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#94665 Nintendo Network Communities

Posted by Hyawatta on 20 July 2012 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Community feature from Mario 3D Kart should be included for all online games for all of Nintendo’s systems by being implemented at the system level within the firmware of the 3DS and Wii U. The Communities feature should be just as ingrained into the Nintendo Network online experience as the MiiVerse. The benefits that the Communities feature provide are deceptively significant.

There are several web sites that host online communities through blogs, forums, podcasts, and other communication methods. When members of these communities want to play games together, they usually have to post their Friend Codes up on the site using these methods of communication. Then, they must enter all of those posted codes into their systems. Next, they may schedule when they will be playing so they can actively look for each other and connect their games.

With Mario 3D Kart’s Communities feature, that process is vastly improved. When members of these communities want to pay Mario 3D Kart together, each community posts its single Community Code. Multiple codes are only necessary if the communities want to host various modes or rule sets for play. Then, the members enter the Community Code and are able to simply join into the community play without having to enter many Friend Codes from many players. They may still schedule when they will be playing, but now it will be possible to just jump into the session at any time regardless of how many others are in play.

The Communities feature also allows the players within these communities to play with each other without having to divulge their individual Friend Codes on the Internet. This benefit should not be undervalued. It is reasonable to feel protective of one’s Friend Code. Many more players will likely join in the community games when they no longer need to put their personal Friend Code out there. The less intrusive Community Codes should help to grow Nintendo’s online population.

The Communities feature works spectacularly well for Mario 3D Kart. It is, frankly, shocking to not be hearing about its inclusion as a standard feature of the Nintendo Network and MiiVerse. Its integration into the 3DS and Wii U at the system level should be a given, common sense feature that is only a matter of time. Nintendo thought about including the Communities feature in the 3DS’s firmware, but they did not have the time to implement it before launch. So, they put it in Mario 3D Kart instead. The Communities feature should be integrated into the 3DS’s firmware through a system update, and it should be included within the Wii U’s firmware from day one. Hopefully, this will come to pass when Wii U launches, and the Nintendo Network account system is set up to work with both the Wii U and the 3DS.

#44212 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Hyawatta on 28 November 2011 - 01:23 PM in The Café

Co-op TV

I watch My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora the Explorer, Spongebob Squarepaints, The Backyardigans, Sessame Street, and Yo Gabba Gabba with my 2 year-old daughter. After a while, you start following the stories and it gets interesting. MLP is much more interesting for me to watch than many of the other shows on this list. I used to watch Jem and the Holograms with my sister when we were growing up. Now that it is back on the air, I made sure to see it all the way through from beggining to end because I remember the stories from when I was growing up. I never forgot how to get through a maze by following one side all the way around; I learned that from watching Jem and the Holograms, and I want my daughter to learn from what she watches as well. I still can't hardly stand watching Spongebob, though. It's cute when she says I want to watch Strawberry, but I usually cringe when she asks for Spongbob. I apreciate when the makers of these shows keep in mind that parents may be watching the show too along with their children. I sometimes try to play Mario Galaxy while she watches, but she'll try to take my controller, even if she has her own. So, we eventually end up just watching whatever she wants.

#43107 Wii U + EA's Origin? Valve trying to get into Wii U?

Posted by Hyawatta on 22 November 2011 - 10:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't just want both; I want them all!

At least Valve is being reasonable. Nintendo should not give in to EA's push for exclusivity. Either have them both or just have Steam and retain the ability to allow other services to be on Wii U too. If the Wii U exclusively uses Origin, then that's it. No more flexibility. However, if it remains open, it can have Steam, OnLive, and any other service that wants to be on the Wii U. If we don’t get Steam it’ll be because Nintendo chose to give in to EA’s want for exclusivity. If we don’t get Origin, it’ll be because EA is trying to punish Nintendo for retaining their open structure and allowing Steam and other services to be on the Wii U.

The battles of digital warfare are fierce. This reminds me of when Gamestop took the OnLive coupons out of the retail versions of Deux Ex. I want to have all of these services available and not be forced into having limited options. I believe that Nintendo would completely redeem themselves in terms of online capability if they offered a variety of digital services that we could acquire our games from. Just imagine having the eShop, WiiWare, VirtualConsole, Steam, Origin, and OnLive all on the Nintendo Wii U.

#43103 Wii U predictions

Posted by Hyawatta on 22 November 2011 - 10:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Best Possible Scenario

When the XBOX, PS2, & GCN were out, multiplatform games were developed using the PS2 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. The PS2 was the least powerful of the three; however, that did not hinder the development of those multiplatform games.

Currently, the 360, PS3, & Wii are out. Multiplatform games are developed using the 360 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. However, the Wii does not receive most of these multiplatform games because the hardware is not powerful enough run them without significantly changing the games. The 360 is less powerful than the PS3; however, that does not hinder the development of those multiplatform games. Actually, many of the ports look or play better on the 360 than they do on the PS3 because they are better optimized for the base console that they are developed on.

When the Wii U comes out, multiplatform games will continue to be developed using the 360 as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. However, the Wii U will receive the best versions of those multiplatform games because of additional features that will be added to take advantage of the new controller. Also, do to the touted similarities with and ease of porting from the 360 to the Wii U, the performance problems that the PS3 ports would have will be replaced by performance enhancements for the Wii U such as running in native 1080p and at a solid 60fps rate.

When the Wii U, XBOXTEN, & PS4 are out, multiplatform games will be developed using the Wii U as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. The Wii U will be the least powerful of the three; however, that will not hinder the development of those multiplatform games. Likely, many of the ports will look or play better on the Wii U than on the other platforms because they will be better optimized for the base console that they will be developed on.

#38764 3DS - Wii U Connectivity Speculation Thread

Posted by Hyawatta on 26 October 2011 - 01:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

StreetPass With Other 3DS Systems Through the Wii U Console, With No Local Contact

I think that the Wii U will allow you to effectively StreetPass your 3DS data with your friends without having to actually be physically near them.
  • Your Wii U console will download your 3DS StreetPass data.
  • Then Your Wii U console will upload your 3DS StreetPass data to your friends Wii U consoles.
  • Your friends’ Wii U consoles will download their 3DS StreetPass data.
  • Then your friends’ Wii U consoles will upload their 3DS StreetPass Data to your Wii U console.
  • Your Wii U console will then upload the StreetPass data that it downloaded from your friends’ Wii U’s to your 3DS system.
  • Your friends’ Wii U consoles will then upload the 3DS StreetPass data that they downloaded from your Wii U console to their 3DS systems.

Thus, you will be able to StreetPass with them without being physically near them by doing it through the Wii U console.

#37050 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Hyawatta on 18 October 2011 - 09:29 AM in The Café

Besides Optimus, Starscream is my favorite Transformer. So, sad for me. :(

#36851 What's your next 3DS game?

Posted by Hyawatta on 17 October 2011 - 11:46 AM in General Gaming

Tetris Axis is next on my list.

Is Pacman/Galaga worth getting? I rented it and I like using the gyro controls with Galaga, but I have Starfox now, so I'm not sure if it's worth holding onto anymore.

#36840 Could "The Conduit" be Nintendo's halo?

Posted by Hyawatta on 17 October 2011 - 11:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Since there has been a working demo of a Conduit game running on the 3DS, it seems that High Voltage is likely working on a Conduit game for that system. If so, I think they should create a Conduit game for the Wii U in tandem that can be played on both platforms with cross platform support. At least this way they would have a gimmic to help market their cause.

#36830 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Hyawatta on 17 October 2011 - 11:17 AM in The Café

Has anyone seen the Starscream vs Rainbow Dash Death Battle?

I'm not really sure what to make of it. It's cool, but kindof sad.

#36318 Greetings

Posted by Hyawatta on 14 October 2011 - 01:31 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the Wii U forums. I'm Andy, the biggest Zelda fan on this forum. I hope to be seeing you around.

So, what games are you looking forward to? For me, the big titles are Skyward Sword, Monster Hunter Tri-G, Monster Hunter 4, Luigi's Mansion 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario, Kirby Returns to Dream Land, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Sonic Generations, Pikmin 3, Resident Evil: Revelations, Cave Story 3D, Metal Gear Solid 3D, Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire remakes(you know they're coming eventually), and Sly 4.

Next game on the list is Tetris Axis, Skyward Sword is preordered, I plan to get Revelations, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus Uprising, Heroes of Ruin, Return to Dreamland, Rayman Origins, and I think I even have Ninja Gaiden 3 preordered. Of course, It'll probably take about a year for me to get to all of these. I still haven't gotten to play through Endless Ocean 2, Red Steel 2, Shattered Memories, Dead Space Extraction, and Donkey Kong Contry Returns yet. I've still got both Mario Galaxy's, Resident Evil 4, and Eternal Darkness to finish. Oh and Conduit 2 and GoldenEye. Maybe I should stop buying games until I can finish the ones that I have. No, that's a silly idea.

#36289 Rock of the Dead

Posted by Hyawatta on 14 October 2011 - 12:13 PM in The Museum

This was sent to Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 141, and then part 2 was added in Episode 150. Feel free to finish the story and send it in to the show.

Hey, the name’s Ash Williams, I fight the Evil Dead, and I’m darn good at it. I’ve been kick’n their butts from the present to the past and back again. But, they just don’t seem to know when to quit, you know, maybe cause they’re dead. Well now it seems that they’ve gotten smart enough to realize that they keep gett’n their butts handed to ‘em; cause I just found out that they got some kinda cockamamie, evilly, deadly scheme to Resurrect Hitler! Somehow, they think that all they need to beat me is a new commander to lead them to victory. Well, I don’t know why they think Hitler has anything to do with victory, but they sure got the cockamamie and evil parts right. I don’t care how cockamamie they are; if it’s evil and it’s dead I will kick its butt. That’s what I do, that’s who I am.

Well, first let me tell you how I became privy to this information. You see, just because something’s dead doesn’t mean it can’t feel pain, especially if being dead doesn’t stop it from trying to kill you. The thing is, being dead makes it even easier to be tortured. There’s a lot you can do to put the pain on something when you don’t have to worry about killing it. Now, about this resurrection.

In order to resurrect Hitler, they need to do some hocus pocus type of ritual. It’s basically an Evil Dead Rock Band Concert. I figure, if I can crash the party, they won’t be able to resurrect squat. I kinda don’t wanna miss out kick’n Hitler’s butt, but I guess that can still be plan B.

Here’s the plan. As much as I’d like to run right in and shoot everything in the face, I have to be smart about it, for now. I know where this thing is gonna take place. They’re getting it all set up, you know, all the instruments and stuff. The key here is that they have to get a high enough score to make this whole resurrection thing happen. So, all I’ve gotta do it beat whatever their high score is. Cause it won’t work if someone who’s alive gets the high score! I’ll sneak in and set up my guitar to play a Battle of the Bands. If I win, sweet, all I have to do is get back out of there alive. No prob. But if I lose, I guess I’ll get my chance to kick Hitler’s butt personally. Of course it’d be a lot easier if there weren’t gonna be so many deadites around. If I can’t stop Hitler then and there, he’ll just get more powerful as he builds up his army. Yea. Winning the battle of the bands it definitely my best option. So what am I wasting my time here talk’n to you for? I need to get going before they start the concert!

#36283 Greetings

Posted by Hyawatta on 14 October 2011 - 11:38 AM in Introduction Central

Hyawatta is the name of a character in a story that my brother and I have created. We are still working on it and hope to write it out as a novel someday. Thanx for asking [Bl)

#36282 Wii U Must Support An Equivalent of Direct X 11/Open GL 4.2

Posted by Hyawatta on 14 October 2011 - 11:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

If you look up the specs for any next-generation game engine you will see that there is at least one thing they all have in common, Direct X 11/Open GL 4.2 support. The only other major commonality seems to be a focus on multiprocessor (around 20 processors) support. Rallying support for an equivalent of Direct X 11/Open GL 4.2 functionality is likely much more feasible than asking Nintendo to add a 20-core processor to the Wii U.

If the Wii U releases without support for an equivalent of DirectX 11/OpenGL 4.2, then it would be in a similar situation as the 3DS releasing without a second slide pad. Except I don't think an expansion would be able to fix it.

It seems fairly obvious that the next generation development efforts are based around DirectX 11/OpenGL 4.2 functionality (Feel free to include any engines that I may have left out):

Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4
id Software's id Tech 6
Crytek's CryENGINE 4
DICE's Frostbite 3
Techland's Chrome Engine 6
CD Projekt's RED Engine 2
Capcom's MT Framework 3
Square-Enix's Luminous Engine
Valve's Source Engine

I can’t emphasize enough how critical this is. As long as the Wii U can support DirectX 11/OpenGL 4.2 level functionality and features, it should be able to compete with the new systems that Microsoft and Sony will eventually release. Of course the Wii U can run ports of games developed for the PS3 and 360, but the Wii U's ability to run the next-gen engines will secure its position as a viable console for developers to release their future multiplatform games onto during the upcoming generation of consoles.

If the Wii U can handle the next-gen game engines that require a DirectX 11/OpenGL 4.2 level of functionality and features, then it will enjoy the multiplatform support that the PS3 and 360 had. If the Wii U cannot run the next-gen engines, then it will suffer from having a similar level of multiplatform support that the Wii had.

#36274 Greetings

Posted by Hyawatta on 14 October 2011 - 10:59 AM in Introduction Central

I grew up playing Nintendo. I don't have enough time to play as much as I used to anymore, but that does not seem to have stopped me from keeping up with the news. I hope that Nintendo employees read through these forums to help get an idea of what the consumers want from the Wii U. There are some critical issues that, if we can address them now, may save Nintendo some trouble down the line. Imagine if the 3DS forums made a big deal about adding a second circle pad, and then the system actually released with them at launch because of the points made on the forums. Let's do this for Direct X 11/Open GL 4.2 support for the Wii U. A man can dream can't he.

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