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There have been 3 items by Psycatic (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#289948 Hi from Psycatic Software

Posted by Psycatic on 12 June 2014 - 09:01 AM in Introduction Central

Great, I've worked with SEGA in the past and also SONY on some playstation stuff but this is my first time working with Nintendo. They supply a lot of great information and support for new developers.


I'm mostly planning out the game and working on the assets but also looking forward to finding some interesting ways to use the gamepad. I love the whole dual screen experience.

#289917 Hi from Psycatic Software

Posted by Psycatic on 12 June 2014 - 05:18 AM in Introduction Central

ha ha yep, I used to work for them, here's an extract from the "Questions" page of our website.....


The Psycatic branding looks a lot like Psygnosis, did you rip it off?


Yes it does but it's more of a tribute than a rip off. They made great games for all platforms and some of my favourite Megadrive games came out of their development house, "Shadow of the beast", "Flink", Galahad, and of course Lemmings. It's a shame they had to close, for more on that see the various histories: Psygnosis.org, Purple Owl, WipeOutZone Discussion.

Secondly, Psycatic started off as a retro only project using a Psygnosis dev kit (PSY-Q, pictured below), Psygnosis documentation and also building tests with their custom tools, compiler and assembler so it's a fitting tribute I think.

Lastly, I worked for Psygnosis back in the 90's, which is how I acquired the dev kit etc and the branding is in honour of my love for retro games.




#289890 Hi from Psycatic Software

Posted by Psycatic on 12 June 2014 - 12:55 AM in Introduction Central



Just joined this forum today so thought I'd better introduce myself.


I'm Phil from Lancashire UK and I'm a registered Nintendo developer working on a new point and click adventure for the Wii U. It's early days but I'm aiming to release it this year in USA and Europe via the eShop.





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