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There have been 17 items by Radar2032 (Search limited from 01-June 23)

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#263442 Wii U is on a roll!

Posted by Radar2032 on 25 December 2013 - 11:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm going to be picking up AC 4 today for the Wii U, let's see how it plays out.

#263280 Wii U is on a roll!

Posted by Radar2032 on 25 December 2013 - 01:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

2ksports! man 2k14 is one of the best games this year sad i cant play it.


Yeah, although that's the beauty of being a Multi-Console gamer - on the PS4 it's amazing

#263272 Wii U is on a roll!

Posted by Radar2032 on 24 December 2013 - 10:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

As most people have mentioned, 3rd Party support for the console will really cement it's stability for the coming years. Ubisoft are doing some great things with the console. Just a shame EA and EA Sports are not following suit.

#264672 Watch Dogs

Posted by Radar2032 on 04 January 2014 - 03:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm really looking forward to this title, the concept has a lot of potential

#268045 The Wii U Has Games!

Posted by Radar2032 on 22 January 2014 - 11:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The Wii U has a great selection of games so far into it's 1 year lifespan. The next step which will indicate progress will be to fully utilize the hardware on board in order to show off what the console can do.

#263367 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by Radar2032 on 25 December 2013 - 12:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really wanna buy Pikmin 3, anyone have the game and can tell me how it is?


Fantastic, Challenging, Colorful....This game makes real good use of the Gamepad and I highly recommend it

#263446 Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review

Posted by Radar2032 on 26 December 2013 - 12:04 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

Love this game, difficulty is perfect and gives a lot of replay value.


Graphics look gorgeous on the Wii U.

#262664 Splinter Cell Blacklist

Posted by Radar2032 on 21 December 2013 - 11:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've got a similar preference for the Ghost style, I've added you on my friend's list let's test out a Briggs co-op mission

#262658 Splinter Cell Blacklist

Posted by Radar2032 on 21 December 2013 - 10:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This game is great, been playing the campaign and side missions and there is a lot on offer. 


Gamepad doubles up as an inventory/weapon selector and is a welcome extra.


Really want to play this game online "Spies vs Mercs" they call it and the servers are usually empty, so if anyone has the game and wants to play leave your Nintendo ID and we'll get the ball rolling.



#263648 Special Offers in the eShop

Posted by Radar2032 on 27 December 2013 - 11:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hey Guys,


Finally been able to log into the Nintendo eShop and saw they're offering AC3, Rabbids Land, Zombie U and a few more titles for £8.


I've just snapped up the AC3 as I had played the original and AC2 and i'd like to complete that version before I get into Black Flag.



#263794 Should 3rd parties make exclusives?

Posted by Radar2032 on 28 December 2013 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

3rd Parties will only make a Wii U exclusive if it expects to reach IP sales figures. 

#260649 Returning to Nintendo after 18 years out of touch

Posted by Radar2032 on 12 December 2013 - 02:08 AM in Introduction Central

Hey Everyone.


I'm here on these forums because I just purchased a Wii U. 


With all the hype surrounding the PS4 and X1, I decided I needed to delve into a new platform and upgrade my gaming portfolio.


So I had a decision to make, My first console was a SNES back in 1995, I remember it clearly when I would spend hours playing Super Mario Bros and Kirby. Star Fox was a particular gem and I even had the Nintendo Scope.


Flash forward ten years and I was a Sony dedicated gamer, PS1 and PS2 have dominated my gaming life and even with all the scratched disks, optical errors and over-priced titles - I was enjoying life with the Sony consoles.


My weapon of choice these days is an XBOX 360, which I've had for around 4 years. Needless to say Microsoft keep pumping out titles which over-exceed my assumptions of the capability of this console (COD: Black Ops 2 looks insane!). Add to that the fact that I am a FIFA junkie and still to this day I purchase around one game every two months for the system.


Although I started to become jaded, disillusioned and wanting more from my gaming experiences, titles are becoming more serious, emotional and complex and this is not what I want to deal with in my down time.


So two days ago I walked into a local gaming store and picked up the Wii U Zelda Edition, Pikmin 3, Super Mario Bros U and Splinter Cell Blacklist.


Now, I have read reviews on the Wii U and it's games and people seem to be split over the console with regards to it's capabilities. My verdict is that if you love gaming and want to be challenged, excited and surprised, then the Wii U gives you all of these and more. The Gamepad is probably the best input device I have ever used and the games i'm playing now are gorgeous graphically, innovative and keep you coming back for more.


So there you have it, I had a choice to make and so far, the Wii U dominates the space under my TV.

#260663 Returning to Nintendo after 18 years out of touch

Posted by Radar2032 on 12 December 2013 - 02:51 AM in Introduction Central

18 years, does that mean the Nintendo last console you bought was 18 years ago (N64) or you played Nintendo up until 18 years ago (SNES)? In case you haven't checked it out, the Wii U's eShop has a lot of the really great NES/SNES games so you can replay your favorites. At the moment n64 games are kind of awkward because you need to boot into Wii mode to access the Wii Shop.

but yeah there's a few very fun games for the Wii U, and it can play all Wii games.


I had a SNES back in 1995 and i've played a lot of N64 with friends when I was younger.

I've been checking out the eshop and there's some real old-time favorites on there that I will be playing.


#260662 Returning to Nintendo after 18 years out of touch

Posted by Radar2032 on 12 December 2013 - 02:46 AM in Introduction Central

Hey Everyone.


I'm here on these forums because I just purchased a Wii U. 


With all the hype surrounding the PS4 and X1, I decided I needed to delve into a new platform and upgrade my gaming portfolio.


So I had a decision to make, My first console was a SNES back in 1995, I remember it clearly when I would spend hours playing Super Mario Bros and Kirby. Star Fox was a particular gem and I even had the Nintendo Scope.


Flash forward ten years and I was a Sony dedicated gamer, PS1 and PS2 have dominated my gaming life and even with all the scratched disks, optical errors and over-priced titles - I was enjoying life with the Sony consoles.


My weapon of choice these days is an XBOX 360, which I've had for around 4 years. Needless to say Microsoft keep pumping out titles which over-exceed my assumptions of the capability of this console (COD: Black Ops 2 looks insane!). Add to that the fact that I am a FIFA junkie and still to this day I purchase around one game every two months for the system.


Although I started to become jaded, disillusioned and wanting more from my gaming experiences, titles are becoming more serious, emotional and complex and this is not what I want to deal with in my down time.


So two days ago I walked into a local gaming store and picked up the Wii U Zelda Edition, Pikmin 3, Super Mario Bros U and Splinter Cell Blacklist.


Now, I have read reviews on the Wii U and it's games and people seem to be split over the console with regards to it's capabilities. My verdict is that if you love gaming and want to be challenged, excited and surprised, then the Wii U gives you all of these and more. The Gamepad is probably the best input device I have ever used and the games i'm playing now are gorgeous graphically, innovative and keep you coming back for more.


So there you have it, I had a choice to make and so far, the Wii U dominates the space under my TV.



#264279 Post Your Wii U Library and Collection

Posted by Radar2032 on 01 January 2014 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Pikmin 3

Zombie U

Splinter Cell Blacklist

Zelda Wind Waker HD

#262657 Just Pre+ordered WatchDogs for Wii U

Posted by Radar2032 on 21 December 2013 - 10:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Dude, you should spend more time actually playing the console than commenting on it's strengths/weaknesses.


Wii U is good for what it offers, I'll be getting a PS4 when the price drops in around a year so it's not about which console is best, it's what you want to use the console for and with my Wii U perched under my TV i'm getting great gaming experiences.

#263448 Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted by Radar2032 on 26 December 2013 - 12:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software



I'm thinking of getting the new COD for for my Wii U, as I had BOPS2 for the 360 and enjoyed the online multiplayer.


My question for anyone who has the game is, I know the online side of the Wii U is not as strong as the other platforms, so is it easy to get in a game with other players, are the servers reliable or should I just buy the 360 version?


Thanks for any feedback.

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