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Driver's ed is over. I'll get a text later to know if I passed or not(pretty sure I did). And now for once in my life I don't want to put friendships behind me. I'M SORRY I MET THIS AMAZING GIRL AND OUR DRIVER'S ED GROUP BECAME INVESTED IN EACH OTHER.
Apr 16 2014 05:29 PM
  • Kokirii's Photo
    ......did you have to?
    Apr 16 2014 05:59 PM
  • Portal's Photo
    I KNOW RIGHT. FRIGGING EMOTIONS. The four of us pretty much ended at "hey, final's over, maybe we'll see each other in the driving test." I WAS INVITED TO A SCHOOL DRAMA TO MEET UP AGAIN IN A FEW WEEKS, AND MY PARENTS ARE LIKE, "mmhrm, may not be appropriate, don't get so invested, look forward to later in life," DAMMIT I DON'T WANT TO WAIT. WE REALLY NEED TO MEET UP AGAIN, IF ONLY TO END PROPERLY. I now feel a little better after typing this.
    Apr 16 2014 05:59 PM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    Man, girls suck. Just secks her.
    I kid. Good luck with whoever she is. And that whole "you have so much time" thing isn't necessarily true. Look how many people say that and keep saying it for their whole lives and never meet anyone.
    btw girls seriously really suck.
    Apr 16 2014 11:32 PM
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