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#108952 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 05:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

It is already doing well. I think everyone is quite surprised by the response to preorders. Soldout all accross the north Americas.
I think that in itself means they nailed the price. I was expecting near for hundred for any premium type package so I'm happy to be able to get a game too. (zombiu) the pro controller will have to come later. I'm just hoping that the club nintendo coins I earn will give me enough coins to gget that beautiful gold nunchuck

I'm glad for Nintendo about the pre-orders selling out. However, I didn't get a pre-order in yet and I don't know if it's too late. GameStop opens in about 10 minutes, so I guess I'll have to call and ask.

#107354 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by JHardin1112 on 14 September 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Agreed. I don't mind the price considering the deal. I'm still trying to figure out what the issue with the price is.. didn't most guess that this would be the price?

Some people choose not to be happy with it. I really think that is what it boils down to. I guessed it would be between $300-$400, so the price is good for me.

#106987 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 11:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

A bit higher than I expected, but not terrible.

...Did you see what the $349 bundle comes with? $299 really is what any game system would come with.. Will you explain?

$349 isn't so bad when you look at all it comes with.

#108951 Self Topic Delete or Lock

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 05:53 AM in Site News and Feedback

So on topics that YOU create, if you find that they have issues you can delete or lock them, for example;

Delete) you post a topic about a news article about the Wii U, but find out that someone already posted it Minutes ago and didn't see. Now you can delete it.

Lock) if things go off topic on one that you created and people are beginning to argue, you can lock your topic yourself to avoid more conflict.

So? Whatcha think?

I like the functionality!

#110926 I just can't support most of the launch titles...

Posted by JHardin1112 on 21 September 2012 - 06:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

This just sucks so bad...and I grew up with the Nintendo 64 so Im naturally acustomed to the 3d Mario games like Mario 64, side scrollers like NSMBU are just soo boring to me.

I too am getting tired of the sidescrollers.  I remember being absolutely floored when I saw Mario 64! Now, these side scrollers are just bland.  I mean, they can be fun but they aren't what I am looking for.  Mario Galaxy is more fun for me.  I grew up with the NES, SNES, and N64....started slowing down with GC and the Wii.  Hopefully the Wii U will pick things up a bit.  I'm not a fan of survival horror games, but Zombi U looks cool and Tekken looks alright.  I'm interested in Rayman Legends.

#109510 Whats the age range

Posted by JHardin1112 on 18 September 2012 - 09:52 AM in The Café

30.  I won't be getting it at launch, but I do want the console.  My parents bought my older brother and I the NES back in 1987, I believe and we had Mario, Duck Hunt and then the next game was Zelda II.  This was my favorite game of all time until Super Mario World on the SNES.  Anyways, my point is that I'm still a fan of Nintendo and I want the console.  It isn't a priority for me like it used to be, but one day perhaps I will own it.

#110930 Sleeper hit and bust of the launch lineup

Posted by JHardin1112 on 21 September 2012 - 06:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sleeper: Zombi U / Scribblenauts
Bust: Funky Barn / Ninja Gaiden

#106958 I started wii u forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 10:46 AM in Introduction Central

My real name is noah. I have a 3ds and a wii. I love nintendo and hate sony!

Hey Noah, it's Jeremy from the other Nintendo forums, you know the one with the word Fuse in the name. Anyways, I am hoping they will let me post about the Mario Kart 7 contest we are hosting. So when I found this topic and saw it was you, I figured I'd say hi! So, hi Noah!

#108965 I started wii u forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 06:24 AM in Introduction Central

Hey WiiLovesU - being a founder/admin has it's perks but it's also a load of responsibility.  He can dream, but the dream is tough =D!

#108961 I'm Actually Excited For Nintendoland?

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 06:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think it will be a fun set of games. Maybe some duds, but mostly fun. I wasn't looking forward to it after E3, but now I have opened up to it more and I'd like to play it.

#110932 RARE WARE

Posted by JHardin1112 on 21 September 2012 - 06:48 AM in General Gaming

Conker would be a good one to see again.

#110919 Preordered, but is this site reliable?

Posted by JHardin1112 on 21 September 2012 - 06:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

I could be real, it could just be a smaller and newer online store that isn't trying to do much in the design. This site called Gameexpress.com seems plain, but it is actually the real deal. It just happens to be a website for a local gamestore that I used to go to back in New York City.

I agree with Caius. Some local game stores have very basic looking websites but they can be the real deal. Try doing as Nollog suggested, it can't hurt. Good luck!

#106989 Wii U Nintendo Direct: My thoughts

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 11:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

I guess to each his or her own. I'm really happen with it.

Yeah, to each for sure. I think my problem is I got too hyped up for the Nintendo Direct. So, it's possible I just got my expectations too high.

#107013 Wii U Nintendo Direct: My thoughts

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 11:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I understand completely. For me Bayonetta 2 coming out and being exclusive made me very confident in Wii U's 3rd party support. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was icing on the cake.

Never played the original Bayonetta, but it seems that people are getting excited about the sequel being on Wii U. Perhaps Nintendo is moving into the more mature arena. As for Monster Hunter 3, I'm interested to see it as time goes on. I believe it comes out in March of 2013.

Hey, I have a question. I have made more than 5 posts, but I can't access the chat room, is this a common issue?

Also, I write for another Nintendo Fan Site and we are hosting a couple of competitions on our forums. One for Kid Icarus Uprising and the other for Mario Kart 7. Both competitions will have prizes, but the MK7 competition is the biggest, as we will be giving away a Wii U as a grand prize.

You interested? Or do you know anyone who is interested? I can't advertise the site on here, but if you wanted to know more I can PM you.

I understand completely. For me Bayonetta 2 coming out and being exclusive made me very confident in Wii U's 3rd party support. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was icing on the cake.

One more thing...I just checked out your blog - Do you repair any Sega console? I had a busted Dreamcast that the power would cut off after a couple of seconds. I had it for years and finally sold it on ebay just last month....only made 10 bucks....

#106968 Wii U Nintendo Direct: My thoughts

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 11:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

Not impressed with the Nintendo Direct, it was underwhelming for me. I'm still excited for the Wii U - I just wasn't impressed with the presentation today.

#107355 Wii U Nintendo Direct: My thoughts

Posted by JHardin1112 on 14 September 2012 - 05:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

Posts on certain sections are not counted into your overall post count. This might be the reason for this.

Oh, I see.  Well that probably is the explanation.  Thanks!

#106970 Hello WiiU Forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 11:09 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome. This forum is a place.

Btw. Where do I sign up for this contest? I like free things.

I don't believe I am allowed to advertise in the post, so I'll PM you with the info. If you feel like spreading the word, I believe you are allowed to do so.

#108971 Hello WiiU Forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 06:29 AM in Introduction Central

Thanks WiiLovesU!

#107357 Hello WiiU Forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 14 September 2012 - 05:13 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forums!

Thanks Tricky!

Welcome to our fourms, friend!

Thanks Doc!

#106957 Hello WiiU Forums

Posted by JHardin1112 on 13 September 2012 - 10:43 AM in Introduction Central

Hey everyone, my name is Jeremy. I am a editor and reviewer for another Nintendo Fan Site, I won't say which since we aren't supposed to self-promote (outside of our signatures). I see that Noah is a new member here. He actually is a member on our forums and a good guy, so I hope he brings a lot of conversation to your forums.

We are having a Mario Kart 7 competition coming up soon, before the launch of Wii U and we will be giving away prizes, one of which is a Wii U console. If we reach 50 participants we will give away the Wii U Deluxe, if not we will give away the Wii U Basic.

Plus, we are hosting a Kid Icarus: Uprising contest before the end of this month and we will be giving away prizes such as, Paper Mario Sticker Star, ZombiU and more.

Anyways, by day I write software for a moderately sized company and I am married and have two boys.

Want to know anything, ask me!

#108964 Hardcore Wii U game ideas

Posted by JHardin1112 on 17 September 2012 - 06:23 AM in Introduction Central

Yes, HeyHeyHarold - you are in the Matrix

#109512 Monolithsoft tells fans to watch TGS!

Posted by JHardin1112 on 18 September 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I am playing Xenoblade Chronicles and I love it. I think Monolith Soft did a great job, I do wish it was in HD though (not that it really matters.) Anyways, I wonder what they will potentially reveal? Any thoughts Crackkat?

#109515 Monolithsoft tells fans to watch TGS!

Posted by JHardin1112 on 18 September 2012 - 10:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Who is Riki?

Riki is a character who joins your party in the game. Here is an image. He is chosen warrior (chosen by his tribe) to aid you in your quest at one point. His theme song is awesome!

Posted Image

Also, Rikki is a Nopon. Here is the his theme song from YouTube, it's so weird, but catchy!

#109535 Monolithsoft tells fans to watch TGS!

Posted by JHardin1112 on 18 September 2012 - 11:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

no clue bro :) we know they're making a new IP for wii u, but i'm not convinced that's what they will reveal. but who knows? they might :) so hopefully

Alright cool, just wondering. This will be interesting for sure!

#109549 Monolithsoft tells fans to watch TGS!

Posted by JHardin1112 on 18 September 2012 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Even though It's a new IP... I'm still hoping It's an RPG Epic.

I gotta admit it would be cool. Unfortunately, I don't have as much free time as I'd like. I still go back to the 'good old days' when I would sit there and level up in FF1 and I finally beat it. Those were good times =D. Honestly, the last RPG I had time to sit down and play was Final Fantasy 7 on the PC.

So while I'm interested to see what Monolith is going to announce, if it is some epic RPG, I'll probably pass on it.

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