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Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

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#21 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:29 AM

The point is that if nintendo comunicated and listened to the developers making the games they wanted to see on wii u we wouldnt be in this mess. If anybody says but need for speed as pc textures again ill scream! i play it on ps3 as well as wii u and there is bearly any difference at all. They claim the controler is the next gen part but i have a tablet, thats not next gen! Has any body seen microsoft illumiroom? look it up on youtube, thats inovation. I feel like i may come accross as troll but im not, i run a business of my own and businesses should keep evolving or risk being left behind.
If it was possible id like nintendo offer full refunds to its customers, take back the consoles, salvage any parts, sell them or reuse them and start again. I cant understand why console makers cant make there machines upgradable like pcs, that way insuring customers have the choice to make machines as powerful as they want them.

#22 Rockodoodle


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:00 AM

It's plenty powerful for my purposes, but I'm not a heavy gamer.  I've read that the Wii U is 30-50 percent more powerful than Playstation and Xbox- but I think the concern is that it won't match up well against the next versions..... 

*sigh* Where do people get this idea that the Wii U is underpowered? It's got some great looking games on it (Nintendo Land, Need for Speed, Resident Evil, etc.), and as we should all know by now, they will only get better. The Wii U is at the beginning of it's life. I know I'm just reiterating what tons of other people have already said regarding the Wii U's power, but please, don't don't listen to everything an EA employee says.

#23 MatrixChicken


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:02 AM

I'm pretty sure (judging by the title of this thread) that "the point" is that Nintendo made the Wii U weak on purpose. I was simply refuting that statement. :)


And, as others have said, it isn't Nintendo's fault that these developers are being so snobby and ignorant...


I've seen Illumiroom. It looked kinda cool, actually! :D But, I can't really see any real use for it... There's no way to interact with the projections as far as I can tell. Maybe it could be used for a map, or something. The Wii U's gamepad might not be revolutionary, but it does deliver an experience that was never used in a console before (or, at least, not that I know of). Sure, we've seen it in almost every mobile game system, but bringing it to consoles is a really cool idea, IMO. Of course, I could be biased because I've never owned a DS before... :P



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#24 Nollog


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:44 AM

i dont care, they must of had a clue at what sony and microsoft were making, and they no to make things easier for developers to produce big cross platform games to make a console on a par with whats coming out, and ive stated this a million times THEY PROMISED THEY WOULD WIN BACK GAMERS BY WORKING WITH DEVELOPERS TO GET BIG TITLES RELEASED ON NINTENDOS NEW PLATFORM!
I spent £350 as i trusted nintendo on there statements, i have been loyal for over 15 years and i feel that they have lied to us.
They are not stupid ! They new what the next gen consoles would need power wise to make developers want to make big cross platform games , and they stuck 2 fingers up at them and i hate to say it, us!
If the next gen sony or microsoft costs the same as what i paid for my wii u, i will not buy another nintendo product until the guys running nintendo have gone.
That hurt me to say it but its how i feel.

List some games you want.

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#25 Zombies8MyDuck



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:51 AM

The wii u's power doesn't bother me! Last gen taught me that i don't like playstations or xbox or 3rd parties! Nintendo is fun and easy and as long as the games are good, power doesn't matter. Fix glitches  :ph34r:

Edited by Zombies8MyDuck, 18 May 2013 - 10:51 AM.

#26 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:57 AM

so what makes it good? Games? 3rd party support? relying on the loyalty of your past customers? Nintendo has one of those, and you know which one.

edit: fifa 13 sold 14.5 million (around?) copies. That's a pretty decent number. A game like that not coming to a console is a pretty big deal. If none of the EA sports games come to the Wii U it's a huge loss for Nintendo. Whether you think sports games are lame or not is of no concern to someone who wants to buy fifa 14 or madden.

What makes a console good has always been, and will always be, software. Whether that be apps like Netflix, Hulu Plus. Or serviced like Xbox Live or Miiverse. Use to only mean games, but times are changing.

Now whether the games available and will be available for the Wii U is good enough for you is an opinion. Between Zelda, SSBU, Mario, Sonic,(Retro), I am good with just that. Are there third party games I want? Sure. Watch Dogs, ZombiU, Darksiders 2 to name a few. But I can live without third party games. It's mu core franchises that I mentioned earlier I care about. You, and others, might care.

But as equally bad it is for Nintendo, if other companies take advantage of lack of sport titles on Wii U and make money, then EA is going to loose customers.

So, as equally it is bad for Nintendo, it can be a bad situation for them.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#27 Arkhandar


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:58 AM

Because it's already powerful enough to satisfy the mass market needs.

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

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#28 Zinix



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:41 AM

I could of swore I read that due to the development research of the gamepad, Nintendo said they had to cut costs somewhere. Of course this could be wrong. 

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#29 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:46 AM

I could of swore I read that due to the development research of the gamepad, Nintendo said they had to cut costs somewhere. Of course this could be wrong.

I have never heard that. For the Wii, yes they had to. That's why the Wii wasn't HD. But Nintendo, while I am sure budget constraints led to some trouble, wouldn't make the Wii U less powerful than the 360.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#30 Rockodoodle


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:01 PM

The way hardware costs drop so much year after year, they could easily release a new gamepad relatively soon.  That said, I really like the gamepad as a controller. It's not the highest resolution possible, but it still looks sharp. I like being able to play a game and then watch TV.




I have never heard that. For the Wii, yes they had to. That's why the Wii wasn't HD. But Nintendo, while I am sure budget constraints led to some trouble, wouldn't make the Wii U less powerful than the 360.

#31 TheDoritoKing



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:06 PM

The Gamecube & Nintendo 64 were more powerful than what Sony put out and didn't do too well; Wii was much weaker than the Playstation 3 and sold like... something that sells extremely well. Nintendo sees that their more powerful hardware doesn't sell as well as their cheap ones.

#32 TheDave545


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:14 PM

I love some of you fanboys that say things like "who cares about fifa, EA are gonna fail".


You people need to take your Nintendo Specs off, FIFA is one of the biggest selling gaming franchises, it is played across the entire world, just because you people may not like it doesn't mean nothing, and when EA said they have no games in development for the Wii U at the moment is a HUGE disaster for Nintendo, like it or not games like Madden, Fifa, and Battlefield are system sellers (i should know ive worked in gaming retail for 8 years), and to not have any of these titles for the next year is really bad.


This is the scenario for next year:


Customer walks into a game shop, looks at the Wii U, Next Xbox and PS4.

Wants to buy a new console to play with there friends online on Fifa or BF.

Asks member of staff which one would be ideal and the prices.

Staff member instantly says, "well that counts the Wii U out as there are no Fifas or Battlefields out on this console besides last years fifa"

After having chat with staff member the customer walks out of the store with a PS4/Next Xbox with a copy of the new Fifa/Battlefield.


That will happen a lot, believe me..........a lot.


Unless a customer is looking for a specific Nintendo title....Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda or another Wii Fit then the Wii U is gonna sink fast because most people would prefer to buy the new game on the newer console as it will look better, and trust me when I say the average customer that walks in takes one look at graphics and online capabilities and will dismiss the Wii U altogether.


I love my Wii U but its getting harder to defend, the lack of games is killing it, and to have a company like EA saying they have nothing coming is shockingly bad.


*Flame Suit ON*

Edited by TheDave545, 18 May 2013 - 12:17 PM.

#33 grahamf


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:19 PM

Honestly? I want to wait to see what the final PS4 and Xbox 720 is like. I really don't see the point of complaining how the Wii U compares to a console that is still wrapped in rumour, especially when the possibility exists that they might have a major flaw (for example: the PS3 was insanely expensive and the XBOX 360 had a tendency to fry itself. Then again, the Wii had a tendency to smash televisions :) )



#34 Rockodoodle


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:28 PM

They better have a healthy line of releases for sure by Nov.  I don't care all that much for sporting games, tho I do like Madden.  They should explore doing their own brand of soccer- that would be kinda cool, using Nintendo characters to field a team.  I also think it would be really cool if they could revive Cyberball- it's an old Atari Lynx title that was a lot of fun.  I'd get that over madden in a heartbeat.




I love some of you fanboys that say things like "who cares about fifa, EA are gonna fail".


You people need to take your Nintendo Specs off, FIFA is one of the biggest selling gaming franchises, it is played across the entire world, just because you people may not like it doesn't mean nothing, and when EA said they have no games in development for the Wii U at the moment is a HUGE disaster for Nintendo, like it or not games like Madden, Fifa, and Battlefield are system sellers (i should know ive worked in gaming retail for 8 years), and to not have any of these titles for the next year is really bad.


This is the scenario for next year:


Customer walks into a game shop, looks at the Wii U, Next Xbox and PS4.

Wants to buy a new console to play with there friends online on Fifa or BF.

Asks member of staff which one would be ideal and the prices.

Staff member instantly says, "well that counts the Wii U out as there are no Fifas or Battlefields out on this console besides last years fifa"

After having chat with staff member the customer walks out of the store with a PS4/Next Xbox with a copy of the new Fifa/Battlefield.


That will happen a lot, believe me..........a lot.


Unless a customer is looking for a specific Nintendo title....Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda or another Wii Fit then the Wii U is gonna sink fast because most people would prefer to buy the new game on the newer console as it will look better, and trust me when I say the average customer that walks in takes one look at graphics and online capabilities and will dismiss the Wii U altogether.


I love my Wii U but its getting harder to defend, the lack of games is killing it, and to have a company like EA saying they have nothing coming is shockingly bad.


*Flame Suit ON*

#35 ameritt



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:54 PM

They better have a healthy line of releases for sure by Nov.  I don't care all that much for sporting games, tho I do like Madden.  They should explore doing their own brand of soccer- that would be kinda cool, using Nintendo characters to field a team.  I also think it would be really cool if they could revive Cyberball- it's an old Atari Lynx title that was a lot of fun.  I'd get that over madden in a heartbeat.

You mean like Super Mario Strikers, the Mario Soccer games for Gamecube and Wii.


And not getting Fifa and BattleField is sort of a big deal. On one hand, a lot of the Nintendo fans who buy Nintendo consoles (like me) aren't as interested in sports games like Fifa and Madden as the consumers who buy other consoles anyway. That's why they buy Nintendo. I'm not saying that's everyone, but if you can find stats on how well those games sell on each console, I'm willing to bet that at least in the last two or three generations, they have always been higher on other consoles. So I don't think EA not making those games for the Wii U will really decrease sales that much.


But on the other hand, what this guy said gives the Wii U a terrible rep. There are still people saying 'What's a Wii U?' and with people saying stuff like this, especially professional people in the game business, the first impressions they are going to have on it aren't very good. THAT will impact sales. 

#36 thechamp80



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 01:54 PM

Nintendo is cheap and they tried to rely on another gimmick to succeed. But this time it really backfired in their face, 

#37 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:17 PM


I love some of you fanboys that say things like "who cares about fifa, EA are gonna fail".

You people need to take your Nintendo Specs off, FIFA is one of the biggest selling gaming franchises, it is played across the entire world, just because you people may not like it doesn't mean nothing, and when EA said they have no games in development for the Wii U at the moment is a HUGE disaster for Nintendo, like it or not games like Madden, Fifa, and Battlefield are system sellers (i should know ive worked in gaming retail for 8 years), and to not have any of these titles for the next year is really bad.

This is the scenario for next year:

Customer walks into a game shop, looks at the Wii U, Next Xbox and PS4.
Wants to buy a new console to play with there friends online on Fifa or BF.
Asks member of staff which one would be ideal and the prices.
Staff member instantly says, "well that counts the Wii U out as there are no Fifas or Battlefields out on this console besides last years fifa"
After having chat with staff member the customer walks out of the store with a PS4/Next Xbox with a copy of the new Fifa/Battlefield.

That will happen a lot, believe me..........a lot.

Unless a customer is looking for a specific Nintendo title....Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda or another Wii Fit then the Wii U is gonna sink fast because most people would prefer to buy the new game on the newer console as it will look better, and trust me when I say the average customer that walks in takes one look at graphics and online capabilities and will dismiss the Wii U altogether.

I love my Wii U but its getting harder to defend, the lack of games is killing it, and to have a company like EA saying they have nothing coming is shockingly bad.

*Flame Suit ON*

This isn't a flame on you, even though it appears you were flaming me (and others) defending Nintendo's position. This is a response to your point of view -- which is limited, however truthful it may be.

As someone who worked retail in a Game Store (Game Stop or something like that, I assume) then this question should be easy for you. For the Wii, if one was going to buy one, what was the top selling game? According to the sources listed below this response, Wii Sports and Mario Kart Wii. Wii Sports went on -- although this is sorta cheating since it was bundled with the Wii originally -- over 80 million copies since 2006. This is compared to the FIFA 11, being 132 on the list -- barely, globally, selling one million copies. Madden NFL 08 is even worse, not even reaching one million copies (and in Japn the numbers are so low that my source has 0 copies sold). Now EA Sports Active, which sold over 3 million units globally did respectively well. However, the follow up went on to sell under two million copies. Usually, when a direct sequel doesn't do well it generally mean the previous owners weren't that happy with the game. If they were, wouldn't you think the second would have at least crossed the 2 million mark? Even looking beyond the Wii, and going back to the GCN days. EA doesn't even get on my top 25 selling games for the GCN. Which means none of their games sold more then one million on the GCN. Looking at the Wii U, it doesn't get much better. I'll just let you look at the numbers, they really do speak for themselves. They are higher on the list -- but there hasn't been many huge sellers yet on the Wii U (sadly, which is Nintendo's fault) -- but even still Madden of FIFA aren't on the top ten list. Top Ten List of Wii U. Meaning, out of all the customers who bought a Wii U (over 3 million customers), not even one third of them wanted a Madden or FIFA game. Combine the sales, sure EA has one third of the Wii U customer base. Which is pathetic.

Looking at these numbers, it is easy to see EA pulling back from Nintendo and not supporting them. Nintendo clearly doesn't need EA to see consoles. Really, Ubisoft and Nintendo are ther system sellers for NIntendo. Ubisoft has confirmed they are committed to the Wii U -- so Nintendo is fine there. As far as I know, Nintendo is still publishing games for the Wii U, and haven't pulled back support to the other platforms (such as the Sony PS3 -- and yes, that is a sarcastic remark). So, with Nintendo and Ubisoft being commited to the Nintendo Wii U. Ubisoft bringing Watch Dogs and Assasins Credd IV: Black Flag to the Wii U (and it's all but confirmed Nintendo is getting the same engine as the PS4 with the same visual assets used for Watch Dogs U). Let's not forget Sega, who also helped sell GCN's, and Wii's and will continue to help sell Wii U with the new Sonic games coming exclusively to the Wii U platform. These are publishers who understand want Nintendo fans want. Who know how to be successful on said platform. EA, sadly, is unable to sustain themselves on the Nintendo platform. This isn't Nintendo's fault. It's EA's.

However, my personaly distaste for EA doesn't come from my dislike for their games. In fact, I like their Mass Effect series and would be interested in Dead Space. The SIMS is always fun. Would probably be a blast on the Wii U. I actually was excited to see Nintendo and EA seem like buddy buddy's E3 2011. No, my distaste for that company is because of choice employee's for making comments that aren't true. You see, when a Microsoft employee makes comments the company doesn't approve of we get an appology and that employee gets fired. EA, on the other hand, either approves of these comments or don't care what their employee's are doing. Either case, it's wrong. These developers obviously don't know what they are talking about. Saying Frostbite 2 and 3 can't run on the Wii U, when said engines are running on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Saying the Wii U is less powerful than the Xbox 360 and is "crap". This is unprofessonial, even if the comments are true. It's meant to harm another company and not meant to be constructive. I will not support a company who bluntly lies about about company. It's not like EA hasn't proven the Wii U graphically, because they have with Need for Speed Most Wanted. I actually wanted that game, and was planning on purchasing it. But I won't now. The reason? Because EA is a horrible company, and they deserve their poor sales they are getting on these titles.

With all that said, Nintendo and EA need to come together and work things out. Nintendo can and will do fine without them. EA will probably do just fine too. However, you can't tell me EA won't want to have a system seller on a platform that has a user base of 40+ million units. I believe Nintendo can easily sell 40 million units in three years, even with the slow start. If Nintendo surpases or even meets that goal, EA will be behind the curve and they won't be able to change it. They are using their resources now, and by the time Nintendo has their system sellers out EA won't be able to move quick enough. I've seen in back with the Wii, with most developers and publishers writing it off until they noticed it was a run away hit. Took time for them to move resources and development to the Wii. Here, most developers aren't counting Nintendo out yet. In fact, Ubisoft did a 180 with Watch Dogs and decided to put a team on making Watch Dogs for Wii U even though they have a lot of their resources making games for the Wii U. That means they believe they can make it profitable, and I have no doubt that they will do well on the Nintendo platform.

Now, to bring this back to how your point of view is truthful. It will mean Nintendo will have a hard time selling to a certain crowd. It will mean that the Wii U will have to be a second system for some gamers. However, Nintendo doesn't need those gamers to sell Wii U's. Nintendo just need their own fans to buy into their platform. Even if they just sell to current 3DS owners, that would be very good. So yes, your point of view is correct. But that doesn't mean Nintendo is doomed. It just means those gamers are going to be harder to reach.

[I]But those aren't the only gamers in the world.[\I].

With that ... I am done.


GCN Sales
Wii Sales
Wii U Sales

Edited by MorbidGod, 18 May 2013 - 02:22 PM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#38 Shogo


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:46 PM

The fact the fan boys aint ripping me apart says it all, im a fan boy and have had nintendos for over 15 years! I just cant believe tech giants at the top there game can let this happen. Heres what really bugs me,
Nintendo at the end of the wiis life obviously pitched wii u to investors, promising HD next gen graphics, like they did to us, they wanted to bring back core gamers, wowed us with clips of games (that have been canned now) and yet nobody has said "where is all this?" Win back core gamers ! What a joke, forget no gta5 theres no blooming fifa ! Mario kart aint gonna save Nintendo this time, and if heads dont roll at nintendo there properly f..........


I agree with all that.  I also been a loyal Nintendo gamer for the past 20+years.  I have only owned Nintendo consoles.  I am tired of missing out on all the triple A games that get released on other consoles and not on Nintendo consoles.  On E3 2011 Nintendo showed Ken Levine of Bioshock praising the Wii U, 2 years later Bioshock Infinite gets released yet we don't get a Wii U version...why?  I am tired of missing out on so many games that appeal to me, this is the reason why I am getting a PS4, it will be my first non Nintendo console I will ever own.  I will keep my Wii U for the occasional good game that might appeal to me (Retro's game, Eternal Darkness successor...).  And I also get flamed here for expressing my opinion because apparently I can't have one, I can't feel the way that I do because Nintendo can do no wrong.


List some games you want.


To name a few of the games that have been released since the Wii U launched...Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Light.  I'm not even sure we are going to get GTA5.  All those games appeal to me.  

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#39 Nollog


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:25 PM

To name a few of the games that have been released since the Wii U launched...Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Light.  I'm not even sure we are going to get GTA5.  All those games appeal to me.  

Crysis 3 was cancelled due to EA.

Bioshock was in development for years and barely got released on the platforms it did release on.

Metro was THQ published, which meant bankruptcy would dampen the possibilities.

GTA5 is unlikely, for the same reason Bioshock never happened, and tomb raider etc. Games in development with years are unlikely.


Nintendo could have moneyballsed them all if they wanted to though, doubt it'd pay off but they could have.

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#40 Peladex


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:33 PM

EA is pure unicorn tongue. if battlerainbow 4 is coming to the ps360 it should be available for the WIIU. WIIU is a better machine than the ps360. dammit!!!! 


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