically, you seem to have created a narrative, or more than likely had one created for you, internalized it, believed it to be the absolute truth without ever consulting reality, and are trying to make up reasons to mantain your fictional status quo.

Unfortunately. That Status is NOT Quo.

But still. The virtual console is why Nintendo is failing? Makes no sense, even if your narrative was true.

#306911 Any one else here looking forward to Evolve?

Posted by 3Dude on 14 January 2015 - 09:32 AM in General Gaming

That's kind of sad but it's your decision. 

No, its kind of sad people let these publishers get away with recieving full payment for releasing fractions of games, broken, that dont work the day you buy it, and then selling you the rest of the game you already paid full price for peicemeal, because people like you are REWARDING THEM for disgusting anti consumer behavior.


And people wonder why videogames have turned to rainbow.

Teaser trailer for the fourth monster, the Behemoth, that is a pre-order bonus and future DLC:



I gotta say, I'm glad I pre-ordered. I like this monster's design the most.




That's due to L4D being a Valve game with Steam having Mac support Valve wanted to get things rolling by adding Mac support for their games but only some devs see it as worthwhile in adding this support, same with Linux support. Hopefully for you they decide to add Mac support in the future but it's not all that likely at this point.



I bought a copy from here for Steam:




Cost me about $45 Australian Dollars. For the full game with the pre-order bonuses that's a damn good deal.



If you wait too long in the hope of a GOTY edition with all the DLC then you'll miss out on when the playerbase is at its peak and this game is all about the multiplayer, unless the GOTY picks up the playerbase to a good enough level again or it maintains its players for long enough it just depends on how well they support the game and the community. The pricing of the DLC is definitely steep, $15 USD and probably more here in Australia it seemed like a better decision to just pre-order it.


Without the DLC there's plenty of content. I'm pretty sure the DLC is just the fourth monster and a skin, at least it is for PC and PS4 but for Xbox One it unlocks things characters and things that are supposed to be unlocked from playing the game which is not even a pre-order bonus if you ask me. Sure it would be better if they just gave us all the content, especially for the high asking price, but I ordered it on Steam (link above) for $45 so I can't really complain. They have gotten a lot of flak for their decisions regarding the DLC so I wouldn't be too surprised if they reduced the price of the DLC.


The asking price for the full game is definitely high and to add day one DLC on top of that is asking a lot but at the same time I think there's a good amount of content with all the hunters and the three monsters that you'd have got your money's worth by the time you unlock everything then either waiting or giving in and getting the extra DLC. I can't say it's something I support publishers doing but I'm not really one to complain when I got it for $45.


I play monster hunter.


It comes complete the day I buy it, with 30-50 monsters (The west now simply recieves the g version, or 'ultimate'), guaranteed it works the instant I insert the disc/cartridge it has WAY more than twice the content, for half the price of this.


I will not support this, or reward this behavior, nor inadvertantly punish these devs, by rewarding this publishers behavior so they can be further abused by the AAAAAAAA dev crushing crap factory dev abuse cycle. I will not reward take 2 for acting like EA.

#307552 Retailer promotion for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Possible cover?

Posted by 3Dude on 24 January 2015 - 07:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Its... so... Glorious!!!

#308409 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by 3Dude on 07 February 2015 - 01:03 PM in General Gaming

And then for that final NOA touch of brilliance. We blow the image up:


And hey, it looks like the video, complete with crappified textures! Seriously NOA, WTF?

#308407 For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

Posted by 3Dude on 07 February 2015 - 01:00 PM in General Gaming

When you double the pixel lines, you get something that looks like this: (In actuality it would look worse than this, exponentially so the further in the background you go, as its an image from a 3d environment thats then rasterized, as opposed to starting with a flat already rasterized jpeg, with auto smoothing applied to resizes)

#307557 Retailer promotion for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Possible cover?

Posted by 3Dude on 24 January 2015 - 11:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They need to go ahead and announce NA dates. I want to know when I can get my hands on this.


Im guessing (hoping) a few months after the JP release in April.

#290913 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 10:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

and that is just one of the reason they are behind this gen.

That doesnt make any sense.

#290929 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 01:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

to make money you need to spend money.
Nintendo has the money, if they want to keep up, they need to step it up.

How is money supposed to magically make licensing legal paperwork go away?
How is money supposed to magically make creating the game specific, wii u specific emulator included with each vc rom go faster? Its not exactly a job that can be sped up by job paralellism. Quite the opposite.

How is spending more money to speed things up going to affect Nintendo's incredibly high standard for emulation?

I dont think you have any clue how hard timing perfect emulation is. Heres some information to give you some perspective at what Nintendo is undertaking trying to make timing perfect emulators, and why they are including a unique and specifically game tailored emulator with every single vc game.


How would spending money to blow things out faster stop games from getting lost in a flood of content? How would that effect third parties willingless to let Nintendo use their old games for the VC?

Why should Nintendo waste that money on the Virtual console, when it wouldnt make any difference at all without an unacceptable loss of quality, and then, make the platform look even more unattractive to 3rd parties just hoping to make money off of old games?

And out of all the things Nintendo could be doing, out of all the things Nintendo could be pumping money into to get the word out, to speed up, to ensure they make money off of.... Why on Earth would you pick the virtual console service?

Makes absolutely no sense.

#285149 Mario Kart 8 embargo leaving tomorrow

Posted by 3Dude on 14 May 2014 - 09:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, Edge just gave the game a 9.

#287599 Jaden Smith wore a white Batman suit to Kanye's wedding

Posted by 3Dude on 01 June 2014 - 10:03 AM in The Café

Who's Batman?

The father of batboy of course.


#286654 Characters that could/should be playable in Hyrule Warriors

Posted by 3Dude on 26 May 2014 - 09:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If girls can wave sticks with leaves as weapons they could wave their fiddles with music notes knocking people out. Cucco flying heads

I dont recall falbi or feyer having fiddles. Feyer had a music box attached to his canon operation crank... Thats about it. Though feyer would definately seem to be one to use guns and other black powder powered assaults. A bullet bill cameo would be in order with his attacks as well.

Oococo attacking with its freshly spawned babies... That would be creepily appropriate.

#297792 Miyamoto not making casual games anymore.

Posted by 3Dude on 02 September 2014 - 04:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that's what you want him to have meant. But I do not think that is what he meant.

No dude. Sorry. Hes pretty damn specific.

"Fortunately, because of the spread of smart devices, people take games for granted now. It's a good thing for us, because we do not have to worry about making games something that are relevant to general people's daily lives"


We no longer need to make games for the people who like mobile style game offerings is pretty complete and concise. No real way around this one.



Nintendo took a chance, making simplistic games for what they thought was a beginner audience who would then move on to be a more sophisticated audience, that just turned out to be a simplistic audience who never wanted anything more. Now Nintendo, and I quote, 'Doesnt have to worry about' making games for them anymore.


Anyone from that audience, who does want more, will move on, on there own. Nintendo no longer has to waste resources making games to bring them into gaming.

#286650 Characters that could/should be playable in Hyrule Warriors

Posted by 3Dude on 26 May 2014 - 09:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Don't delete my posts Tony it's BS. I legit wanted those characters in.
So I will post again the two gay dudes from Twilight Princess and the titty bird thing. Warrios games often have comical characters and want those 3 in.

Okay, flamboyant cucco guy would be some kind of... counter/trap character? He would whip cuccos around, and woe be the unfortunate minions that struck them!!!

Oococo.... Would use psychic assaults?

#286542 Characters that could/should be playable in Hyrule Warriors

Posted by 3Dude on 25 May 2014 - 02:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Skyward Sword Zeld can use magic right? I never finished the game.


I would feel bad for answering this.

Go beat skyward sword.

#286659 Characters that could/should be playable in Hyrule Warriors

Posted by 3Dude on 26 May 2014 - 10:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ryudo, on 26 May 2014 - 1:57 PM, said:
Oh yeah I forgot. Been 8 years since I played but the music box as a projectile weapon works better.

8..... years....


#282351 Up in Arms: Georgia Governor To Sign Controversial Gun Bill Wednesday

Posted by 3Dude on 23 April 2014 - 09:06 AM in The Café

Oh NO! through a litany of unseen circumstances, that tjust so happens to be the same state I live in.

Im sorry. I couldnt stand living there. I cant. I cant. I cant stand when I get sent to Benning on business.Im sorry man, but there is something WRONG with the people there.

#287069 Ubisoft: Watch Dogs Day 1 Sales higher than any other Ubisoft title ever

Posted by 3Dude on 29 May 2014 - 08:27 AM in General Gaming

What a joke.

#282344 Up in Arms: Georgia Governor To Sign Controversial Gun Bill Wednesday

Posted by 3Dude on 23 April 2014 - 08:42 AM in The Café

Makes sense. I wouldnt want to be anywhere near georgia without a gun.

Theres a reason Patton brought out a company of Shermans and threatened to blow Phenix city off the face of the Earth. (True story place is diiiiiiirty)

BUT on a serious note:

Hey Captain canada, must be convenient to pretend things like the Sheldon massacre dont exist. I mean, it was SSOOOOOOO long ago. Like 2006. Thats back when the wii and ps360 came out, its like ancient history. Its like, so old those 8 defenseless law abiding men who were shot to death are alive again already.

Also, 2011 study by Dr. Caillin Langmann found no beneficial effect on Canada's homicide or spousal homicide rates as a result of any of Canada's major gun control legislation since 1974, including FAC and PAL licensing, storage laws, the characterization of many types of firearms as prohibited or restricted, magazine restrictions, etc., all of which were enacted in that time period.

'The Langmann study concludes that the Canadian gun control laws which created and tightly regulate "restricted firearms", such as handguns and AR-15's, have had no effect on homicide.

'Currently, shooting and stabbing represent the two most common mechanisms for homicide in Canada, each accounting for approximately 30% of murders.'

firearm suicides declined by 55% (1287 individuals to a low of 568) [41] while the number of non-firearm suicides increased by 52% (2,046 in 1977 to 3,116 in 2003).[citation needed] In response to the 2001 registration requirements, some psychiatric doctors have argued that the legislation is not as effective as treatment in the prevention of suicide, given alternate mechanisms are available for suicide.

Oh, and unlike canada, whos homicide rate only dropped 5-10%.

The US has seen a 50% decrease in firearms homicides since 1993.

Gun control doesnt decrease homicides and crime. Fixing the damn economy does.

But hooray for blind hate, unthinking intolerance, and ignorant arrogance.

#289733 Project Miyamoto

Posted by 3Dude on 11 June 2014 - 12:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Actually, giant robot looks pretty dang awesome.

You build your own robot, picking individual parts for feet legs, kneecaps, torsos etc, control the proportions, how long, wide, tall etc they are, and then when you control them, its physcally based movement using in in depth physics system. So every choice you made has a direct impact on how your bot controls.

And the game pad is a 1st person view. Its pretty neat, looks really fun and silly.

#292914 Xenoblade Writer tweets Smash tease

Posted by 3Dude on 11 July 2014 - 06:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why is that?

Well, because Palutena is a non judeo-christian god/goddess, and the protagonists of all (non namco garbage) xeno games kill non judeo-christian gods like deity serial killers.

#292988 Xenoblade Writer tweets Smash tease

Posted by 3Dude on 12 July 2014 - 04:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

"I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now."



#297159 Miyamoto not making casual games anymore.

Posted by 3Dude on 27 August 2014 - 05:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

He isn't saying anything here. He is just musing about the shfiting sands of the game industry and everyone is mis-quoting it as 'CAZUAL GAMES SUXKZORZ LOLZ'.
Miyamoto does not consider Mario and Donkey Kong etc to be casual games.

The word he used to describe them was pathetic, actually. And hes being pretty specific and damning.

Hes directly referring to all the time and money, and oppurtunity cost nintendo spent expanding the user base with these casuals, and how they spectacularly failed, en masse, to want to take the next step and try and challenge themselves with something more advanced. So, Nintendo is done with them.

Your second sentence is completely nonsensical and has nothing to do with anything anyone in reality has said.

#290190 Project Miyamoto

Posted by 3Dude on 13 June 2014 - 06:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm so I never played it so I'm not too sure, but looking through Nintendo games, Project Giant Robot and maybe Project Guard could fit into their Custom Robo series?

No. Not in the slightest.

I see where you are coming from, theme wise.... But the gameplay is irrevocably incompatable.

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