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#197642 Freeloader for Wii U?

Posted by Glenka on 21 April 2013 - 12:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Count your blessings that you don't have to worry about Madden 13.  The only worthwhile feature was the ability to make plays on the gamepad.  Everything else was basically Madden for the past 6 years, nothing worth $60.

Okej, the thing is i've never really played a NFL-game before either. I saw the trailer and it looked really interesting. I'll take your word for it that it's not worth playing  :laugh:



That would atleast show variety, I mean Q.U.B.E. is coming to Wii U.


Yeah, i've never heard of the game and went to youtube to watch some gameplay. Looked kinda cool and i like the simplicity of the game. Will check out some reviews and probably get it once it's released.



As already mentioned the freeloader for the Wii was disabled through an update and never worked after that. Its not likely there will ever be one for the Wii U.


That's too bad though. Hopefully they don't have any good titles specified to a certain region. To be honest i don't quite see the reason why they're doing like this. Okej, fine. If they release the game to another region later on i can see why. But take Madden for an example: It will sell better in the states, but there are ppl interested in purchasing the game in Asia/Europe/Australia. We will NEVER be able to buy it due to the region lock. That's some cash gone missing for Nintendo.



Am i just stupid or do anyone know the benefits of locking it to multiple regions like that? :blink:  

#197648 Freeloader for Wii U?

Posted by Glenka on 21 April 2013 - 12:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Its up to the publisher to release the game in those regions.  The problem is that each country has it's own copyright laws and trademarks, and allowing distribution between regions could cause some lawsuits in the future.


Yeah, but the PS3 didn't have that lock on it (owned one before i sold it). I could play american games on my european PS3. Geez, idk, but it's a bit frustrating :wacko:  

#196904 Freeloader for Wii U?

Posted by Glenka on 19 April 2013 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm... that's too bad. There are a couple of games that i was interested in (especially Madden NFL 13). That's one of the games that will never be released in Europe.

#196875 Freeloader for Wii U?

Posted by Glenka on 19 April 2013 - 06:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I remember when i bought a freeloader to my Wii because of the region lock that's on it. I do have a PAL-system and i'm interested in buying games for NTSC-U and NTSC-J.

Does anyone know if/when it will be a Freeloader for the Wii U system too?


I tried googling for it and found nothing. Might be a stupid question, but there's no chance for the old Freeloader to work on the Wii U? It shouldn't work, but hopefully someone tried and succeded  :rolleyes:



...I don't got the disc anymore, that's why i'm asking you guys =)

#196866 Hello all! (from Sweden!)

Posted by Glenka on 19 April 2013 - 05:36 AM in Introduction Central

Huge Nintendofan since i bought my first SNES back in '93. I did buy a NES a couple of years later and now i've owned all consoles (not portable except for GBA) except for N64, which i regret :(


Was googling for a great Wii U related forum and i found this one, which seemed promising. I hope i'm right!

Nice to "meet" you all :-)



Regards from Sweden,


#196873 Hello all! (from Sweden!)

Posted by Glenka on 19 April 2013 - 06:32 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome! You didnt own N64?


No, i didn't =/ The thing is that my friend and neighbor had one and we played on it almost every single day. As a baseballfan and Red Sox in particular i have to ask you something regarding your profile pic: Are you a Red Sox fan too?  :D






welcome to the forums

Tja!  :) 

Thx! Nice to see another swede in the forums!

#196864 Hi from sweden!

Posted by Glenka on 19 April 2013 - 05:29 AM in Introduction Central

Välkommen! :) Jag är också ny här iofs, men ändå :)

#197713 Monster Hunter 3 Guild members (prefers swedish, english okej)

Posted by Glenka on 21 April 2013 - 06:51 AM in Competitions & Matchmaking


I was looking for some Guildmembers for Monster Hunter 3. To be honest, i don't know much of the game, just taken a couple of missions. I can play either close range or distance range, it depends on what the rest of the group prefers to play! I'm an easy-learner though =)


The reason for prefering swedish is that i'm a swede myself and my english is average/slightly poor. But it doesn't matter, really :)



If you're interested, please add my NNID and Skype for teamtalks :)



NNID: Glenka

Skype: Glenkan33



Thank you in advance!

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