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The Legend of Korra Book 3 premieres today.

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#21 magiciandude


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 07:22 PM

Once again, both were great episodes! 

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#22 Zinix



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Posted 18 July 2014 - 08:48 PM

I'm digging this season a lot. It sucks it's going to so damn fast though.

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Posted 19 July 2014 - 06:20 AM

I'm digging this season a lot. It sucks it's going to so damn fast though.

Yeah, the pacing has felt a little off. They just can't match Book 1. Anyway, great episodes. Not my favorites, but pretty great. And of course we can't forget about Meelo. "Look to your left. Look to your right. One of those people won't make it out alive."

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#24 Zinix



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Posted 20 July 2014 - 09:59 AM

I think it's because Nick secretly hates the series. Nevermind can't be that, they have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles airing new episodes at weird horsing times too,.

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Posted 25 July 2014 - 04:40 PM

I think it's because Nick secretly hates the series. Nevermind can't be that, they have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles airing new episodes at weird horsing times too,.

Well, it's official. Nick has pulled the last five episodes of Book 3 for now. Episode 8 will still air Friday, but that's it. Book 4 is supposed to be completed according to the directors, so I don't fear the show's cancellation, but come on! What keeps happening to these good shows! Everything I've watched the last few years was either cancelled for no reason or it ended beautifully and hasn't gotten a deserved successor. Ugh. Atleast there's still Arrow, The Flash, and StarWars Rebels.

New episode tonight. In terms of animation, this is the BEST Korra episode yet. I remember at the beginning of the season telling my brother during some early fight scenes, "There's no way this will be better than probending." It is. Beautiful animation and choreography, as well as being an overall great episode to boot.

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#26 Zinix



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Posted 25 July 2014 - 08:22 PM

Well episode 8 has airred. It was good. It all seriousness, that was amazing. Nick proves that they are clueless. They put themselves in that position, and they should know they're the reason the LOK got low ratings, they put it in a death slot.

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#27 Portal



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Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:49 AM

New Korra episode now on Nick.com. Really great episode. Brought in a lot of backstory and tied Seasons 2 and 3 together quite well.

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#28 Zinix



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Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:28 PM

Going to miss tonight's episode 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#29 magiciandude


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 05:33 PM

I think it's because Nick secretly hates the series. Nevermind can't be that, they have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles airing new episodes at weird horsing times too,.

Sad to say this, but action shows aren't doing so well right now. Just look at the number of action shows Cartoon Network cancelled. :(

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#30 Portal



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Posted 15 August 2014 - 01:50 PM

Sad to say this, but action shows aren't doing so well right now. Just look at the number of action shows Cartoon Network cancelled. :(

I know right!? I find it saddening to look for something on TV and go, "Eh, all the good shows ended years ago." Really want Tron: Uprising to comeback at the very least. I think it's the one action show that has yet to be officially cancelled. Atleast StarWars Rebels is starting in October. Oh, and the new Transformers and Guardians of the Galaxy next year I think. As much as I like finding a good anime, it's no replacement for a good action show on Friday nights. RIP Green Lantern, Young Justice, and The CloneWars. You are greatly missed.

This week's episode is on Nick.com. So it's time for my mini review! Amazing episode! Beautiful animation, great scene with Korra, Iroh, and Zuko, amazing fight scenes, and character development with Kai! The wait for next week's episode is going to be killer!

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#31 Soul



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Posted 16 August 2014 - 08:30 PM

yesterdays episode 11 was intense

#32 Portal



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Posted 22 August 2014 - 11:46 AM

HOLY CRAP. THE PERFECTNESS OF THIS SEASON. THE BITTERSWEETNESS. THE CONTINUATION. SO MUCH AWESOMENESS. I...am freaking out. I could say so much, but I won't. Except this. No season of TCW was this good. And if you know me well enough, you know since TCW ended I compare every animated movie and TV show to it. Like, the perfect show. This season of Korra surpassed TCW. Not yet as a complete series as Book 4 has yet to air, but I have no doubt it will end awesomely.

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#33 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 12:13 PM




As a huge fan of the last airbender (not the movie of course...) I gotta say so far the legend of Korra pales in comparison to it, it has no plot, every season it's different which is the problem, TLA had the whole "100 year war" thing as the whole plot for the show, which is part of what made it so exciting since you knew what it was gonna end with, but you didn't know how it was gonna end and how they were gonna do it.


But with Legend of Korra we know that when the show ends, nothing will change, there is no BIG plot that goes on during the whole show. And so far, with each season being this short, I feel like we won't get much character development from anyone, the show just doesn't feel complete at all or that it's going anywhere.


Hopefully a third show will be more exciting, since it's gonna be an earth bender avatar, we'll see more of Ba sing se and the Di Le :)


Also, Korra is a weak and helpless avatar compared to what Aang did, she never meditates, she constantly complains about why she can't do anything correctly, even though she never tries, Aang was in way worse situations than her and he got out of it okay.


Aang at the age of 12 (theoretically) ended a war, Korra, at the age of 18, opened the spirit portal... It's a bit pathetic as to what she has achieved in comparison to Aang.


Oh, and I probably will watch season 4 just to see how they plan to end this... 




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#34 magiciandude


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 01:30 PM

I loved this book so much! Completely blows Book 2 out of the water! (no pun intended)

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#35 Akazury


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:20 AM

This season finale was amazing, I was stuck on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Zaheer flying, Bolin Lava bending, Korra going completly bonkers, Jenora saving the day, I'm most certainly impressed. But this finale also left a bad taste in my mouth, it ended quite on a sad note. You could see that Korra is seriously wondering what her purpose is in this world, cause wether you agree or not Zaheer had some good points only bad execution. I'm wondering how book 4 will go, is Korra still in a wheelchair, is her role as Avatar going to change, how will Ba sing se get back on it's feet. I've got more questions than anwsers this time around.


I also feel sad that this probs will be the last series of Avatar as it has been said that the creators would be working on something else.

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#36 Xiombarg


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 06:58 PM

I was pleasently surpirsed by how good this season was, but also with how violent they were allowed to take it.


But the ending, damn.  That's an ending.  Leaving on such a somber note...


But it's an ending I could deal with if Nick drops the show.  Of course it would be great if Korra's story and the universe could be expanded in the comics (like with the Search and Promise trilogy with Aang and Zuko).

#37 Bill Cipher

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 10:19 PM




As a huge fan of the last airbender (not the movie of course...) I gotta say so far the legend of Korra pales in comparison to it, it has no plot, every season it's different which is the problem, TLA had the whole "100 year war" thing as the whole plot for the show, which is part of what made it so exciting since you knew what it was gonna end with, but you didn't know how it was gonna end and how they were gonna do it.Dude, I don't think you GET life/The history behind the show. It was originally a one run series, that was expanded into two, then four. The Truth is, Korra's story covers a wider arrangement of things because Quite Frankly, CRAP CHANGES. Aang's story was allowed to focus on one major, reoccurring plot point because that's what had happened in the world up to that point. Korra's story is both divided into different objectives because of the way the series was planned and the way in which they are aiming for the story. Life isn't one just Grand Goal, it's a series of books that seems tangentally related. A:TLA was a grand story, whereas Korra is a different beast.


But with Legend of Korra we know that when the show ends, nothing will change, there is no BIG plot that goes on during the whole show. And so far, with each season being this short, I feel like we won't get much character development from anyone, the show just doesn't feel complete at all or that it's going anywhere. I Have no WORDS to describe the sheer level of stupid in this. No Big Plot? GEE, I DON'T KNOW, LOSING CONNECTION TO THE PAST AVATARS, MERGING THE SPIRIT AND HUMAN WORLDS, ETC isn't a big plot point? That's like me saying that Vader being Luke's dad isn't a big plot point. It's a MASSIVE plot point that if we get any sequel series will have major Ramifications. Korra's basically reset the Avatar Cycle and last I checked, we're not even sure if THERE will be an avatar after Korra. If you don't call that a big plot, then you know nothing. As for character development, it's subtle stuff. Mako's preferred bending method is Lightning Bend, but he rarely used it after book 1. YET, when you look at his arc and what lightning bending requires(It requires focused emotion), you see that he hasn't been able to Lightning bend BECAUSE he has turmoil inside him regarding his relationships.


Hopefully a third show will be more exciting, since it's gonna be an earth bender avatar, we'll see more of Ba sing se and the Di Le :) It's called the Dai Li, and I never got why people want more about them. Like, they're cool as back story/supplementary stuff, but if they become the primary focus of the story it becomes akin to Game of Thrones. Also, Ba Sing Se is so bland compared to other possible locations. We could have a series set in the large portions of the earth kingdom unseen in the series which would make an interesting choice.


Also, Korra is a weak and helpless avatar compared to what Aang did, she never meditates, she constantly complains about why she can't do anything correctly, even though she never tries, Aang was in way worse situations than her and he got out of it okay.


Aang at the age of 12 (theoretically) ended a war, Korra, at the age of 18, opened the spirit portal... It's a bit pathetic as to what she has achieved in comparison to Aang. Lumping these two together because it's one though really. Korra's Helpless and Weak? I'm not sure if you understand it, but this is the second Avatar to bend spirits(First in 10,000 years), the second to bend Metal IIRC, etc.  She never meditates because of two reasons: She doesn't view the spiritual stuff as important until midway through Book 2, and by the time she's given a break to actually MEDITATE, she has lost all connection to her past lives, so if that's what you're getting at, she can't meditate.  She complains because THAT'S who Korra is to a point. She's the person who excels at 99% of what she's supposed to do, but the moment she hits a roadblock she gets incredibly frustrated. In case you didn't notice, Korra and Aang are two seperate people, so saying "WHY DIDN'T SHE ACT LIKE AANG" is like me saying "WHY DID YOU THREATEN ME ABOUT ME SAYING OKAMI WAS BETTER  THEN ZELDA". Different people react differently to different situations.


Aang was in way Worse? Really? The highest Danger Aang had ever been in was during Season 2 when he got Fried in the back and nearly died. Korra's 17 in book one, and to list her accomplishments: 

  • She took down a Bloodbender who was planning to rid the world of bending so that he could rule it, a man whose forces using the resources available in a CITY was able to find off a fleet of the world's greatest navy, lead by General FRICKING IROH.
  • She was able to take down the Dark Avatar and Vaatu, a threat that cost her both her connection to her past lives and the risk of her being the LAST avatar. She also opened the Spirit portals, reuniting the two worlds.
  • She was able to fight and hold her own against an airbender who had mastered flight WHILE SHE WAS POISONED and seemingly unaware of her actions. She needed help to defeat him, but until the last minute of the fight she was whooping his butt. She is crippled by the Poison and is now scarred for life, as her worst fears are seemingly coming true before her eyes.

But Sure, she's weak compared to Aang. I mean,  compared on a scale, the first two are about equal to 1.2-1.5 Oiza level feats, but the last one is maybe a .9 Ozai. Did Aang fight anyone while being poisoned? I think not. Also, the Avatar state power was just HER, not Her+100 Lives like what Aang had when he fought Ozai.


Oh, and I probably will watch season 4 just to see how they plan to end this... 



What in the actual HELL? I don't think you've watched the show, based off of your comments. Let me break down your logic, piece by piece. My responses are in bold.

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#38 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 06:27 AM



What in the actual HELL? I don't think you've watched the show, based off of your comments. Let me break down your logic, piece by piece. My responses are in bold.


"Losing connection with the previous Avatars"...


how is that even a good thing?...


And I don't remember them caring much about the spirits being around and all after the first few episodes of Book 3... most of the season was about the Red Lotis


I dunno I liked the scene where Aang, Sokka, and Katara were driving in the delivery carts in Ba Sing sei :)


Sooo what you're saying is Korra doesn't decide to start meditating until she losing all connection?


1. Aang once saved the Southern Water Tribe from an attack by the Fire nation :)

2. So could have Aang, if the writers thought it would be important at the time...

3. So? Aang lost the avatar state at one point then gained it back at the last second and took down the FREAKING FIRE LORD!


And again, compare the ages here... Aang was younger and achieved a lot more than Korra did, he saved lots of people, made lots of new friends, rid the world of evil (for about 70 years...) and ended a war :)


Korra was probably still sitting around at the water temple at that age... 



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#39 Xiombarg


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 11:38 AM

Korra was probably still sitting around at the water temple at that age... 

Aang was forced to grow up, the reason he had to sacrifice his childhood was because he ran away from his responsiiblities and the world went into war because of him vanishing.


Korra was forced and lied to to stay in specific approved locations, so I don't know what you're trying to go about on here.

#40 Hound of God

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Posted 30 August 2014 - 02:40 PM

I loved this season much more than the second.


My only real complaint with the finale is that Ming-Hua's and Ghazan's defeats/deaths were pretty anticlimatic after building them up so much.


Why does Ghazan act like he's taking Bolin and Mako down with him when they just easily walk out? Why doesn't he do the same?

Why would an experienced water bender go into such an environment when firebenders can use lightning?


I feel they made the fights look way too easy given their supposed skill levels.


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