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My God, can you believe how many shootings have happened in the United States this year? My thoughts go out the families of the CT school shooting.
Dec 14 2012 01:57 PM
  • magiciandude's Photo
    Guys, I do NOT want my status to be filled with gun control debate. Take it elsewhere. My status was meant to be a memorial, not to start a political ****storm.
    Dec 14 2012 03:31 PM
  • angelo07stang's Photo
    so sad they were just little kids had there whole life ahead of them. i feel terrible for all there familys
    Dec 14 2012 04:51 PM
  • magiciandude's Photo
    @nintendo3DS Have you noticed that both the Hurricane and the school both have the name "Sandy"? It's a scary coincidence. @angelo07stang I know. So full of life and happiness. I can't believe a guy would kill children after killing his mother. Why? What did the kids have to do with whatever happened between the two?
    Dec 14 2012 04:55 PM
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