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#4412 The Wii U Press Kit

Posted by Aaron Barton on 08 June 2011 - 06:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

We couldn't get quality, direct-feed, high-res images of something other than a Wii game with Mii's pasted into it? Like...how about that Zelda tech demo?


#4410 New Controller Limitations?

Posted by Aaron Barton on 08 June 2011 - 05:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well Miyamoto said the Wii U is meant to be paired with one new controller and multi-player games would use Wiimotes.

I don't see a problem with this, sure it would be nice if everyone had a screen of their own, but imagine the processing power needed to do that?

The problem is that you no longer have games designed around the strengths of each player having their own screen. There is no "personal game space" concept. Instead, you have the same Wii controls we always have while one player is the "oddball" type player. That's VERY constricting. The only possible way to save the concept for multiplayer would be online. There is nothing they can do to sell me on that short of sending me a demo system that connects to a functional online network. I spent $50 for the Smash Online and went back to Melee in a month.

You speak of processing power, but what's more important

If the Wii U is enough of a success, that could very well be the area that the next gen compete on; who can get the most screens running high quality images at one time?

How about we compete on number of low quality screens at once? Why is the fact that the screen is 1080 more important than each player having one to enjoy its benefits? During the SNES days, would it be acceptable for one person to have an analog stick but the rest to have only d-pads for cost or technical reasons? PLEASE.

NEXT gen we'll compete over which system can give EVERY player the same quality input device? Ridiculous.

It was my assumption that when playing a single-player game, the device would offer a 1080 res display of important data/functions. For instance in Legend of Zelda. The system couldn't be expected to render and serve more than the TV AND controller output. However, in multiplayer, it makes sense that each player can use the same controller to compete. The screen, if it's used at all, may display far more modest res video in lower quality. How much power does it take to render an item menu, or show a map for issuing tactical commands? Not much. If the technology isn't there to achieve it at a reasonable cost, then I don't feel that we should be going there yet.

Again, this was done with Game Boy Advances.

#4333 New Controller Limitations?

Posted by Aaron Barton on 08 June 2011 - 03:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

It's easy to assume that a new system will support multiple connections of its controller for multiplayer. But I slowly grew wary as I realized here that Nintendo has shown no specification for this, nor have they shown the system being used with more than one Wii-U controller. They have shown only one Wii-U controller with up to four additional Wii Remotes at once. See this quote from an interview:

Miyamoto: Right now I'm planning that people can still be able to use their Wii Remote controllers that they already have, which means this time you now have five controllers to play with. Iwata: You mean this new controller, and four Wii Remote Plus controllers for a total of five. Miyamoto: Right. Five controllers. And we have people play in many combinations.

They don't exactly confirm it either way, but I don't like the sound of it.

Consider that the Wii-U console needs to process the video for each screen to be transmitted wirelessly, and you see just how dangerous it is that they allow only one Wii-U controller for processing or wireless bandwidth limitations. Not to mention cost limitations, as it's clear that this would run higher than your typical 360 pad. They may have designed this whole setup so that they don't really expect you to have any more Wii-U controllers than the one it comes with.

If this is the case, I'm extremely disappointed. You couldn't even make the four swords concept work on this system as it existed on Gamecube. All of the obvious applications such as having your plays in a football game on your personal screen are suddenly a lot more gimmicky. It's not going to keep anything secret in multiplayer -it's just going to clean up the TV interface.

I need confirmations before jumping the gun, but I'M NERVOUS.

#4294 what do you think of the wii U controller

Posted by Aaron Barton on 07 June 2011 - 06:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Gimmicks on the wii were only used on sucky games. Name one good game on the wii that used the wiimote as a gimmick

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

#4281 The post reveal Wii U thread

Posted by Aaron Barton on 07 June 2011 - 04:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

I really agree with all of the points made. Essentially we got shown a lot of potential. However, I have learned (the hard way) not to get excited at mere potential from Nintendo. I was very impressed at aiming with the controller superimposed over the screen, but how effective is it in practice? And how exactly is it tracking itself in relation to the screen? My take is that it's not; much like how aiming with the Wii Remote didn't entail aiming at the screen (a la the zapper) but by "hovering" around a different reference point, the sensor bar. So I'd like to take a closer look at that before getting excited.

The Zelda demo looked great, but it's obvious that whatever Zelda comes out won't be this. This is a demo based on Twilight Princess art and assets. A very pretty demo. If it were a real game I'd swoon, but ever since Spaceworld 2000 I know not to jump the gun.

We all knew it would be HD and we all had a pretty good inclination that a more traditional control setup would return. Regardless of any added gimmicks/features/touch screens, that seemed pretty apparent. So in that way I was mostly looking forward to some real Nintendo games returning to somewhat more standard iterations. Sadly, we saw little in the way of games.

I feel that they should have had at least one really strong first party project to show off, but they just showed a Zelda tech demo and NSMB with Mii's. Not really impressed so far, wake me up when Mario, Link, Fox, Samus, or well...anybody, shows up.

Oh and as a final note, it's largely inconsequential but I do not like the name, "Wii U".

#4040 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Aaron Barton on 05 June 2011 - 07:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just totally LOL'd at the above rumor.

#3989 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by Aaron Barton on 05 June 2011 - 06:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They can remove online entirely, scale down the graphics, remove final smashes, have less stages, and call it Super Smash Bros. Nap Time. I don't really care, my only deciding factor on buying a new Smash is whether they fix the horrifically bad fighting engine in Brawl. I'm still playing Melee with my friends. And before anybody says anything: no, I don't use wavedashing. I remember Iwata saying that had Sakurai not accepted the project, they probably would have just polished Melee with some balance changes and added online. Oh how I wish.

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