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#21 Raiden


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 07:05 PM


#22 Akazury


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Posted 13 April 2014 - 12:09 AM

Let me rephrase. Nobody expects you to buy a VC game you already have with the console. The whole point of the VC is to offer old games, th way they were on their respective console. It's too open up classics to a new generation. If you'd go and add online multiplayer it'll take time, money and resources that can better be spend elsewhere besides that it would also up the price. It wouldn't be a €8 VC game rather it would be a €15 defenitive edition off an old game which isn't what the VC is for.

Now for online multiplayer in platformers as Mario and DK. The foremost reason it wouldn't work is lag, and now don't go tell me that there wouldn't be cause there always is. While lag in a 'fast paced' game as CoD, SSB and such isn't very noticable it is deadly for a platformer. It means missing your platform, getting hit by a enemy or simply going off the screen. But what do you expect from online multiplayer on a platformer? Running around helping each other getting to the end or just going faster than the other and finish the level? That last one is in DKC:TF, it's called time attack and leaderboards and it works like a charm. You can even watch other people's runs.

I wanted to make clear that not all games benefit from online multiplayer and that the recources spend on them can be spend on better things. Now I do agree that some online functionality like Voice Chat would be great.

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#23 Sojiro32



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Posted 13 April 2014 - 10:48 AM

It won't take crap dude. What are you even talking about? All the contra games are already two player simultaneous along with final fight, double dragon knights of the round... tons of games. Any game that has local multi could take advantage of an online multiplayer feature with next to zero extra work. Not to mention the price point on VC is terrible. None of these have been remastered and they want $8 for SNES games? That's ridiculous. It should be $2.99 for NES, $4.99 for SNES and so on...

There hasn't been a ton of work that went into VC. 2 guys made ikaruga. From scratch. 3rd guy just did the score. Also there was an SNES emulator some dudes made back in the day that had an online multi. Was awesome when it worked. None of those games had the roms altered one bit.

You guys can fan boy and troll all you want but that won't change the news. Nintendo is in real trouble. At least I'm offering a solution. What are any of you offering outside of flaming?


I don't agree on the platformers. I bet these would run great on P2P and especially the party games. They are nowhere near as resource heavy as a game like ghosts.

Super smash is gonna be online. It's not gonna be a largest.


#24 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 07:27 PM

You guys can fan boy and troll all you want but that won't change the news. Nintendo is in real trouble. At least I'm offering a solution. What are any of you offering outside of flaming?


You are hilarious, mate.


Okay, to begin with, the content of your first post was wrong. You made it sound like there was no online multiplayer whatsoever, which is simply not true. All of this:


So you can imagine the bad taste that was left in my mouth when my friend (who was debating on buying a Wii U) just asked me if it could do online multiplayer.

Ugh... I can safely say Nintendo would have won the console war by miles if they would have implemented this. I just assumed, in this gen, there is no way they would have not done this. I stand corrected. Unbelievable fail. Fail of epic proportions.


Is stupid.


The Gamecube had online multiplayer games, the Wii had online multiplayer games, the DS and the 3DS as well. Whatever made you think that the Wii U wasn't. Granted, for the most part they are all crap. So is it a mystery to you why people tore one into you for a whole page? Nope, not to me. It clearly contradicts the facts that have been known for a whole bloody year. So while the fanboys on this forum gave you a right shearing (which to be honest, was poorly done because none of them even tried to interpret what you said), you let them.


And while I do note that the online functionality of Wii U titles is limited to high hell for numerous reasons (which most people here like to pick at and never seem to take whole), online functions are the least of Nintendo's concerns. Acquisition, marketing, releasing games and stronger partnerships are way higher on that list than tuning up a classic for online. Yes, I believe that Nintendo sells that stuff at a high price and you might as well illegally emulate old games because screw people on this forum saying it's okay to do that on a Nintendo console but not okay to do that on a Sony console.


On the topic of platformers, we can throw stuff around all day long about what game should have what. I could say Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze could have online multiplayer. I could say they could've done this or that, and because of it the devs I find to be lazy. Bugger if my feasibility studies and assessment means jack all to the people creating it. Those guys already explained this, that and the other about why certain things aren't in.


And the bottom line of course: Nintendo can't do online for crap. It's been proven. Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were complete suck ass. They've had to hire Namco Bandai to help out with the new Smash Bros. as well, and I don't think it has had anything to do with physics. Updates are slow as crap. So if you were expecting an online juggernaut experience in the Wii U, wrong place mate.


As for solutions, you haven't actually offered any. All you've done (unintentionally of course) is stirred up a hornet's nest of Nintendo nutters. Not Nintendo officials, executives or creative directors. We aren't the people you need to forward 'What should have been's to. Like I said, fixing the Wii U's online isn't the priority for Nintendo to make things better.


Point is, you should have learnt by now what you said was misspoken, backed off and corrected yourself, but instead chose to ignore and bite back.

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