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#291249 A Serious Problem

Posted by xile6 on 22 June 2014 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Does the tv turn off also?

Is it all plug into the same outlet?

Does it turn right back on?

Is the wii u in some form of a case, cabinet etc..?

#308046 New items on Club Nintendo for February

Posted by xile6 on 02 February 2015 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

would of been better if you would of screen shot it.

Im trying to but site wont even load now.

#294762 Nintendo giving out Smash Bros demos

Posted by xile6 on 01 August 2014 - 07:17 PM in General Gaming

It's because the only demo they have right now (the E3 build) is unstable and is prone to glitches or crashes, like any other E3 demo. It wouldn't be a good idea to release it like that. 

Then it wouldnt be good to have the demo in the first place.

I have seen games get a bad rep before because of E3 builds.


I still do think that nintendo needs to step up there game tho.

#294746 Nintendo giving out Smash Bros demos

Posted by xile6 on 01 August 2014 - 02:15 PM in General Gaming

I dont understand why they dont just give out the demo for everyone, by putting it on the eshop.


But thats nintendo for you. Always late and off by some feet.

They really need to get better, there falling behind.

#291285 A Serious Problem

Posted by xile6 on 22 June 2014 - 08:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

I worded my OP wrong about the tv turning off. It's just the console itself that suddenly shuts off. After that, the only way to turn the Wii U back on is to unplug the AC adaptor and plug it back in. And the Wii U isn't in any case, aside from an extremely large and open shelf with plenty of space.

Ok then in that case its locking up the system.


My ps4 did that once. All lights where on but system didnt show anything.


I ask about it having free space around it, because i remember Super Smash bros killing a few wiis back in the day.

But it could probably be fix with a patch. Its probably a ram leak

#291359 A Serious Problem

Posted by xile6 on 23 June 2014 - 05:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Glad things are better now.

It happens. they dont fully test all the systems like that. there is no way they can.

#308068 New items on Club Nintendo for February

Posted by xile6 on 02 February 2015 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

A few months ago, I was questioning my sanity as to why i was filling out these surveys. I think i even missed a couple. I have wanted NSMBU2 and Xevious for a while. Paper Mario and Super Punch Out look pretty cool.... And might get Game Boy Mario to bring back some memories....

yea same here. I got to a point where i kinda stop filling them out but said to myself. "one day they will have something else good and you'd wish you did the surveys".


So i kept up with it. I just dont have enough coins for what i want tho.

I wonder how much you get for signing up a new 3ds

#307455 Name something fascinating (or disgraceful) about the New 3DS

Posted by xile6 on 23 January 2015 - 03:34 AM in General Gaming

Make the five games Super mario World, A link to the past, Super Metroid, can't think of any others... >.< a kirby game maybe?
what button comes off?

Oh auto correct , bottom plate comes off.
So it's changeable. Just not as easy as snap in face plstes.

#314325 2 New smash characters leaked (spoilers)

Posted by xile6 on 13 June 2015 - 06:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh yay we get to smasj up a car till ot blows up.


But no really that would be cool, but i bet they wont put it in the game.

#309526 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

^ yes times a million.


they need to drop the wii name. But they wont. I will probably be called "the new wii u" just like the 3ds.

I truly think the should of called the New 3ds "Super 3ds"

But the next Nintendo system should have a brand new name. and the main first party games should be rolling out at lest 1 pre 6months.  metriod, mario, zelda, smash bro, mario party etc....

#309503 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 06:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

They gotta start over and leave the backwards play behind. It's slowing them down in terms of what a new system can be.

The same thing happen with playstation. They left the backwards play to force more on the next gen.

But nintendo needs to get there spec up. They are normally the first one out the gate with new systems. And then ms and Sony looks at there specs and say oh I'll doubt that and we will win.

Nintendo needs to listen to there customers and stop all this kiddy stuff.
That holds them back way to much. Everyone thinks the wii systems are just for little kids. And some or the games are and they just don't show off the teen and adult games. Which is where the money is.
Little kids don't have money. So they can't buy s games or systems.
But if you show off a bad ass me trio that's is rated teen. Then the will get the older people to buy the system.

It will have to have a better and new GUI. (I'm sorry but I'm tired of the 3ds, wii,wii u look ).

Better online play.
Better eshop. (The wii u one is ok but can improve alot)
Every game made would need to support a normal controller. Alot of people don't like using the game pad all the time (I like it even tho devs don't do anything special with it)

Humm mmmm

Price range would probably be close to the $400 to $500 range.

And they need to change very little for nes,snes,gba games. I think if they charged only $1 or .99c that those games would move very fast and they will get more sells.

That's about all I can think off.

#309273 New 3ds gets Monadolicious Cover plates. NoA farts on hands and smells fingers.

Posted by xile6 on 19 February 2015 - 01:25 PM in General Gaming

I see in my magic ball.


There will be people making plates for the New 3ds XL. and people will buy them and unscrew there old one and put on the new one :D

#307425 Name something fascinating (or disgraceful) about the New 3DS

Posted by xile6 on 22 January 2015 - 05:19 PM in General Gaming

Yea I haven't look at the top much. I know the button comes off tho.
And yea super 3ds would of been the best name for it.
Could of even came with a eshop download of a class snes game of your choice. Pick one game out of 5 or something.
Ahhhhh nintendo they don't know how to do anything

#300580 Nintendo Effectively Takes Wii U Hostage With New EULA

Posted by xile6 on 17 October 2014 - 04:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I posted on that video.
I think it's pure crap, if you don't agree then there is nothing you can do. And your system is gone.
It's doesn't even matter what is said in it.
It's the fact that you don't have the choice to disagree.
Now the ps3 had the other os and some ps2 backwards compatible taken away with an update.

#307415 Name something fascinating (or disgraceful) about the New 3DS

Posted by xile6 on 22 January 2015 - 03:15 PM in General Gaming

Don't know what to say.
They improved on points o didn't like about the normal 3ds.
I think the name is pure crap.
They are just going to confused a ton of people who don't know better.
And it will get worse when there is "new 3ds" only games. They should label the system as N3ds or super3ds.

Moving on....
I think this is more of a test system. Of all goes well and devs can make some money. I believe they will release a new 3ds system.

But all in all. I have one preorder and seems like it will be a good buy

Face plates... they were all mine... and then the direct happened.  :unsure:

Yep yep.
I wonder of plates will come for the xl?
I mean the bottom does snap off once you unscrew it. And I'm sure the top will unscrew also.

#301557 Xbone Slim imminent

Posted by xile6 on 31 October 2014 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

So slim like the 360 was?
Hum we shall see.  I still wont get it unless its like $150

#309903 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 01 March 2015 - 07:55 PM in General Gaming

Between my ps4 and wii u.
I play the ps4 much more but I do have a few more games on the wii u then the ps4 tho.

I don't own an x1, and don't plan on it since there isn't anything on it worth it to me.

But with the ps4 there are games that won't ever come to the wii u and I just gotta have (battlefield, mgs, gta, etc...)
But then same for the wii u. Kirby , smash bro, mario etc..

So I guess I'm in between.
I think it just depends on what type of gamer you are as to which system would have the most games

#309947 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 02 March 2015 - 03:02 PM in General Gaming

Haha, I still buy DVDs!

And I still have a VCR.

man thats old school lol....

I use to have one. I used it long time ago as a tv tuner for a monitor that had rca jacks.


but i buy only a few dvds, other then that its all digital i just download them. I got a media box for my tv last year so i use that for my movies. I even gotten a few free movies on the google store lol. I remember checking it one day and lord of the rings was free and 3 other movies.

#307551 Retailer promotion for Xenoblade Chronicles X. Possible cover?

Posted by xile6 on 24 January 2015 - 07:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks goood.

#309928 Wii U really is the best console for exclusive games.

Posted by xile6 on 02 March 2015 - 10:54 AM in General Gaming

Does the XBONE not have a Bluray player too? It's a bit ridiculous that the Wii U doesn't to be honest.

honestly no its not.


think about how many people have dvd players or blu ray player. Why would you need your system to also play it.

In all of my life i have only play 1 movie on a system. It was long time ago i play a DVD on a ps2. Then i got a dvd player when i started to get more movies.

Got a blu ray player when i upgraded from then. I was never into wanting a system to play movies. Its meant for games.

#305698 Who believes in Bigfoot?

Posted by xile6 on 20 December 2014 - 05:29 PM in The Café

yes and no.


I believe that there is a bigfoot and yeti. But i dont believe all the same angle blurry as hell camera shots.


I think there really just humans that didnt evolve. Probably a small group that lives and hides because there scared.


I remember when they interview a tribe of people that have never seen another person outside there tribe, let alone white people.

Those people also look different from normal people.

Its kinda like the animal thing, you adjust to your surrounding making you different.

#305744 Who believes in Bigfoot?

Posted by xile6 on 21 December 2014 - 09:36 PM in The Café

Not 10 foot tall people. Our tallest guy is like 8 foot 6 and can barely walk because his bones can't carry him.


Robert Waldow. 9 Feet tall still the record holder. He could barely walk without aid of a cain. Died at age 22.
That giant gorilla as you put it is a foot taller. Not to mention it's strength well..likely put a gorilla to shame and gorrillas are already 6x that of even the strongest man.

It still stands the point.
There are giant humans out there. It's just not talk about.

#305715 Who believes in Bigfoot?

Posted by xile6 on 21 December 2014 - 12:33 AM in The Café

If I saw that thing now I would piss myself.

tThats just a giant gorilla
We have gai humans. Just no one talks about them

#308891 Opened Red N3DS XL; my summary; share yours

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 05:28 PM in General Gaming

I gotta wait a weekfweek for mines to come but I will for sure let you know what I think.

#305202 Sony/Nintendo to join for Mario film (Thanks Shovel Knight)

Posted by xile6 on 12 December 2014 - 09:42 AM in The Café

I remember the Mario show. It was pretty cool.

But with Sony making this. People would be jumping down sony neck asking why Mario isn't on the ps4 or any of the other systems lol.

But we will see what happens.

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