Posted 15 June 2013 - 03:15 PM
The ps4 launch games have been in development as long as the wii u games shown at e3.
So they're on equal flirting in that regard.
Killzone doesn't have the massive open world that x does, not the speed nd constantly, rapidly changing environments that Mario kart does. And if argue that Mario Mary character models are far more complex than killzone models, though killzone has more complex environments (again, that don't have to transition very quickly).
I'd also say second son has worse graphics than any e3 game on the wii u. And killer instinct for the x1 has poor graphics. Knack doesn't impress as much as Mario kart and its a slow moving game with an easier option for graphics.
X and bayonetta held up to Xbox one but get slightly outshined by three genes on ps4: destiny, the division, and killzone.
But here's the thing... First person shooters are the easier to push graphics on. Yet the wii u doesn't have one made for it. So we can't do an apples to apples comparo. Which leads me to a theory about Nintendo not wanting metroid to get lost in a sea of possible fps games from x1and ps4, but I digress.
The ps4 is the most powerful machine coming. It will have the best looking games. But not by much, as evidenced by killzone, destiny, and division. Being that x86 is do familiar to developers, the entire system architecture so accessible and the memory pipeline easy to fill, the only concern is that this may be the best the ps4 has to offer already, launch or no.
Wii u is very much in this fight. The graphics they showed were shocking in terms of how well thy look versus ps4 and x1.
Too bad there are some delusional haters who don't want the wii era to end. News flash: it's ended. And the wii u is bringing true, next gen graphics to shake things up.
From the sound of it, at least one hater in this thread is already feeling the effects. Lol