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Alleged PSN hackers caught

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#21 Guest



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Posted 14 June 2011 - 11:28 AM

Anonymous; The only army stronger than a religious one.

If they dare to attack Ninty, they'll lose. 'Cause I'm gonna found a new religion, a religion with Miyamoto-sama as god, and I'm gonna start a crusade! HELL YEAH, ANON'S GONNA BE OWNED BY US NINTY FANBOYS!

Edited by Guest, 14 June 2011 - 11:28 AM.

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#22 rob_shadows


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 02:26 PM

Meh. Makes me sad. I thought it was awesome that the PSN went down because it was the first time that people stood up for someone who was arrested for jailbreaking. Sony deserved it.

And before you flame me, Anonymous did NOT take the PSN down. They simple hacked SONY, and in response SONY took the PSN down.

Jailbreaking is illegal, it allows piracy on the device, therefor the arrests were deserved.

Sony had no choice but to take PSN down, they had to do it to protect sensitive user information, the personal information stolen would have been much worse had they not taken the network down.

These idiots should never be defended and any attempts to do so only prove an individuals own personal delusions of right and wrong.

#23 SPG


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 04:39 PM

*and sony gets hacked again* oh no! what are we going to do! oh ya i dont care XD $5 says they wernt the real people


#24 raney150


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 08:58 PM

How can they care more about their customers than theirselves....?

Sorry for double post, but wow... >.>
And did anyone watched Anon's latest Youtube vid?
at the end it says 'Sony were first, and you'll be next' while playing the Mario theme...

can you post a link to that video

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