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#291415 N64 coming to WiiU

Posted by xile6 on 24 June 2014 - 07:59 AM in Wii U News

Yeah, it's hard to convince me to repurchase games I already own on the N64. Even when my N64 isn't even hooked up anymore.
It would be neat to own my N64 collection (alongside my NES and SNES collection) on my Wii U, but that's far too pricey for content I already own.
Ironically, it's the GBA and DS where I would actually purchase VC titles. I've lost a few games and I'd love to have them back, while there are others that I missed out on. I got a couple back with the Ambassador's Program. Now I wish they'd get to the DS!

Yea see u could do a $2-$3 per game. But not $8-$10 when I still have the original game.
Sony did the same thing with the psp and psp go, the the vita.
It turn out to be cheaper to buy an old system and games vs get the digital version.

#293746 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by xile6 on 19 July 2014 - 10:34 AM in The Café



yea idk about that one.

There was a 13 yr old that married his friends mom which was in her 30s but hell this is way off.

Maybe  he will get older and she will get younger and there meet in the middle lol.

#302716 What is the status for the Wii u at the moment?

Posted by xile6 on 13 November 2014 - 09:40 AM in General Gaming

Dead no.

Big lack of 3rd party, yes


The wii u like all over nintendo systems, are really meant for Nintendo only games. The 3rd party support is just laughable.


The next great games coming out on the wii u IMO are Super Smash Bro and Toad the Explorer.


If your wanting some COD action i would say get an x1 or ps4.

#300621 Super Smash Bros. Tips Topic.

Posted by xile6 on 18 October 2014 - 04:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Press buttons on the controller.

Lol this made my day.

#300607 Super Smash Bros. Tips Topic.

Posted by xile6 on 18 October 2014 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

just gotta keep playing.

I find it better to only press one button at a time and get use to the moved and then more on to 2 buttons.

I have a problem with the pad it just doesnt move like i want it to so sometimes my inputs dont show up.

but try the 100 smash mini game.

#300637 Super Smash Bros. Tips Topic.

Posted by xile6 on 19 October 2014 - 05:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well there's kind of general stuff I'm wondering about that isn't character specific. Basic stuff. What in your opinion is the best way handle these situations...?
Scenario 1: Every time you are coming down from being smashed upwards your opponent always gets right under you and keeps smashing up or jump attacks upward at you until you K.O. If you can't land out of the way is there a better way to come down on your opponent? I try to air-dodge as they jump attack upwards at me but after the dodge I think I'm left defenseless for a second and upon landing they knock me away again anyway making the air-dodge in that scenario pretty much useless (it seems). On the other hand, if I come down attacking 9/10 times my opponent's upward attack seems to connect first (or maybe just eats through my attack).
Scenario 2: Your opponent is hanging on the ledge in front of you. What's your next move?
Scenario 3: Same as scenario 2 but the roles are reversed. You're on the ledge and your opponent is in front of you. What's your next move?

Well I normally use kirby.
So if I'm falling down i do the DOWN B move and he drops like a rock.
If I'm handing and there on the edge. U try to jump up and do an attack Y + A
If there handing on the edge I step back some and wait for them to get up then attack.

#308709 Club Nintendo Parting Gift - Flipnote Studio 3D

Posted by xile6 on 11 February 2015 - 03:37 PM in General Gaming

You know, I think it would help if they skipped the surveys and credited the accounts directly. I just spent twenty minutes trying to do enough surveys to cover NES remix

Nah they can't do that.
They are giving you coins for the survey.
Not buying the items.
They give you free stuff and in return they get feedback on what they are selling so they can make more money.
I don't mind doing them.
I use to do them for a company long time ago. I got paid $5 pretty survey. They where normally 50 questions. Normal stuff like what news sites you use , search engines, ads etc...

I just know there site will die on the 13th from all the new 3ds lol.

#308691 Club Nintendo Parting Gift - Flipnote Studio 3D

Posted by xile6 on 11 February 2015 - 01:19 PM in General Gaming

Would help if the site wasn't always going down or lagging.

People over loading the site bascilly acting as sever attack lol..

But I'll see if I can get on and get my code. Idk if I am going to enter it until I get my new 3ds.

#304946 Play with amiibo w/o removing from box.

Posted by xile6 on 09 December 2014 - 02:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Dumb imo.
The box is open what's the point?
Now if you want the figure to stay mint. I'd say put them in another box.
Kinda like a sleeve for cards hut a clear cubic for the figures
That's just my 2 cents on this.

#295426 MK8 Weird Mercedes-Benz DLC - Why does this exist?

Posted by xile6 on 09 August 2014 - 07:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mercedes not BMW.


What's so bad about a playable car in a fighting game with your companies characters?

Reminds me of the robot chick eps. Where they were talking about street fighter and he said I'm suppose to fight a honda.


#307476 New Pokken footage!

Posted by xile6 on 23 January 2015 - 03:46 PM in General Gaming


This is what i have been asking them to make for years. A pokemon game where your pokemon actually

 hits the other one.


hopefully they do this for the wii u.


and video was to long i just clip through it

#294916 How long will Gamepad last, literally?

Posted by xile6 on 03 August 2014 - 08:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo doesn't use Planned Obsolesence. Other companies do. To get you to buy more.

I don't understand what your saying?

I didn't say anything would be obsolete.

#294969 How long will Gamepad last, literally?

Posted by xile6 on 04 August 2014 - 08:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Uhhh....That's actually not what I meant at all. What I was talking about was how long does the whatever receiver usually last before it burns out. I've seen computers and phones often stop connecting to wifi and such because of problems like that. I didn't mean that in 10 years the system won't be able to use a Gamepad because it's old and won't be compatible anymore.


Companies often make products on purpose to only last a certain little while before they either stop working or support stops and various other reasons. In otherwords they are not made to last. That way consumers buy more to keep them in business and economy flowing. TV makers for instance want you to replace your TV every 5 years. Phone Companies do it through service and want you to get a new phone every 2 years.

Well see that's the thing I never had to replace anything like that.
All my stuff works just fine. I had alot since launch day and it still works today.
I did have a plasma TV go out after 5 yrs when I had a 4dr warranty.
But other then that my stuff have lasted.

#294914 How long will Gamepad last, literally?

Posted by xile6 on 03 August 2014 - 07:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm wondering how long will the Gamepad last? Like the streaming tech behind it. How long does whatever it uses to stream the game to it last, 5 years, 10 years? This interests me because I don't think something like that would last very long and then eventually over time the Wii U would turn into a standard system like past ones where you can only use the Pro Controller and not the Gamepad.

I'm sorry but that's re tarded.
When a company makes tech it is to last the life of the system.
Nintendo will never need to change tech for the gsmepad.
It will stream the games just fine no matter what.

That's like saying a ps3 controller won't work on a ps3 after 10 yrs because it's old tech.
It makes no sense it doesn't work like that.

Now if they make a new system that runs at 4k resolution,  then they would have to use better tech to stream it better to a new game pad.

#301557 Xbone Slim imminent

Posted by xile6 on 31 October 2014 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

So slim like the 360 was?
Hum we shall see.  I still wont get it unless its like $150

#294904 Trouble at Nintendo, staff not happy with Iwata and want to replace him

Posted by xile6 on 03 August 2014 - 03:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

But everybody already knows ho Nintendo's characters are...


lol do you know that Mario is more well known than Mickey mouse?  My 74 year old mom knows who Mario and Sonic are and never played them or plays games at all.
You gotta be Amish to not know who Mario is. mrKSqPr.gif

Yea people know who mario is but what about pikmin? Metriod? Hell kirby?

Everyone know mario and donkey kong. Most old people grow up with that.
But if you ask any old person to name another nintendo person they won't know or will say Luigi.

Also I was playing ac3 on the wii u. My uncle came over and said the game looks good. And I said Yea it does. Then he said playstation has always had some great graphics.
Then I told him it was the Nintendo wii u. And he was confused, and said nintendo made something that looks this good.

That tells me that there isn't enough information out there for new comers.
He plays playstation and Xbox alot. Mainly sports game or gta.
And he knows about a few new games coming out. Mainly what he sees on tv.

But yet he hear and knew nothing about the wii u.
If I was big N, I would put the system out there so much that everyone would know it.
I'd also stop calling it a wii u and just call it a nintendo U.

#294886 Trouble at Nintendo, staff not happy with Iwata and want to replace him

Posted by xile6 on 03 August 2014 - 11:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Idk how I feel about this.
On 1 hand it's good to keep your games in your system. That way a person has to by your system in order to play it.

On the other hand, make small games would bring in new comers.

But still either way nintendo needs to step up there game. They need to turn out some more games and do better ads for the games they got.
I see so many fan made trailers , then see the real ad and I'm disappointed.
Also I believe they need to stop advertising all the games they made for the family.

Idk about you but I wouldn't want to play mario kart with my mom or grandma.

Also made ads for older people. It seems like all the ads are for 5 year olds. Yet a 5 year old does have a ton of money and they aren't the ones to wait in line @ midnight to get a game.

I think if nintendo made some of these changes they would be doing better.

#294906 Trouble at Nintendo, staff not happy with Iwata and want to replace him

Posted by xile6 on 03 August 2014 - 04:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because he plays playstation and xbox a lot, mainly sports game or gta.

Yea he plays other stuff also but it's the fact that he didn't know anything about the wii u that got me.
He plays residents evil also.

#311086 How to Mute Wii Remote on Wii U

Posted by xile6 on 28 March 2015 - 08:35 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

something in wii mote setting and turn the vol all the way down.

#305015 So... What's On Your Christmas List?

Posted by xile6 on 10 December 2014 - 11:11 AM in The Café

Nothing lol...

No really there isn't much I want this year. But I guess I'll list a few things that would be cool.

Caption toad wii u
Ps4 wireless headphone
2tb external hard drive
Ziiiro watch in blue
Money that's always good lol.

#290325 Lil Ceasers pizza is honestly underrated.

Posted by xile6 on 14 June 2014 - 05:50 PM in The Café

I had them in cali when I was little then move to TX and they didn't have them. They just brought them here about 3 yrs ago. And there still good.
I eat them when I can. Cheap and fast.

#306513 Help, cracked game disc

Posted by xile6 on 06 January 2015 - 08:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

Won't be able to do this as all video game systems have copy protection.
It sucks that the disc got broke but either go digital or teach your kids to take better care of them.
My son is 5yr and I don't let him touch the games at all because I know he isn't ready yet.

#308046 New items on Club Nintendo for February

Posted by xile6 on 02 February 2015 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

would of been better if you would of screen shot it.

Im trying to but site wont even load now.

#308068 New items on Club Nintendo for February

Posted by xile6 on 02 February 2015 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

A few months ago, I was questioning my sanity as to why i was filling out these surveys. I think i even missed a couple. I have wanted NSMBU2 and Xevious for a while. Paper Mario and Super Punch Out look pretty cool.... And might get Game Boy Mario to bring back some memories....

yea same here. I got to a point where i kinda stop filling them out but said to myself. "one day they will have something else good and you'd wish you did the surveys".


So i kept up with it. I just dont have enough coins for what i want tho.

I wonder how much you get for signing up a new 3ds

#305698 Who believes in Bigfoot?

Posted by xile6 on 20 December 2014 - 05:29 PM in The Café

yes and no.


I believe that there is a bigfoot and yeti. But i dont believe all the same angle blurry as hell camera shots.


I think there really just humans that didnt evolve. Probably a small group that lives and hides because there scared.


I remember when they interview a tribe of people that have never seen another person outside there tribe, let alone white people.

Those people also look different from normal people.

Its kinda like the animal thing, you adjust to your surrounding making you different.

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