Looks really... Empty, especially compared to X. Just plains everywhere. And a highway, with a single car on it full of beleibers.
Occasionally it passes a cool looking monster, probably just the drugs they are clearly on. Occasionally they get bored of driving on a straight never ending highway with nothing on it and get out and wander around in empty feilds with nothing to look at, where they are attacked by hordes of cool looking imps or something... Also probably just the drugs. They are just in the feilds by themselves spasming on the ground.
It basically looks like the previous gow clone disappeared for a year or two, kicked nomura to the curb to go bother kh, and attempted to staple ideas from X all over itself as a fix.
It kinda works, except for the fact throughout 95% of the environments there is nothing you see anywhere that makes you go, 'ooh, lets go explore that'.
Yeah, watching it again it definately looks like theyve been duct taping random peices of xenoblade onto an otherwise completely empty coutryside.