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#21 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 14 August 2011 - 11:23 PM

All i can say is time will see and the thing about casual games is they SUCK!! who cares if mario is in it or not. And u r in denial if u think the wiimote is good for fps"s. After thinking about the wiimote sucked. The first time i played wii sports i loved it but after that it just sucked

#22 Hank Hill

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Posted 15 August 2011 - 07:54 AM

All i can say is time will see and the thing about casual games is they SUCK!! who cares if mario is in it or not. And u r in denial if u think the wiimote is good for fps"s. After thinking about the wiimote sucked. The first time i played wii sports i loved it but after that it just sucked

Then if Nintendo's casual games suck (as you're saying now), then how come Sony/Microsofts are awesome? (As you said in your last post) And if you ask anybody on this forum in the chat, and they'll tell you the exact same thing that I said, and that is the Wiimote is good for FPS. Metroid Prime Trilogy is a stellar example of that, as is the CoDs they have for the Wii.



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#23 Anomandaris


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Posted 15 August 2011 - 11:09 AM

You lost me at "The wiimote killed Metroid" which is the single biggest lie I've heard in a very long time. I think you're just annoyed it doesn't use a dual-stick controller. (Why do people think that the Wiimote makes FPS worse/harder? I find it a heck of alot easier than fumbling with the dual-stick controllers...) Also, while the PS360 has now been getting more casual games, Nintendo will simply win over those with their first party releases...Little Big Planet for the PS3 has sold...almost 4.5 million units. (Source: http://gamrreview.vg...ittlebigplanet/), while Super Mario Galaxy has sold...just a small amount under 9.5 million. (Source: http://gamrreview.vg...r-mario-galaxy/) And I'm honestly not sure what 'casual'-genre smash-hit Microsoft has put out, but as compared to the multitude of Nintendo's casual games (Mario, the Mii series, etc) I'm not sure that Sony/Microsoft could come up with anything just as memorable as Mario.

Wii U exclusive Tekken title, Ghost Recon Online, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Killer Freaks from Outer Space...those aren't ports. o_o...

Also, let me clear up what I meant by "Perfect storm". What I mean is that this system will get very, VERY good casual games from Nintendo, and other publishers from the past-generation Wii (who also made casual games) will have a system they can still make games for (with the Wiimote and Tablet) and a system that more 'hardcore' developers can get behind.

So, let's put a PC gamer in a room with the PS360, and the Wii U, your assumption is that they'll go for the systems that've been out for 6 years, instead of trying out the new game tech? Riiight...

Thank you for, saying all this man.:)

People, don't be negative Nelly's, Metroid isn't wrecked, casual games don't suck, and the wiimote pointer is awesome.
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#24 Hank Hill

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Posted 15 August 2011 - 12:09 PM

Thank you for, saying all this man.:)

People, don't be negative Nelly's, Metroid isn't wrecked, casual games don't suck, and the wiimote pointer is awesome.

My pleasure. It just burns me when I see somebody post something as ridiculous as all that he said. ><



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#25 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 17 August 2011 - 02:46 AM

Metroid is good with a controller and yes casual games suck and yes the wii mote sucked it sucked just as much as duke nukem forever

#26 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 03:38 AM

Woah! When did this Luigi wannabe show up, because all I'm getting here is a Negative Zone.

(herp derp, crap joke, SSBB reference not redeeming etc.)

The Wiimote isn't that bad for FPS. It just adds another way to play a game. This is a good thing, as it always gives the industry another outlet of gameplay. I personally prefer the Wiimote for my FPS games, despite the small selection of FPS games to play, because I know I have a very good success rate in terms of winning.

Besides, saying the Wiimote is unpractical for FPS games, or any other genre for that matter, is basically the same thing D-Pad players said about Dualshock, and what PC players said about controllers. Ergo, the Wiimote is a practical controller, a preference if you will, and therefore by no means does it suck.

Any legitimate attempt to say otherwise is fruitless. Yes, that is all it is, an attempt, while the fact remains otherwise.

Opinions do not equate to fact.

Resistance is futile.


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#27 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 01:55 PM

Metroid is good with a controller and yes casual games suck and yes the wii mote sucked it sucked just as much as duke nukem forever

So now Metroid is good with the Wiimote? And apparently the Wiimote sucked SO MUCH that Sony copied it! Oh wait...



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#28 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 20 August 2011 - 02:20 PM

Im a pure hardcore gamer. I like to sit down relax and get stuck into a good game . I would rather have an epoleptic fit thsn play metroid 3 on wii. And casual games do suck … TOO ME. the playstation move sucked just as bad. I. I want to feel like im playing a real golf or tennis game ill go out and play a real game.

#29 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 02:36 PM

Im a pure hardcore gamer. I like to sit down relax and get stuck into a good game . I would rather have an epoleptic fit thsn play metroid 3 on wii. And casual games do suck … TOO ME. the playstation move sucked just as bad. I. I want to feel like im playing a real golf or tennis game ill go out and play a real game.

So...why don't you go do either of those things, instead of being a negative nancy about it here? o_____o...



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#30 BazzDropperz


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Posted 20 August 2011 - 03:28 PM

Im a pure hardcore gamer. I like to sit down relax and get stuck into a good game . I would rather have an epoleptic fit thsn play metroid 3 on wii. And casual games do suck … TOO ME. the playstation move sucked just as bad. I. I want to feel like im playing a real golf or tennis game ill go out and play a real game.

Firstly the WiiMote and PS Move are great for FPS games, not as good as a mouse and keyboard but definitely better than a traditional controller. Secondly "casual games" don't suck, they just aren't as deep experiences as "hardcore games". The WiiMote and PS Move are used in many other types of games than sport games, so you don't really have much to complain about.

Edited by NinjaShock, 20 August 2011 - 03:36 PM.

#31 kaioslive09


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Posted 20 August 2011 - 04:15 PM

im buying it regardless

#32 Gruff



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Posted 11 September 2011 - 01:57 PM

Wii U seems very promising. Third party developers will probably be able to develop for Wii U just fine, but I still think Nintendo will always have the upper hand when it comes to using the systems potential.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

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