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Bloomberg: Microsoft Hopes Titanfall's Robots Can Save the Xbox One

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 08 March 2014 - 02:19 PM


Sales of Microsoft’s (MSFT) new game console, the Xbox One, started strong with some 3 million sold around the world from its Nov. 22 launch to the new year. Since then, though, the consoles have piled up on store shelves. Researcher NPD Group estimates that Sony’s (SNE) PlayStation 4, introduced on Nov. 15, outsold the Xbox One in January by at least a 2-to-1 margin in the U.S. And on March 4, Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 has sold 6 million systems and 13.7 million games, including 2.1 million copies of Killzone: Shadow Fall, an exclusive to the PlayStation. Console makers that log big monthly sales typically report them; Microsoft hasn’t so far in 2014.

Microsoft is betting it can sell more Xbox Ones on the strength of an online multiplayer game called Titanfall, which will be released only for its consoles on March 11. “It’s hard to overstate the importance of Titanfall to the Xbox One release this year,” says Yusuf Mehdi, chief marketing and strategy officer for Microsoft’s devices and studios. “For us, it’s a game changer. It’s a system seller.”



Titanfall will definitely be a success. It'll save the Xbone like Mario Kart will. Every console should be successful this gen, IMO. 

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#2 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 03:37 PM

I haven't played it, but from I've seen its CoD with robots. Now it does seem like more fun than CoD (if thats any fun at all). We'll see, but seems like people like it from the beta.

Stupid Snowmads!

#3 DexterousGecko


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 03:37 PM

I'd be just fine with every console doing very well. More games!


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#4 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 08 March 2014 - 03:51 PM

Do I even want to know what a donger is? Does we helicopter next?

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#5 Scumbag



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Posted 08 March 2014 - 04:00 PM

Got the feeling Zinix is not looking forward to this game at all... ahahah.

#6 iEatTacos


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 06:08 PM

Titanfall will no doubt sell well. The marketing blitz the past 6 months have assured that. But it's not a system seller.

#7 Zinix



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Posted 08 March 2014 - 08:31 PM


“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#8 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 09:45 PM

I played the beta.

I'm not the multiplayer type.

But this game really sold me. Getting it next week.

It's going to be big. Lots of games will copy elements from titanfall.

Would have made a great wii u game with asymmetric gameplay all around. Lol

But ms has those server farms.

#9 angelo07stang



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:00 AM

Titanfall will no doubt sell well. The marketing blitz the past 6 months have assured that. But it's not a system seller.

I would have to disagree Titanfall is definatley a system seller there is no other fps out there like it and it is a blast to play with your friends.

I haven't played it, but from I've seen its CoD with robots. Now it does seem like more fun than CoD (if thats any fun at all). We'll see, but seems like people like it from the beta.

I played the beta on xbox one it plays nothing like call of duty its so much faster paced and players that do try to play it like its call of duty get destroyed in the game cause they don't wall run and hum from building to building. I take out players like its shooting fish in a barrel cause  I will get the drop on ground players faster cause they are exposed out  in the open.

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#10 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:48 AM

It will sell well, but I don't think it will be a system seller, only for the fact that it's also on PC and the 360.

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#11 Hunter



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:40 AM

^What he said.


MS will be looking for 360 owners to upgrade to X1 but they wont when they can still get the same games on their 360. If MS come out with a new Halo exclusive to X1 this year then they will sell a lot more consoles.

#12 Socalmuscle


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 11:48 PM

I would have to disagree Titanfall is definatley a system seller there is no other fps out there like it and it is a blast to play with your friends.
I played the beta on xbox one it plays nothing like call of duty its so much faster paced and players that do try to play it like its call of duty get destroyed in the game cause they don't wall run and hum from building to building. I take out players like its shooting fish in a barrel cause  I will get the drop on ground players faster cause they are exposed out  in the open.

Have to agree. It's amazing even in beta firm. The addition of new elements make it a game that will likely appeal to everyone.

It will move systems.

It's actually a truly great game from what the beta shows.

Ms scored a coup when they made this exclusive on the console side.

It's going to be big.

Congrats to Respawn. They formed a very talented team, made the hard decisions up front, then poured on the hard work. The result is amazing and will set the standard for multiplayer this gen.

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